Updated 2018-01-18 00:58:56 by kpv

Since October 2010, Tcl 8.6 has had IPv6 socket support built in.

Ceptcl provides IPv6 among other protocols. Windows users might be interested in iocpsock.

Jim Tcl has had IPv6 and UDP support since Oct 2010.

tcllib_ip has (incomplete) support for parsing and manipulating IPv6 addresses.

Old (ca 2010, ~8.0, 8.3) Unix implementations might be able to use this patch: http://www.unnumbered.net/~umeno/etc/tclIPv6patch.htmkkl


This [1] thread hints at a couple of the challenges in getting Tcl's high-level socket programming interface right.

Stu 2009-06-17 I noticed that Ceptcl wasn't mentioned in that thread, I wonder why. I'd post this to the thread itself but my 'net conn's sporadic lately.

Che2n 2018-1-17 Hello, I'm a network engineer and at my spare time i'm working on network discovery/visualisation/monitoring application in Tcl/TK. At some point I had need for parsing and calculating IPv6 addresses, but I haven't found any sufficient extension, so I wrote a package for ipv6 parsing and manipulation based on tcllib_ip package. I haven't tested it throughout nor used in production. It would be great if someone with more experience test it. Any advice or suggestions will be appreciated.

Here is the link to files https://github.com/ch32n/TclIPv6

Commands and examples https://github.com/ch32n/TclIPv6/wiki


ipv6::isIpv6 IpAddr

ipv6::normalize IpAddr

ipv6::suppress IpAddr

ipv6::compress IpAddr

ipv6::mask IpAddr

ipv6::equal IpAddr1 IpAddr2

ipv6::prefix IpAddr

ipv6::nextIP IpAddr ?Offset?

ipv6::nextNet IPPrefix ?Offset?

ipv6::isOverlap IPPrefix1 IPPrefix2

ipv6::reduceToAggregates PrefixList

ipv6::collapse PrefixList

ipv6::subtract PosPrefixList NegPrefixList

ipv6::expandSubnet IPPrefix NewMask ?Offset?

ipv6::ipv6ToEthMulticast IpAddrList

There are commands which start with uppercase letter (ipv6::Prefix ipv6::NextIP ipv6::NextNet ipv6::ReduceToAggregates ipv6::Collapse ipv6::Subtract ipv6::ExpandSubnet), they return ipv6 addresses in fully expanded format.


package require ipv6

Check if given string is IPv6 address
% ipv6::isIpv6 ::
% ipv6::isIpv6 ::g
% ipv6::isIpv6 2001::2001::
% ipv6::isIpv6 2001::1/64

Normalize(return in fully expanded format) IPv6 address
% ipv6::normalize ::
% ipv6::normalize 2001:0:1:2::1

Suppress leading zeros in IPv6 address
% ipv6::suppress 0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000
% ipv6::suppress 2001:0001:0020:0300::0001

Suppress leading zeros and replace contiguous nibbles which contains zeros to double colon
% ipv6::compress  0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000
% ipv6::compress  2002:00:000:2001:00:0000:0:1

Get mask(prefix length) from the prefix
% ipv6::mask 2001::1
% ipv6::mask 2001::1/64

Check if IPv6 addresses are equal
% ipv6::equal 2001::1 2001::1
% ipv6::equal 2001:2001:2002::1/32 2001:2001:2004::5/32
% ipv6::equal 2001:2001:2002::1/64 2001:2001:2004::5/64

Get IPv6 network from prefix
% ipv6::prefix 2002:2001:abcd::1/32
% ipv6::Prefix 2002:2001:abcd::1/32

Calculate next IPv6 address
% ipv6::nextIP ::1
% ipv6::NextIP ::1
% ipv6::nextIP ::1 9

Check if IPv6 networks overlap. Second prefix is checked against the firs one
% ipv6::isOverlap 2001:2002:2004::/32 2001:2002:2003:2004::/48
% ipv6::isOverlap 2001:2002:2004::/48 2001:2002:2003:2004::/48
% ipv6::isOverlap 2001:2002:2003:2004::/48 2001:2002:2004::/32

Check if prefixes overlap and return prefixes with the lowest prefix length
% ipv6::reduceToAggregates {2002:2222::/32 2002::/16 5000::/4 4000::/2}
2002::/16 4000::/2
% ipv6::ReduceToAggregates {2002:2222::/32 2002::/16 5000::/4 4000::/2}
2002:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000/16 4000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000/2

Summarize IPv6 contiguous subnets
% ipv6::collapse {2002:2002::/31 2002:2001::/32 2002:2000::/32 2002:2004::/32 2002:2005::/32}
2002:2000::/30 2002:2004::/31
% ipv6::Collapse {2002:2000::/32 2002:2001::/32}

Subtract IPv6 prefix from another one
% ipv6::subtract 2002:2000::/30 2002:2000::/32
2002:2002::/31 2002:2001::/32
% ipv6::subtract 2002:2000::/30 {2002:2000::/32 2002:2001::/32}
% ipv6::subtract {2002:2000::/30 2003:2000::/30} {2002:2000::/32 2002:2001::/322003:2000::/31}
2003:2002::/31 2002:2002::/31
% ipv6::Subtract 2002:2000::/30 2002:2000::/32
2002:2002:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000/31 2002:2001:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000/32

Calculate new IPv6 subnets
% ipv6::expandSubnet 2001:2:a::/48 64 2
2001:2:A::/64 2001:2:A:1::/64
% ipv6::expandSubnet 2001::/30 32
2001::/32 2001:1::/32 2001:2::/32 2001:3::/32
% ipv6::ExpandSubnet 2001:2:a::/48 64 2
2001:0002:000A:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000/64 2001:0002:000A:0001:0000:0000:0000:0000/64

Map IPv6 multicast address to ethernet hardware address
% ipv6::ipv6ToEthMulticast {ff01::1 ff05::abcd:1234}
333300000001 3333abcd1234

 Code of the extension

package provide ipv6 1.0

namespace eval ipv6 {
        namespace export isIpv6 normalize suppress compress mask equal prefix Prefix nextIP NextIP nextNet NextNet isOverlap reduceToAggregates ReduceToAggregates collapse Collapse subtract Subtract expandSubnet ExpandSubnet ipv6ToEthMulticast
        variable NBBL_CHAR_LENGTH 4
        variable HEX_BIT_LENGTH 4
        variable PREFIX_LENGTH_MIN 0
        variable PREFIX_LENGTH_MAX 128
        variable IP_ADDR_CHAR_LENGTH 32
        variable IP_ADDR_NBBL_LENGTH 8
        variable IP_ADDR_BIT_LENGTH 128
        variable IPV6_MULTICAST_PREFIX FF00::
        variable EHT_IPV6_MUL_FIRST_4_HEX_CHAR 3333
        variable OUR_NAMESPACE [namespace current]

        proc GetMask {Mask} {
                variable IP_ADDR_BIT_LENGTH
                if {$Mask eq {}} {
                        return 0
                } else {
                        return [expr {$IP_ADDR_BIT_LENGTH - $Mask}]

        #add to hex string
        proc AddToHex {Hex Offset} {
                set IPv6Dec [expr {[join "0x $Hex" {}] + $Offset}]
                if {$IPv6Dec < 0} {
                        return -code error [concat IPv6 address can't be less than 0]
                return $IPv6Dec

        # check syntax of ipv6 addres (length, characters)
        # Input  - ipv6 addres prefix with mask (::/64)
        # Return - list IPv6 addres in hex string and mask (0-128)
        proc IPtoHexAndGetMask {IPPrefix} {
                lassign [SplitIPMask $IPPrefix] IpAddr_tmp Mask
                set Mask [GetMask $Mask]
                try {
                        set IpAddr_tmp [IPtoHexString $IpAddr_tmp]
                } on error {result options} {
                        return -code error $result
                return [list $IpAddr_tmp $Mask]

        #convert decimal value to hex
        proc DecToHex {DecValue} {
                return [format %llx $DecValue]

        # convert hex string to ipv6 address format
        # Input  - Hex string (32 chars)
        # Return - IPv6 addres in expanded format
        proc HexStringToIP {HexString} {
                variable NBBL_CHAR_LENGTH
                variable IP_ADDR_CHAR_LENGTH
                set IpAddr_tmp {}
                for {set i 0} {$i < $IP_ADDR_CHAR_LENGTH} {incr i 4} {
                        set IpAddr_tmp [join [concat $IpAddr_tmp [string range $HexString $i [expr {$i + $NBBL_CHAR_LENGTH - 1}]]] :]
                return [string toupper $IpAddr_tmp]

        #converts decimal value to ipv6 address format
        proc DecToIP {DecValue} {
                #convert decimal value to hex string and fills with zeros if needed
                set IpAddr_tmp [FillZeros [DecToHex $DecValue]]
                return [HexStringToIP $IpAddr_tmp]

        # fill hex string with leading 0s
        # Input  - Hex string (chars 0-32)
        # Return - IPv6 hex string (32 chars) 
        proc FillZeros {HexString} {
                variable IP_ADDR_CHAR_LENGTH
                set HexString_tmp $HexString
                if {[string length $HexString] < $IP_ADDR_CHAR_LENGTH} {
                        set CharDiff [expr {$IP_ADDR_CHAR_LENGTH - [string length $HexString]}]
                        set HexString_tmp [join [concat [string repeat 0 $CharDiff] $HexString] {}]
                return $HexString_tmp

        proc NormTo4BitBound {IPHexString {Mask 0}} {
                variable HEX_BIT_LENGTH
                set Mod [expr {$Mask % $HEX_BIT_LENGTH}]
                set Dec [expr {[join "0x $IPHexString" {}] << $Mod}]
                return [DecToHex $Dec]

        proc ShiftBitsRight {IPHexString {Mask 0}} {
                set Dec [expr {[join "0x $IPHexString" {}] >> $Mask}]
                return $Dec

        proc ShiftBitsLeft {IPHexString {Mask 0}} {
                set Dec [expr {[join "0x $IPHexString" {}] << $Mask}]
                return $Dec
        # Check input prefixes and expand if needed
        # Input  - List of ipv6 prefixes with or without prefix length (aa::a/64 bb:: :: ...)
        # Return - List of expanded ipv6 prefixes with mask
        proc CheckAndNormilize {PrefixList} {
                try {
                        foreach Prefix $PrefixList {
                                lappend Tmp [Prefix $Prefix]/[mask $Prefix]
                        return $Tmp
                } on error {result options} {
                        return -code error $result

        #Remove item from list
        proc Lpop {List Item} {
                set ItemId [lsearch $List $Item]
                return [lreplace $List $ItemId $ItemId]

        # Compare prefix length of prefixes, used in lsort -command
        # Input  - ipv6 prefixes with or without prefix length (aa::a/64 bb:: :: ...)
        # Return - compare result
        proc SortLargeToSmallMask {Prefix1 Prefix2} {
                return [expr {([string compare [mask $Prefix1] [mask $Prefix2]])}]

        # converts ipv6 hex string to network portion hex string
        # Input  - ipv6 hex string (32 chars), network prefix length
        # Return - network portion hex string
        proc HexStringToNetBits {IPHexString {Mask 0}} {
                set IpAddr_tmp [ShiftBitsRight $IPHexString $Mask]
                return [DecToHex $IpAddr_tmp]

        # IPHexString - ipv6 hex string without colons
        # Mask   - prefix length (0 - 128)
        # Return - ipv6 network string without colons
        proc PrefixToNet {IPHexString {Mask 0}} {
                set IpAddr_tmp [DecToHex [ShiftBitsRight $IPHexString $Mask]]
                return [DecToHex [ShiftBitsLeft $IpAddr_tmp $Mask]]

        proc WithMask {IpAddr {Mask {}}} {
                set IpAddr_tmp $IpAddr
                if {$Mask ne ""} {
                        set IpAddr_tmp [join [list $IpAddr $Mask] /]
                return $IpAddr_tmp

        # Return - ipv6 address string without colons
        # IpAddr - ipv6 address
        proc IPtoHexString {IpAddr} {
                return [join [split $IpAddr :] {}]

        # Check prefix length range
        # IPPrefix - ipv6 address and mask(if specified) (::/64)
        # Return - ipv6 address and prefix length (0-128)
        proc SplitIPMask {IPPrefix} {
                return [split $IPPrefix /]
        proc CheckMask {IPPrefix} {
                variable PREFIX_LENGTH_MIN
                variable PREFIX_LENGTH_MAX
                set IpAddr_tmp [split $IPPrefix /]
                if {[llength $IpAddr_tmp] == 2} {
                        set Mask [lindex $IpAddr_tmp 1]
                        #check mask
                        if [string is int $Mask] {
                                #check mask range 
                                if {$Mask >= $PREFIX_LENGTH_MIN && $Mask <= $PREFIX_LENGTH_MAX} {
                                        return 0
                        return -code error [list Invalid Prefix Length]
                return 0

        # Return - list of ipv6 address string before and after double colon
        # IpAddr - ipv6 address
        proc SplitIPColon {IpAddr} {
                #match double colon in ipv6 address
                regexp {(.*)::(.*)} $IpAddr -> Prefix Sufix
                if {$Prefix eq ""}  {set Prefix 0}
                if {$Sufix  eq ""}  {set Sufix 0}
                return [list $Prefix $Sufix]

        # Return - number of double colons in ipv6 address
        # IpAddr - ipv6 address
        proc CheckDoubleColon {IpAddr} {
                return [llength [regexp -inline -all {::} $IpAddr]]

        # check syntax of ipv6 addres (char length)
        # IpAddr - ipv6 address
        # DoubleColon - is double colon in ipv6 address 
        # Return - 0 Valid or 1 Invalid
        proc CheckLength {IpAddr DoubleColon} {
                variable IP_ADDR_NBBL_LENGTH
                set ErrorStatus 0
                set Addr       [split $IpAddr :]
                set AddrLength [llength $Addr]
                #check ip nibble sum
                if {!$ErrorStatus && $AddrLength > $IP_ADDR_NBBL_LENGTH} {
                        set ErrorStatus 1
                #check if ip address nibble sum < 8 and it does not have double colon
                if {!$ErrorStatus && $AddrLength != $IP_ADDR_NBBL_LENGTH && $DoubleColon != 1} {
                        set ErrorStatus 1
                #check ip address nibble length (should not be more than 4)
                if {!$ErrorStatus} {
                        foreach Nibble $Addr {
                                set NibbleCharLength [string length $Nibble]
                                if {$NibbleCharLength > 4} {
                                        set ErrorStatus 1
                return $ErrorStatus

        # Check ipv6 address syntax
        # IpAddr - ipv6 address with or without mask
        # Return - 1 Valid or error
        proc  IsIpv6 {IpAddr} {
                set ErrorStatus 0
                set DoubleColon 0
                set Result 1
                #check mask if specified
                CheckMask $IpAddr
                lassign [SplitIPMask $IpAddr] Addr Mask
                #check if ipaddress starts or ends with one colon
                if {!$ErrorStatus && [regexp {(^:[^:]|[^:]:$)} $Addr]} {
                        set ErrorStatus 1
                        set Result      "Unbalanced colon $Addr"
                #match every char in ipv6 except legits (a-f A-F : digit)
                if {!$ErrorStatus && [regexp -nocase {[^\da-f:]} $Addr]} {
                        set ErrorStatus 1
                        set Result      "Illegal syntax $Addr"
                #check if ip address contains less than 2 double colons
                if {!$ErrorStatus} {
                        set DoubleColon [CheckDoubleColon $Addr]
                        switch -- $DoubleColon {
                                0 {}
                                1 {set Addr [join [SplitIPColon $Addr] :]}
                                default {
                                        set ErrorStatus 1
                                        set Result "Unbalanced colon $Addr"
                #check ipv6 address length
                if {!$ErrorStatus} {
                        set ErrorStatus [CheckLength $Addr $DoubleColon]
                        if $ErrorStatus {
                                set Result "Invalid length $Addr"
                return -code $ErrorStatus $Result
        proc CheckAndPrepareIP {ipAddrListVar} {
                variable OUR_NAMESPACE
                set IpAddr_tmp {}
                upvar $ipAddrListVar IpAddrList_tmp
                set CallerNameSpace [uplevel 2 {namespace current}]
                if {$CallerNameSpace ne $OUR_NAMESPACE} {
                        try {
                                foreach IpAddr $IpAddrList_tmp {
                                        if [IsIpv6 $IpAddr] {
                                                lappend IpAddr_tmp [Normalize $IpAddr]
                                set IpAddrList_tmp $IpAddr_tmp
                        } on error {result options} {
                                return -code error $result
        # Check ipv6 address syntax
        # IpAddr - ipv6 address with or without mask
        # Return - 1 Valid or 0 Invalid
        proc  isIpv6 {IpAddr} {
                if [catch {IsIpv6 $IpAddr}] {
                        return 0
                return 1
        # expand ipv6 address syntax without leading zeros (aa:: -> AA:0:0:0:0:0:0:0)
        # IpAddr - ipv6 address without mask
        # Return - full ipv6 address
        proc Expand {IpAddr} {
                variable IP_ADDR_NBBL_LENGTH 
                set IpAddr_tmp $IpAddr
                #check if address has double colon
                set DoubleColon [CheckDoubleColon $IpAddr]
                #expand ip address
                if {$DoubleColon == 1} {
                        lassign [SplitIPColon $IpAddr] Prefix Sufix
                        #calculate how many nibbles are suppressed
                        set NibbleLength(Prefix)  [llength [split $Prefix  :]]
                        set NibbleLength(Sufix) [llength [split $Sufix :]]
                        set NibbleSum  [expr {$NibbleLength(Prefix) + $NibbleLength(Sufix)}]
                        set NibbleDiff [expr {$IP_ADDR_NBBL_LENGTH  - $NibbleSum}]
                        #append suppressed nibbles with 0-s
                        set IpAddr_tmp [join [list $Prefix {*}[lrepeat $NibbleDiff 0] $Sufix] :]
                return [string toupper $IpAddr_tmp]
        # Expand ipv6 address to it's full syntax  (aa:: -> 00AA:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000)
        # IpAddr - ipv6 address with or without mask
        #Return - full ipv6 address with leading 0
        proc Normalize {IpAddr} {
                variable NBBL_CHAR_LENGTH
                lassign [SplitIPMask $IpAddr] Addr Mask
                set IpAddrExp [Expand $Addr]
                set IpAddr_tmp {}
                foreach Nibble [split $IpAddrExp :] {
                        set NibbleCharLength [string length $Nibble]
                        #append nibble leading zeros
                        set Nibble [join [concat [string repeat 0 [expr {$NBBL_CHAR_LENGTH - $NibbleCharLength}]] $Nibble] {}]
                        set IpAddr_tmp [join [concat $IpAddr_tmp $Nibble] :]
                return [WithMask $IpAddr_tmp $Mask]

        proc normalize {IpAddr} {
                CheckAndPrepareIP IpAddr
                return $IpAddr
        # Remove leading zeros (00AA:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000 -> AA:0:0:0:0:0:0:0)
        # IpAddr - ipv6 address with or without mask
        # Return - suppressed ipv6 address
        proc suppress {IpAddr} {
                variable IP_ADDR_NBBL_LENGTH
                variable NBBL_CHAR_LENGTH
                CheckAndPrepareIP IpAddr
                lassign [SplitIPMask $IpAddr] Addr Mask
                set IpAddr_tmp {}
                foreach Nibble [split $Addr :] {
                        if {$Nibble ne "0000"} {
                                set Nibble [string trimleft $Nibble 0]
                        } else {
                                set Nibble 0
                        set IpAddr_tmp [join [concat $IpAddr_tmp $Nibble] :]
                return [WithMask $IpAddr_tmp $Mask]

        # Remove contiguous  zeros and add double colon if posible (0AA0:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000/64 -> AA0::/64)
        # IpAddr - ipv6 address with or without mask
        # Return - compressed ipv6 address
        proc compress {IpAddr} {
                CheckAndPrepareIP IpAddr
                lassign [SplitIPMask $IpAddr] Addr Mask
                set IpSupAddr  [suppress $Addr]
                set SplitIP    [split $IpSupAddr :]
                set IpAddr_tmp $IpSupAddr
                set StartZeroIndx 0
                set NibblePosition 0
                set NewSeq 1
                foreach Nibble $SplitIP {
                        if {$Nibble eq "0" && $NewSeq == 1} {
                                incr ZeroLength($NibblePosition)
                                set  StartZeroIndx $NibblePosition
                                set  NewSeq 0
                        } elseif {$Nibble eq "0" && $NewSeq == 0} {
                                incr ZeroLength($StartZeroIndx)
                        } else {
                                set NewSeq 1
                        incr NibblePosition
                if [info exists ZeroLength] {
                        if {[llength [array names ZeroLength]] > 1} {
                                foreach Indx [lsort [array names ZeroLength]] {
                                        if ![info exists LargestIndx] {
                                                set LargestIndx $Indx
                                        } else {
                                                set OldValue $ZeroLength($LargestIndx)
                                                set NewValue $ZeroLength($Indx)
                                                if {$NewValue > $OldValue} {
                                                        set LargestIndx $Indx
                        } else {
                                set LargestIndx [array names ZeroLength]
                        set Prefix [join [concat [lrange $SplitIP 0 [expr {$LargestIndx - 1}]]] :]
                        set Sufix  [join [concat [lrange $SplitIP [expr {$LargestIndx + $ZeroLength($LargestIndx)}] end]] :]
                        set IpAddr_tmp [join [list $Prefix $Sufix] ::]
                return [WithMask $IpAddr_tmp $Mask]        

        # Return prefix length from provided IPv6 address 
        proc mask {IpAddr} {
                CheckAndPrepareIP IpAddr
                lassign [SplitIPMask $IpAddr] IpAddr_tmp Mask
                if {$Mask eq ""} {set Mask 128}
                return $Mask

        # Compares IPv6 prefixes to each other
        # IpAddr1 - ipv6 address with or without mask
        # IpAddr2 - ipv6 address with or without mask
        # Return  - 1 if equal else 0
        proc equal {IpAddr1 IpAddr2} {
                CheckAndPrepareIP IpAddr1
                CheckAndPrepareIP IpAddr2
                try {
                        lassign [IPtoHexAndGetMask $IpAddr1] IpAddr_tmp(ip1) IpAddr_tmp(mask1)
                        lassign [IPtoHexAndGetMask $IpAddr2] IpAddr_tmp(ip2) IpAddr_tmp(mask2)
                } on error {result options} {
                        return -code error $result
                set IpAddr_tmp(ip1) [PrefixToNet $IpAddr_tmp(ip1) $IpAddr_tmp(mask1)]
                set IpAddr_tmp(ip2) [PrefixToNet $IpAddr_tmp(ip2) $IpAddr_tmp(mask2)]
                if {$IpAddr_tmp(ip1) eq $IpAddr_tmp(ip2)} {
                        return 1
                } else {
                        return 0

        proc Prefix {IpAddr} {
                CheckAndPrepareIP IpAddr
                try {
                        lassign [IPtoHexAndGetMask $IpAddr] IpAddr_tmp Mask
                        set IpAddr_tmp [HexStringToIP [FillZeros [PrefixToNet $IpAddr_tmp $Mask]]]
                } on error {result options} {
                        return -code error $result
                return $IpAddr_tmp

        proc prefix {IpAddr} {
                CheckAndPrepareIP IpAddr
                try {
                        set Prefix [compress [Prefix $IpAddr]]
                } on error {result options} {
                        return -code error $result
                return $Prefix

        # Calculate new ipv6 addres by given ipv6 address and offset
        # IpAddr - ipv6 address without mask
        # Offset - Integer to add to provided ipv6 address (can be negative number)
        # Return  - IPv6 address in expanded format
        proc NextIP {IpAddr {Offset 1}} {
                CheckAndPrepareIP IpAddr
                lassign [SplitIPMask $IpAddr] Addr Mask
                if ![string is int $Offset] {return -code error [concat Error Offset should be integer]}
                try {
                        #convert ipv6 addres to hex string
                        set IpAddr_tmp [IPtoHexString $Addr]
                        #add offset to ip address
                        set IpAddr_tmp [AddToHex $IpAddr_tmp $Offset]
                        #convert decimal value to ipv6 syntax
                        return [DecToIP $IpAddr_tmp]
                } on error {result options} {
                        return -code error $result

        # Calculate new ipv6 addres by given ipv6 address and offset
        # IpAddr - ipv6 address without mask
        # Offset - Integer to add to provided ipv6 address (can be negative number)
        # Return  - IPv6 address in compact format
        proc nextIP {IpAddr {Offset 1}} {
                CheckAndPrepareIP IpAddr
                try {
                        set IpAddr_tmp [compress [NextIP $IpAddr $Offset]]
                } on error {result options} {
                        return -code error $result
                return $IpAddr_tmp        

        # Calculate new ipv6 prefix by given ipv6 address mask(optional) and offset
        # IPPrefix - ipv6 address with or without mask
        # Offset   - Integer to add to provided ipv6 address (can be negative number)
        # Return   - IPv6 address in expanded format without mask
        proc NextNet {IPPrefix {Offset 1}} {
                CheckAndPrepareIP IPPrefix
                try {
                        lassign [IPtoHexAndGetMask $IPPrefix] IpAddr_tmp mask
                        set IpAddr_tmp [HexStringToNetBits $IpAddr_tmp $mask]
                        #add offset to ip address
                        set IpAddr_tmp [DecToHex [AddToHex $IpAddr_tmp $Offset]]
                        #convert decimal value to ip syntax
                        set IpAddr_tmp [DecToIP [ShiftBitsLeft $IpAddr_tmp $mask]]
                        return $IpAddr_tmp
                } on error {result options} {
                        return -code error $result

        # Calculate new ipv6 prefix by given ipv6 address mask(optional) and offset
        # IPPrefix - ipv6 address with or without mask
        # Offset   - Integer to add to provided ipv6 address (can be negative number)
        # Return   - IPv6 address in compact format without mask
        proc nextNet {IPPrefix {Offset 1}} {
                CheckAndPrepareIP IPPrefix
                try {
                        set IpAddr_tmp [compress [NextNet $IPPrefix $Offset]]
                } on error {result options} {
                        return -code error $result
                return $IpAddr_tmp        

        # Checks if second prefix overlaps with the first one
        # IPPrefix1 - ipv6 address with or without mask
        # IPPrefix2 - ipv6 address with or without mask
        # Return    - 1 if second prefix overlaps with first, 0 if not
        proc isOverlap {IPPrefix1 IPPrefix2} {
                CheckAndPrepareIP IPPrefix1
                CheckAndPrepareIP IPPrefix2
                try {
                        lassign [IPtoHexAndGetMask $IPPrefix1] IpAddr_tmp(ip1) IpAddr_tmp(mask1)
                        lassign [IPtoHexAndGetMask $IPPrefix2] IpAddr_tmp(ip2) IpAddr_tmp(mask2)
                        if {$IpAddr_tmp(mask1) < $IpAddr_tmp(mask2)} {
                                return 0
                        set IpAddr_tmp(ip1) [NormTo4BitBound [HexStringToNetBits $IpAddr_tmp(ip1) $IpAddr_tmp(mask1)] $IpAddr_tmp(mask1)]
                        set IpAddr_tmp(ip2) [NormTo4BitBound [HexStringToNetBits $IpAddr_tmp(ip2) $IpAddr_tmp(mask1)] $IpAddr_tmp(mask1)]
                        return [expr {$IpAddr_tmp(ip1) eq $IpAddr_tmp(ip2) ? 1:0}]
                } on error {result options} {
                        return -code error $result

        # Given list of ipv6 prefixes this commands checks if addresses overlap and returns addresses with lower prefix length
        # PrefixList - list of ipv6 prefixes with or without mask
        # Return     - list of ipv6 aggregate addreses
        proc ReduceToAggregates {PrefixList} {
                CheckAndPrepareIP PrefixList
                set ListSize [llength $PrefixList]
                if !$ListSize {return}
                set BREAK            0
                set AggRes           {}
                array set Skip       {}
                array set Matched    {}
                array set Unmatched  {}
                set StartIndx        1
                set MatchedItemIndex NULL
                set SkipItemIndex    NULL
                for {set ListItemIndex 0} {$ListItemIndex < $ListSize} {incr ListItemIndex} {
                        if [info exists Skip($ListItemIndex)] {continue}
                        set Item1 [lindex $PrefixList $ListItemIndex]
                        set MatchedItemIndex NULL
                        for {set CompItemIndx $StartIndx} {$CompItemIndx < $ListSize} {incr CompItemIndx} {
                                set SkipItemIndex    NULL
                                set BREAK 0
                                set Item2 [lindex $PrefixList $CompItemIndx]
                                if [isOverlap $Item1 $Item2] {
                                        set MatchedItemIndex $ListItemIndex
                                        set SkipItemIndex    $CompItemIndx
                                } elseif [isOverlap $Item2 $Item1] {
                                        set MatchedItemIndex $CompItemIndx
                                        set SkipItemIndex    $ListItemIndex
                                        set BREAK            1
                                if {$SkipItemIndex ne "NULL"    && ![info exists Skip($SkipItemIndex)]} {
                                        set Skip($SkipItemIndex) 1
                                if $BREAK {break}
                        if {$MatchedItemIndex ne "NULL" && ![info exists Matched($MatchedItemIndex)]} {
                                set Item [lindex $PrefixList $MatchedItemIndex]
                                lappend AggRes [list [Prefix $Item]/[mask $Item]]
                                set Matched($MatchedItemIndex) 1                                
                        if {![info exists Matched($ListItemIndex)] && ![info exists Skip($SkipItemIndex)]} {
                                set Unmatched($ListItemIndex) 1
                        incr StartIndx
                foreach ListItemIndex [array names Unmatched] {
                        set Item [lindex $PrefixList $ListItemIndex]
                        lappend AggRes [list [Prefix $Item]/[mask $Item]]
                return $AggRes

        # same as ReduceToAggregates but returns ipv6 prefixes in compact format
        proc reduceToAggregates {PrefixList} {
                CheckAndPrepareIP PrefixList 
                foreach Prefix [ReduceToAggregates $PrefixList] {
                        lappend PrefixList_tmp [compress $Prefix]
                return $PrefixList_tmp

        # Given list of ipv6 prefixes this command if possible summarizes contiguous IPv6 prefixes to an aggregate network.
        # PrefixList - list of ipv6 prefixes with or without mask
        # Return     - aggregated ipv6 prefix list 
        proc Collapse {PrefixList} {
                CheckAndPrepareIP PrefixList
                set PrefixList [CheckAndNormilize $PrefixList]
                set CAN_NORMILIZE_MORE 1
                set NO_ITEM ""
                while {$CAN_NORMILIZE_MORE} {
                        set Ret {}
                        set PrefixList [lsort -incr $PrefixList]
                        set CAN_NORMILIZE_MORE 0
                        for {set idx 0} {$idx < [llength $PrefixList]} {incr idx} {
                                set nextidx [expr {$idx + 1}]

                                set item     [lindex $PrefixList $idx]
                                set nextitem [lindex $PrefixList $nextidx]

                                if {$nextitem eq $NO_ITEM} {
                                        lappend Ret $item
                                set itemmask     [mask $item]
                                set nextitemmask [mask $nextitem]
                                if {$itemmask ne $nextitemmask} {
                                        lappend Ret $item

                                set adjacentitem [NextNet $item]

                                if {[Prefix $nextitem] ne $adjacentitem} {
                                        lappend Ret $item

                                set upmask [expr {$itemmask - 1}]
                                set upitem [join [list [Prefix $item] $upmask] /]

                                # Maybe just checking the llength of the result is enough ?
                                if {[ReduceToAggregates [list $item $nextitem $upitem]] != [list $upitem]} {
                                        lappend Ret $item

                                set CAN_NORMILIZE_MORE 1

                                incr idx
                                lappend Ret $upitem

                        set PrefixList $Ret
                return $PrefixList

        # Same as Collapse but returns ipv6 prefixes in compact format 
        proc collapse {PrefixList} {
                CheckAndPrepareIP PrefixList
                foreach Prefix [Collapse $PrefixList] {
                        lappend PrefixList_tmp [compress $Prefix]
                return $PrefixList_tmp

        # Given lists of ipv6 prefixes this command subtracts second list of prefixs from the first one and returns new list of ipv6 prefixes
        # PosPrefixList - list of ipv6 prefixes from which subtraction should be done
        # NegPrefixList - list of ipv6 prefixes which should be subtracted
        # Return        - list of calculated ipv6 prefixes
        proc Subtract {PosPrefixList NegPrefixList} {
                CheckAndPrepareIP PosPrefixList
                CheckAndPrepareIP NegPrefixList
                set PosPrefixList [CheckAndNormilize $PosPrefixList]
                set PosPrefixList [lsort -command SortLargeToSmallMask [ReduceToAggregates $PosPrefixList]]
                if {$NegPrefixList eq ""} {return $PosPrefixList}
                #Reduce to aggregate negative prefixes and sort from largest to smallest
                set NegPrefixList [CheckAndNormilize $NegPrefixList]
                set NegPrefixList [lsort -command SortLargeToSmallMask [ReduceToAggregates $NegPrefixList]]
                #Check if we have negative prefixes
                        foreach NegPrefix $NegPrefixList {
                        #Get negative prefix mask
                        set NegPrefMask [mask $NegPrefix]
                        foreach PosPrefix $PosPrefixList {
                                #Check if negative subnet is overlaping with positive
                                if [isOverlap $PosPrefix $NegPrefix] {
                                        #Check if negative prefix is already in positive prefix list
                                        if {$NegPrefix in $PosPrefix} {
                                                set PosPrefixList [Lpop $PosPrefixList $NegPrefix]
                                        } else {
                                                set PosPrefixList [concat [Lpop $PosPrefixList $PosPrefix] [RecSubtract $PosPrefix [mask $PosPrefix] $NegPrefix $NegPrefMask]]
                return $PosPrefixList

        proc RecSubtract {PosPrefixList PosMask NegPrefix NegPrefMask} {
                set Mask [expr {$PosMask + 1}]
                set PosPrefixExpanded [ExpandSubnet $PosPrefixList $Mask]
                foreach PosPrefix $PosPrefixExpanded {
                        #Check if negative subnet is overlaping with positive
                        if [isOverlap $PosPrefix $NegPrefix] {
                                set NextPosPrefix $PosPrefix
                                set PosPrefixList [Lpop $PosPrefixExpanded $NextPosPrefix]
                if {$Mask != $NegPrefMask} {
                        append PosPrefixList " [RecSubtract $NextPosPrefix $Mask $NegPrefix $NegPrefMask]"
                return "$PosPrefixList "

        # Same as Subtract but returns ipv6 prefixes in compact format 
        proc subtract {PosPrefixList NegPrefixList} {
                CheckAndPrepareIP PosPrefixList
                CheckAndPrepareIP NegPrefixList
                set PrefixList_tmp {}
                foreach Prefix [Subtract $PosPrefixList $NegPrefixList] {
                        lappend PrefixList_tmp [compress $Prefix]
                return $PrefixList_tmp

        # Calculate new subnets by providing IPv6 prefix, desired new prefix length and offset
        # IPPrefix - ipv6 address with or without mask
        # NewMask  - prefix length of desired new subnetworks
        # Offset   - number of subnetwork which should be returnd (default 0: all subnets)
        # return   - IPv6 prefix list of new subnetworks 
        proc ExpandSubnet {IPPrefix NewMask {Offset 0}} {
                CheckAndPrepareIP IPPrefix
                set OldMask [mask $IPPrefix]
                set Prefix  [Prefix $IPPrefix]
                set NumSubnets [expr {round(pow(2, ($NewMask - $OldMask)))}]
                if {$Offset <= $NumSubnets && $Offset != 0} {
                        set NumSubnets $Offset
                set ret {}
                for {set idx 0} {$idx < $NumSubnets} {incr idx} {
                        lappend ret "${Prefix}/${NewMask}"
                        set Prefix [Prefix [NextNet $Prefix/$NewMask]]
                return $ret

        # Same as ExpandSubnet but returns ipv6 prefixes in compact format 
        proc expandSubnet {IPPrefix NewMask {Offset 0}} {
                CheckAndPrepareIP IPPrefix
                set PrefixList_tmp {}
                foreach Prefix [ExpandSubnet $IPPrefix $NewMask $Offset] {
                        lappend PrefixList_tmp [compress $Prefix]
                return $PrefixList_tmp

        # Given list of ipv6 addreses calculates mapping to ethernet multicast mac address
        # IpAddrList - list of ipv6 addresses
        # return     - list of ethernet addresses mapped to ipv6 multicast address last 32 bits
        proc ipv6ToEthMulticast {IpAddrList} {
                variable IPV6_MULTICAST_PREFIX
                variable EHT_IPV6_MUL_FIRST_4_HEX_CHAR
                CheckAndPrepareIP IpAddrList
                set EthMulAddrList {}
                try {
                        foreach IPv6Addr $IpAddrList {
                                if {[prefix $IPv6Addr/8] eq $IPV6_MULTICAST_PREFIX} {
                                        lassign [IPtoHexAndGetMask $IPv6Addr] IpAddr_tmp Mask
                                        set IPv6AddrLast8HexChar [string range $IpAddr_tmp end-7 end]
                                        lappend EthMulAddrList [string tolower [join [concat $EHT_IPV6_MUL_FIRST_4_HEX_CHAR $IPv6AddrLast8HexChar] {}]]
                        return $EthMulAddrList
                } on error {result options} {
                        return -code error $result

KPV There's a stackoverlow page which has regex to validate IPV6 addresses. It's quite horrendous.