Updated 2014-11-12 23:57:55 by dkf

Equivalent functionality is directly in Tcl from 8.6.2 onwards as string cat.

 Obsolete discussion

Note: This is a renaming of string append.

This extends the command string to accept a new sub-command concat:
 if {[catch {string concat}]} then {
    rename string STRING_ORIGINAL
    proc string {cmd args} {
        switch -regexp -- $cmd {
            ^con(c(a(t)?)?)?$ {
                uplevel [list join $args {}]
            default {
                if {[catch {
                    set result\
                        [uplevel [list STRING_ORIGINAL $cmd] $args]
                } err]} then {
                    return -code error\
                        [STRING_ORIGINAL map\
                                  STRING_ORIGINAL string\
                                  ", compare, equal,"\
                                  ", compare, concat, equal,"]\
                } else {
                    set result

Test if it does as expected:
 % string concat hully gully

Yeah. Check an original sub-cmd:
 % string match -nocase hully gully

Works. Great. Now some erraneous situation:
 % string match -nocase hully gully bully
 wrong # args: should be "string match ?-nocase? pattern string"

The err msg hides the STRING_ORIGINAL and shows up string instead. Great again. Now another situation:
 % string what'dya'mean?
 bad option "what'dya'mean?": must be bytelength, compare, concat, equal, (...)

The err msg shows up all sub-cmds inclusive concat. Yep. That's it. Errp.

AMG: Why is there no [string concat] in the core? It would be helpful for concatenating strings that are quoted in different ways. For example:
string concat "dict with Sproc-[list $name]" {([list [namespace tail [lindex [info level 0] 0]]])} \{$script\}

is quite a bit easier to read (in my opinion) than:
"dict with Sproc-[list $name](\[list \[namespace tail \[lindex \[info level 0\] 0\]\]\]) {$script}"

Lars H: There probably isn't any particular reason. TclX provides this as the cconcat command. string concat is to some extent emulatable by combining join and list, like
 join [list "dict with Sproc-[list $name]" {([list [namespace tail [lindex [info level 0] 0]]])} \{$script\}] ""

or more recently using apply
 apply {args {join $args ""} ::} "dict with Sproc-[list $name]" {([list [namespace tail [lindex [info level 0] 0]]])} \{$script\}

so maybe that worked well enough for those with the power to add it. I know I have on occation missed it, though.

LV Does string concat have functionality different from just using the two strings together?
set str1 hully
set str2 gully
set str3 $str1$str2

or even using append?
set str3 hully
append str3 gully

AMG: As far as I can tell, no. But it avoids creating temporary variables.

LV I only used the variables for illustration. You can do the automatic concatenation in most contexts. The trickiest point would be when mixing a list and a string:
set a "[list 1 [list 2 3 4] [list 5 6 [list 7 8 9]]] are the first nine digits"
1 {2 3 4} {5 6 {7 8 9}} are the first nine digits

If one of the strings is going to be a list, then you have to make use of join. However, otherwise, you can do things like
puts "string1String2"
set b "string1[proc2]"

and so forth.

Stu 2009-01-26
proc strJoin {args} { return [append {} {*}$args] }

set map [namespace ensemble configure string -map]
dict append map join strJoin
namespace ensemble configure string -map $map

AMG: Hmm, [join] could also be used. This way no dummy variable is created.
proc strJoin {args} {join $args ""}