package ifneeded formkit 0.1 [list source [file join $dir formkit.tcl]]end of pkgIndex.tclformkit.tcl
package provide formkit 0.1 #Boretos, 2002 namespace eval formkit { namespace export * } proc formkit::lock {db view} { #####This HTTP_REFERER stuff really should become a proc of its own#### if {$::env(HTTP_REFERER) != "[eval join {http://$::env(HTTP_HOST)$::page(url)}]"}end of formkit.tcldemo.tcl{ ####Form is refered, so lock record#### mk::row append locked.records db $db view $view position [Doc_Cookie position] } else { ####Form is self-posted, data has been written, so unlock record##### catch {mk::row delete locked.records![mk::select locked.records db $db view $view position [Doc_Cookie position]]} } } proc formkit::init {db view next_page} { if {$::env(HTTP_REFERER) == "[eval join {http://$::env(HTTP_HOST)$::page(url)}]"}
{ if {[lindex $::page(query) 1] == ""} { #####Means a new record, so set a table position cookie #### Doc_SetCookie -name position -value [mk::view size $db.$view] #####Write this record into the locked.records table##### #####It will have to be unlocked in the form_done proc ::formkit::lock $db $view #####mk::row append locked.records db $db view $view position [mk::view size $db.$view] ##### and write the position, thus incrementing the actual table sizefor the next access##### mk::row append $db.$view position [mk::view size $db.$view] #####Redirect to the next page##### Doc_Redirect $next_page } else { #####Check to see if desired record exists##### #####This relies on the record position being first in the query data##### if {[expr {[lindex $::page(query) 1] >= [mk::view size $db.$view]}]} { set html "" append html "No Such Record" return $html } else { #####Check to see if desired record is locked, if not lock it##### if {[mk::select locked.records db $db view $view position [lindex $::page(query) 1]] == ""} { mk::row append locked.records db $db view $view position [lindex $::page(query) 1] } else { set html "" append html "Record Is Currently Locked, Try Another Record" return $html } #####Set a table position cookie### #####The position cookie relies on having the position as the first element #####in the query data, so design page accordingly### Doc_SetCookie -name position -value [lindex $::page(query) 1] #####Redirect to the next page##### Doc_Redirect $next_page } } } } ####This is used in all subsequent forms/pages excluding the last form proc formkit::page {db view next_page} { if {$::env(HTTP_REFERER) != "[eval join {http://$::env(HTTP_HOST)$::page(url)}]"}
{ ####Form is refered, lock the record and read values from the db.view to be displayed on the form#### ::formkit::lock $db $view eval mk::set $db.$view![Doc_Cookie position] position [Doc_Cookie position] foreach {name value} [mk::get $db.$view![Doc_Cookie position]] { upvar $name $name set $name $value } } else { ####Form is self-posted, so read the page values, write to the db, and redirect##### ####Add for correct display checkbox state and edit (resubmit) the value if necessary#### foreach i [mk::view info $db.$view] { set before($i) "" } eval mk::set $db.$view![Doc_Cookie position] [array get before] foreach {name value} $::page(query) { set $name $value lappend field_values $name $value } eval mk::set $db.$view![Doc_Cookie position] $field_values #####Comment the following if a commit is not desired for every page mk::file commit $db unset field_values unset before #####Unlock current record ::formkit::lock $db $view Doc_Redirect $next_page } } ####This is used in the last form/page proc formkit::done {db view next_page unlock_view} { if {$::env(HTTP_REFERER) != "[eval join {http://$::env(HTTP_HOST)$::page(url)}]"}
{ ####Form is refered, lock the record and read values from the db.view to be displayed on the form#### ::formkit::lock $db $view mk::set $db.$view![Doc_Cookie position] position [Doc_Cookie position] foreach {name value} [mk::get $db.$view![Doc_Cookie position]] { upvar $name $name set $name $value } } else { ####Form is self-posted, so write the page values, unlock record and redirect##### ####Add for correct display of checkbox state and edit (resubmit) the value if necessary#### foreach i [mk::view info $db.$view] { set before($i) "" } eval mk::set $db.$view![Doc_Cookie position] [array get before] foreach {name value} $::page(query) { set $name $value lappend field_values $name $value } eval mk::set $db.$view![Doc_Cookie position] $field_values #####Comment the following if a commit is not desired for every page mk::file commit $db unset field_values unset before #####Unlock current record ::formkit::lock $db $view #####Unlock the "main" view that was locked with formkit_init###### catch {mk::row delete locked.records![mk::select locked.records db $db view $unlock_view position [Doc_Cookie position]]} Doc_Redirect $next_page } } #####Helper procs for check/radio box### proc formkit::checkbox {db view name value} { if {[mk::get $db.$view![Doc_Cookie position] $name] == $value} {return checked} } proc formkit::radio {db view name value} { if {[mk::get $db.$view![Doc_Cookie position] $name] == $value} {return checked} }
package require Mk4tcl #Open an in-memory file to store locked metakit records mk::file open locked mk::view layout locked.records {db view position} #Open and define our datafile mk::file open people people.dat mk::view layout people.names {position first last c1 c2} mk::view layout people.information {position email notes}end of demo.tclSample formsindex.tml
[ Doc_Dynamic ] <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"> <title>Welcome</title> </head> <body> <H3>Enter Record Number to Edit, Or Submit to Add a New Record</H3> <form method="POST" action="zero.tml"> <p><input type="submit" value="Add/Edit a Record" ></p> </form> </form> </body> </html>end of index.tmlzero.tml
[ Doc_Dynamic ] [ ::formkit::init people names first.tml ] <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"> <title>Zero.tml</title> </head> <body> <form method="POST" action="$page(url)"> <p><input type="submit" value="Add/Edit a Record" ><input type="text" name="position" size="3"></p> </form> </form> </body> </html>end of zero.tmlfirst.tml
[ Doc_Dynamic ] [ ::formkit::page people names second.tml ] [ puts $page(query) ] <html> <head> <title>First.tml</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-7"> </head> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000"> <form> <p> <input type="text" name="position" value="[Doc_Cookie position]"></p> <p> <input type="text" name="first" value="$first"> First Name </p> <p> <input type="text" name="last" value="$last"> Last Name</p> <p> <input type="checkbox" name="c1" value="checked"[::formkit::radio people names c1 checked]>OK </p> <input type="radio" name="c2" value="male" [::formkit::checkbox people names c2 male]> male</p> <p> <input type="radio" name="c2" value="female" [::formkit::checkbox people names c2 female]> female</p> <p> <input type="submit" value="Continue"> </p> </form> </body> </html> <method="post" action="$page(url)">end of first.tmlsecond.tml
[ Doc_Dynamic ] [ ::formkit::done people information index.tml names ] <html> <head> <title>Second</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-7"> </head> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000"> <form> <p> <input type="text" name="position" value="[Doc_Cookie position]"></p> <p> <input type="text" name="email" value="$email" >email</p> <p> <p><textarea rows="10" name="notes" cols="20">$notes</textarea>notes</p> <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit"> </p> </form> </body> </html> <method="post" action="$page(url)">end of second.tml
Jeff Smith I am having a spot of bother trying formkit. When I do a package require the first time I get "missing close-brace" but thereafter it gives the version. When I do package require on say "html" it gives the version straight away.
% package require formkit missing close-brace % package require formkit 0.1 % package require html 1.2I was wondering if something was missed when you copied and paste to the wiki?NB I just checked and removed some "garbage" that included a couple of braces. I hope its ok now (it pastes correctly into a shell). BTW, thanks to whoever formatted this page nicely.
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