Description edit
Keith Vetter : 2006-08-30 : Since writing Geneva Drive was so much fun, I thought I'd do an animation of a bunch of inter-meshed gears.KPV Got a little frivolous: I took the code from A little bar chart and added a histogram bar chart of the number of revolutions per gear.I also changed the speed code to not only adjust the time between interations but also the increment size. This allows for much faster (but less smooth) animation. It also can result in some cool wagon wheel effects.HJG see also: Geneva Drive and Scotch Yoke
Changes edit
PYK 2012-12-03: removed updateCode edit
##+########################################################################## # # gears.tcl -- Gear animation # by Keith Vetter, August 30, 2006 # # package require Tk if {! [catch {package require tile}]} { namespace import -force ::ttk::button if {[package present tile] ne "0.7.2" || ! $tcl_interactive} { namespace import -force ::ttk::scale ;# buggy for me on reload } } set S(title) "Gear Animation" array set GG { base 19 top 10 height 15 spacing 5 gap 2 dir 1 step 1 animate 0 delay 20 barW .bar.c barTop .bar } set GG(speed) 30 set PI [expr {acos(-1)}] proc DoDisplay {} { global GG wm title . $::S(title) frame .bottom canvas .c -width 500 -height 500 -bd 2 -relief ridge bind .c <Configure> { ReCenter %W %h %w Reset AddGear AddGear } bind all <F2> {console show} pack .bottom -side bottom -fill x -pady 5 -padx 5 pack .c -side top -fill both -expand 1 button .start -text Start -command StartStop button .reverse -text Reverse -command {set GG(dir) [expr {-$GG(dir)}]} scale .speed -from 1 -to 100 -variable GG(speed) -orient hor \ -command SetSpeed catch {.speed config -showvalue 0} ;# Older tile allows this catch {.speed config -label Speed} ;# button .add -text "Add Gear" -command AddGear button .reset -text Reset -command Reset image create photo ::img::question -width 6 -data { R0lGODlhBQAJALMAAAQCBOTe5BcAiAAAfIgACOkAABIApwAAAPgB0HAA+hcAFQAA AACgAHHqABcSAAAAACH5BAAAAAAALAAAAAAFAAkAAwQNMIApQaU0VJ2l/l+XRQA7} image create photo ::img::arrows -data { R0lGODlhBgAJAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAAAAAAALAAAAAAGAAkAAAINjA+WygH5HIRsrYNzAQA7} button .? -image ::img::question -command About button .> -image ::img::arrows -command GoBarchart grid x .add x .start x .speed x -in .bottom -pady 2 -sticky ew grid x .reset x .reverse x ^ x -in .bottom -pady 2 -sticky ew grid columnconfigure .bottom {0 2 4 6} -weight 1 frame .bottom.b2 pack .? .> -in .bottom.b2 -side bottom place .bottom.b2 -in .bottom -relx 1 -rely 1 -anchor se #place .? -in .top -relx 1 -rely 1 -anchor se #place .> -in .bottom -relx 1 -rely 0 -anchor ne } proc ReCenter {W h w} { ;# Called by configure event set h2 [expr {$h / 2}] ; set w2 [expr {$w / 2}] $W config -scrollregion [list -$w2 -$h2 $w2 $h2] } ##+########################################################################## # # Teeth2Radius -- returns radius of circle that will fit exactly # N teeth (since tooth size and gap are fixed_ # proc Teeth2Radius {teeth} { global GG set perim [expr {$teeth * ($GG(base) + 2*$GG(spacing))}] set radius [expr {$perim / $::PI / 2}] set radius [expr {1 + int($radius)}] ;# Round up return $radius } proc LightColor {} { # set light [expr {255 * .8}] ;# Value threshold while {1} { set r [expr {int (255 * rand())}] set g [expr {int (255 * rand())}] set b [expr {int (255 * rand())}] if {$r > $light || $g > $light || $b > $light} break } return [format "\#%02x%02x%02x" $r $g $b] } proc Reset {} { after cancel [after info] if {$::GG(animate)} StartStop ;# Turn off animation .c delete all array unset ::G set ::G(sum) -1 AddGear } proc SetSpeed {args} { global GG if {$GG(speed) < 50} { set GG(step) 1 set GG(delay) [expr {50 - $GG(speed)}] } else { set GG(delay) 1 set GG(step) [expr {3 - 2 * (100 - $GG(speed))/50.0}] } } ##+########################################################################## # # AddGear -- adds a new gear # proc AddGear {} { global G GG set cnt [llength [array names G *,teeth]] set who g$cnt if {$cnt == 0} { ;# First gear always in middle set teeth [expr {int(5*rand()) + 13}] ;# Insure it's fairly large MakeGear 0 0 [Teeth2Radius $teeth] $who set G($who,driver) $who set G($who,zero) 0 set G($who,ratio) 1.0 return } for {set i 0} {$i < 30} {incr i} { ;# Redo if overlapped # Pick random gear to be driver, pick random gap on that # gear and pick random new gear size and figure out where # that gear should so it fits into that gap. Next if it doesn't # overlap any existing gears we're done except for rotating # the new gear so that a tooth lines up with the gap on the # driver gear. set driver g[expr {int(rand() * $cnt)}] set gap [expr {int(rand()*$G($driver,teeth))}] set teeth [expr {int(15*rand()) + 5}] set r [Teeth2Radius $teeth] set base [expr {$G($driver,angle) * $::PI / 180}] set angle [expr {$gap * $G($driver,gamma) + $G($driver,gamma)/2 +$base}] set r2 [expr {$r + $GG(height) + $GG(gap) + $G($driver,radius)}] foreach {x0 y0} $G($driver,xy) break set x [expr {$x0 + $r2 * cos($angle)}] set y [expr {$y0 + $r2 * sin($angle)}] if {! [CheckOverlap $x $y $r $driver]} { MakeGear $x $y $r $who set G($who,driver) $driver set G($who,zero) $G($who,angle) set G($who,ratio) [expr {-$G($driver,ratio) * $G($driver,teeth) / $teeth}] RotateGear $who [expr {180 + $angle * 180 / $::PI}] set G($who,zero) $G($who,angle) return } } Flash } proc MakeGear {X Y r1 who} { global G GG C set r2 [expr {$r1 + $GG(height)}] ;# Radius to top of tooth set alpha [expr {$GG(base) / double($r1)}] ;# Angle to base of tooth set beta [expr {$GG(top) / double($r2)}] ;# Angle to top of tooth set gamma [expr {($GG(base) + 2*$GG(spacing)) / double($r1)}] set teeth [expr {int(2 * $::PI / $gamma)}] ;# How many teeth can fit set gamma2 [expr {2 * $::PI / $teeth}] ;# Exact angle between teeth set G($who,teeth) $teeth set G($who,radius) $r1 set G($who,gamma) $gamma2 set G($who,xy) [list $X $Y] set G($who,angle) 0 set G($who,tally) 0 set G($who,clr) [LightColor] set xy {} for {set i 0} {$i < $teeth} {incr i} { ;# Each gear tooth set angle [expr {$gamma2 * $i}] set x1 [expr {$X + $r1 * cos($angle - $alpha/2)}] set y1 [expr {$Y + $r1 * sin($angle - $alpha/2)}] set x2 [expr {$X + $r2 * cos($angle - $beta/2)}] set y2 [expr {$Y + $r2 * sin($angle - $beta/2)}] set x3 [expr {$X + $r2 * cos($angle + $beta/2)}] set y3 [expr {$Y + $r2 * sin($angle + $beta/2)}] set x4 [expr {$X + $r1 * cos($angle + $alpha/2)}] set y4 [expr {$Y + $r1 * sin($angle + $alpha/2)}] lappend xy $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 $x3 $y3 $x4 $y4 } set xy [concat $xy [lrange $xy 0 1]] ;# Make coords list closed set clr $G($who,clr) .c create polygon $xy -tag $who -fill $clr -outline black .c create oval [MakeBox $X $Y $r1] -tag $who -fill $clr -outline black .c create oval [MakeBox $X $Y 3] -tag $who -fill black #.c create line $X $Y [expr {$X + $r1}] $Y -tag $who } proc MakeBox {x y r} { return [list [expr {$x-$r}] [expr {$y-$r}] [expr {$x+$r}] [expr {$y+$r}]] } # From proc _RotateItem {w tagOrId Ox Oy angle} { set angle [expr {$angle * atan(1) * 4 / 180.0}] ;# Radians foreach id [$w find withtag $tagOrId] { ;# Do each component separately if {[.c type $id] eq "oval"} continue set xy {} foreach {x y} [$w coords $id] { # rotates vector (Ox,Oy)->(x,y) by angle clockwise set x [expr {$x - $Ox}] ;# Shift to origin set y [expr {$y - $Oy}] set xx [expr {$x * cos($angle) - $y * sin($angle)}] ;# Rotate set yy [expr {$x * sin($angle) + $y * cos($angle)}] set xx [expr {$xx + $Ox}] ;# Shift back set yy [expr {$yy + $Oy}] lappend xy $xx $yy } $w coords $id $xy } } proc RotateGear {who angle} { global G eval _RotateItem .c $who $G($who,xy) $angle set old $G($who,angle) set G($who,angle) [expr {fmod($G($who,angle) + $angle, 360)}] if {[BetweenAngle $old $G($who,angle) $G($who,zero)]} { incr G($who,tally) } } proc AngleDiff {a b} { set d [expr {fmod(720 + $a - $b, 360)}] if {$d > 180} { set d [expr {360 - $d}] } return $d } proc BetweenAngle {a b x} { set ab [AngleDiff $a $b] set ax [AngleDiff $a $x] set bx [AngleDiff $b $x] if {$ax > $ab || $bx > $ab || $ax == 0} { return 0 } return 1 } proc GoGear {} { global G GG foreach g [array names G *,teeth] { ;# Each gear set who [lindex [split $g ","] 0] set ratio [GetRatio $who] ;# How far to turn per step set angle [expr {$GG(step) * $GG(dir) * $ratio}] RotateGear $who $angle } TallyHo } ##+########################################################################## # # GetRatio -- returns how much to turn this gear in each step. We must follow # each gear back to the source computing ratio of teeth along the way. # # NB. we now compute this value at creation time so this code isn't needed. # proc GetRatio {who} { global G if {[info exists G($who,ratio)]} { return $G($who,ratio)} set ratio 1.0 set driver $who while {1} { ;# Follow gear chain to source if {$driver eq $G($driver,driver)} break;# At the source??? set last $driver set driver $G($driver,driver) set ratio [expr {-$ratio * $G($driver,teeth) / $G($last,teeth)}] } set G($who,ratio) $ratio ;# Memoize value return $ratio } proc Animate {} { set start [clock click -milliseconds] GoGear set duration [expr {[clock click -milliseconds] - $start}] if {! $::GG(animate)} return set delay [expr {$::GG(delay) > $duration ? $::GG(delay) - $duration : 1}] set delay [expr {round($delay)}] after $delay Animate } proc StartStop {} { set ::GG(animate) [expr {! $::GG(animate)}] if {$::GG(animate)} { ;# Now going .start config -text "Stop" Animate } else { .start config -text "Start" } } proc Flash {} { .c config -bg red after 200 {.c config -bg [lindex [.c config -bg] 3]} } proc About {} { set msg "$::S(title)\nby Keith Vetter, August 2006\n" tk_messageBox -message $msg -title "About $::S(title)" } proc CheckOverlap {x y r driver} { global GG G foreach {x0 y0 x1 y1} [.c cget -scrollregion] break if {$x < $x0 || $x > $x1 || $y < $y0 || $y > $y1} { return 1 } foreach g [array names G *,teeth] { set other [lindex [split $g ","] 0] if {$other eq $driver} continue set min [expr {$r + $G($other,radius) + 2*$GG(height) + $GG(gap)}] foreach {x1 y1} $G($other,xy) break set dist [expr {hypot($x1-$x,$y1-$y)}] if {$dist < $min} { return 1 } } return 0 } proc GoBarchart {} { global GG if {! [winfo exist $GG(barW)]} { toplevel $GG(barTop) wm title $GG(barTop) "Revolution Count" wm transient $GG(barTop) . set x [expr {[winfo x .] + [winfo width .] + 20}] set y [expr {[winfo y .]}] wm geom $GG(barTop) "+$x+$y" canvas $GG(barW) -width 240 -height 280 bind $GG(barW) <Configure> { TallyHo 1 } pack $GG(barW) -fill both -expand 1 } } proc TallyHo {{force 0}} { global G GG if {! [winfo exists $GG(barW)]} return foreach {sum data} [GetTally] break if {!$force && $sum == $G(sum)} return set G(sum) $sum ::Bars::Go $GG(barW) $data } proc GetTally {} { global G set sum 0 set cnt [llength [array names G *,teeth]] set data {} for {set i 0} {$i < $cnt} {incr i} { set who g$i lappend data [list "" $G($who,tally) $G($who,clr)] incr sum $G($who,tally) } return [list $sum $data] } # Barchart code -- # namespace eval Bars {} proc ::Bars::3DRect {w args} { if [string is int -strict [lindex $args 1]] { set coords [lrange $args 0 3] } else { set coords [lindex $args 0] } foreach {x0 y0 x1 y1} $coords break set d [expr {($x1-$x0)/3}] set x2 [expr {$x0+$d+1}] set x3 [expr {$x1+$d}] set y2 [expr {$y0-$d+1}] set y3 [expr {$y1-$d-1}] set id [eval [list $w create rect] $args] set fill [$w itemcget $id -fill] set tag [$w gettags $id] set clr2 [::tk::Darken $fill 80] set clr3 [::tk::Darken $fill 60] $w create poly $x0 $y0 $x2 $y2 $x3 $y2 $x1 $y0 -fill $clr2 -outline black $w create poly $x1 $y1 $x3 $y3 $x3 $y2 $x1 $y0 -fill $clr3 -outline black -tag $tag } # Draw a simple scale for the y axis, and return the scaling factor:} proc ::Bars::YScale {w x0 y0 y1 min max} { set dy [expr {$y1-$y0}] regexp {([1-9]+)} $max -> prefix set stepy [expr {1.*$dy/$prefix}] set step [expr {$max/$prefix}] set y $y0 set label $max while {$label>=$min} { $w create text $x0 $y -text $label -anchor w set y [expr {$y+$stepy}] set label [expr {$label-$step}] } expr {$dy/double($max)} } # An interesting sub-challenge was to round numbers very roughly, # to 1 or maximally 2 significant digits - by default rounding up, # add "-" to round down:} proc ::Bars::Roughly {n {sgn +}} { regexp {(.+)e([+-])0*(.+)} [format %e $n] -> mant sign exp set exp [expr $sign$exp] if {abs($mant)<1.5} { set mant [expr {$mant*10}] incr exp -1 } set t [expr round($mant $sgn 0.49)*pow(10,$exp)] expr {$exp>=0? int($t): $t} } # So here is my little bar chart generator. # Given a canvas pathname, a bounding rectangle, and the data to display # a list of {name value color} triples), it figures out the geometry. proc ::Bars::Bars {w x0 y0 x1 y1 data} { set vals 0 foreach bar $data { lappend vals [lindex $bar 1] } foreach {bot top} [::Bars::MinMax $vals] break set top [::Bars::Roughly $top] if {$top < 5} {set top 5} set bot [::Bars::Roughly $bot -] set f [::Bars::YScale $w $x0 $y0 $y1 $bot $top] set x [expr {$x0+30}] set dx [expr {($x1-$x0-$x)/[llength $data]}] set y3 [expr {$y1-20}] set y4 [expr {$y1+10}] $w create poly $x0 $y4 [expr {$x0+30}] $y3 $x1 $y3 [expr {$x1-20}] $y4 \ -fill gray65 set dxw [expr {$dx*6/10}] foreach bar $data { foreach {txt val col} $bar break set y [expr {round($y1-($val*$f))}] set y1a $y1 if {$y>$y1a} {foreach {y y1a} [list $y1a $y] break } set tag [expr {$val<0? "d": ""}] ::Bars::3DRect $w $x $y [expr {$x+$dxw}] $y1a -fill $col -tag $tag #$w create text [expr {$x+12}] [expr {$y-12}] -text $val #$w create text [expr {$x+12}] [expr {$y1a+2}] -text $txt -anchor n incr x $dx } $w lower d } proc ::Bars::MinMax {vals} { set min [set max [lindex $vals 0]] foreach v [lrange $vals 1 end] { if {$v > $max} { set max $v } elseif {$v < $min} { set min $v } } return [list $min $max] } proc ::Bars::Go {W data} { $W delete all set w [winfo width $W] set h [winfo height $W] ::Bars::Bars $W 10 20 [incr w -20] [incr h -30] $data } DoDisplay