text .t1 -height 12 -font {Courier 9} frame .f text .t2 -height 8 -bg bisque -font {Courier 9} button .f.b1 -text Execute -command perl button .f.b2 -text "Clear input" -command ".t1 delete 0.0 end" button .f.b3 -text "Clear output" -command ".t2 delete 0.0 end" pack .f.b1 .f.b2 .f.b3 -side left -padx 2 pack .t1 .f .t2 -side top -pady 2 proc perl {} { catch {exec perl.exe -e [.t1 get 0.0 end]} output .t2 delete 0.0 end .t2 insert end $output }
VK 07-mar-2005 This script does not fit my expectation: I expected to see a widget, but see some kind of script that initially states its state far from perfect.Instead, in my understanding, Perl widget is probably a widget written in Perl. Such an example of pure-perl widget exists at the bottom of Tcl::Tk page, and hopefully more on that will be at [1]
Category GUI