- http://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl8.2.3/TkCmd/getOpenFile.htm
- http://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl8.5/TkCmd/getOpenFile.htm
tk_getSaveFile ?option value ...?DESCRIPTION edit
The procedure tk_getSaveFile pops up a dialog box for the user to select a file to save. The tk_getSaveFile command is usually associated with the Save as command in the File menu. If the user enters a file that already exists, the dialog box prompts the user for confirmation whether the existing file should be overwritten or not.On Unix, when typing a filename without extension, the first extension belonging to the currently selected filetype will be appended to the filename. On Windows, this is not the case, but one can define a fixed extension with the -defaultextension option. To get the same behaviour as on Unix, use -defaultextension {}.
How to suppress displaying of hidden directories in Linux (starting with a dot ".") was described in tk_getOpenFile.
caspian: I have used tk_getSaveFile on Windows, and know that it works fine with this operating system. Will it work in a TCL script executed in a UNIX environment?It works in a Tk script:
package require Tk set a [tk_getSaveFile] puts $aproduces a dialog box for you to specify a file name, with the behavior as mentioned above. Of course, the dialog itself does not write out the file - it only returns the file name for your script to use.MG - tk_getSaveFile works on all platforms, though it won't be identical on them all. On Windows, it uses the native dialog box. I'm not sure about MacOS [NEM-'tis native on Mac OS X], but I believe Unix uses a pure-Tcl dialog box (which has the advantage that you can edit it).And, for the heck of it, here's a very basic example of how to use tk_getSaveFile to save the contents of a text widget (.t) into a file (although only the first few lines of the saveAs proc really relate to tk_getSaveFile...).
package require Tk # set up the demo frame pack [text .t] -expand 1 -fill both -side top pack [button .b -text "Save As..." -command "saveAs"] -side top proc saveAs {} { set file [tk_getSaveFile -title "Crappy Save Example" -parent .] if { $file == "" } { return; # they clicked cancel } set x [catch {set fid [open $file w+]}] set y [catch {puts $fid [.t get 1.0 end-1c]}] set z [catch {close $fid}] if { $x || $y || $z || ![file exists $file] || ![file isfile $file] || ![file readable $file] } { tk_messageBox -parent . -icon error \ -message "An error occurred while saving to \"$file\"" } else { tk_messageBox -parent . -icon info \ -message "Save successful" } };# saveAs
KPV One OS X oddity, if you specify a path instead of just a file in -initialfile you get a very odd result. Luckily the solution is easy (if you're aware of the problem):
tk_getSaveFile -initialfile /tmp/foo /tmp/:tmp:foo tk_getSaveFile -initialfile [file tail /tmp/foo] -initialdir [file dirname /tmp/foo] /tmp/foo
See also: