# See also: Toy cars - http://wiki.tcl.tk/12266#-- Little development/debugging helpersproc Help {} { set msg "Buttons:\n" append msg "! - Redraw\n" append msg "<-> - Mirror\n" append msg "C - Clear text and image\n\n" append msg "Click to insert mouse-coordinates into text-area.\n\n" append msg "Drawing commands:\n" append msg "line x1 y1 x2 y2 -width xx\n" append msg "rect x1 x2 y1 y2 -fill xxx\n" append msg "poly x1 y1 x2 y2 -fill xxx -outline xxx\n"; append msg "text x y -text xxxx.\n" append msg "oval x1 y1 x2 y2 -width xx -fill xxx -outline xxx\n" tk_messageBox -title "Toycar-Workshop" -message $msg } proc Demo1 {} { ;# Demo-Toycar: Steamroller .t insert end "\ oval 0 -30 30 0 -fill red -width 2 line 15 -15 15 -35 -width 3 poly 10 -35 30 -35 39 -15 110 -15 110 -45 10 -45 -fill orange -outline red text 50 -37 -text ACME oval 65 -40 105 0 -fill red -width 2 oval 84 -21 86 -19 -outline black line 71 -60 71 -44 line 102 -60 102 -44 rect 67 -65 107 -60 -fill brown oval 82 -55 91 -46 -fill bisque\n" render'car .t .c } proc render'car {text canvas} { $canvas delete all $canvas create line -200 0 200 0 -fill lightgrey $canvas create line 0 -100 0 100 -fill lightgrey foreach line [split [$text get 1.0 end] \n] { if {[string trim $line] eq ""} continue if {[string first "#" $line] == 0} continue eval $canvas create $line -tag t } } proc center {w tag} { foreach {x0 y0 x1 y1} [$w bbox $tag] break list [expr {($x0+$x1)/2.}] [expr {($y0+$y1)/2.}] } proc int x {expr int($x)} pack [canvas .c -height 100] -fill x -expand 1 .c config -scrollregion {-100 -70 200 30} bind .c <Motion> {wm title . [int [%W canvasx %x]],[int [%W canvasy %y]]} bind .c <1> {.t insert insert " [int [%W canvasx %x]] [int [%W canvasy %y]]"} pack [frame .f -relief sunken -borderwidth 1] -anchor w -fill x button .f.! -text ! -width 5 -command {render'car .t .c} button .f.<-> -text <-> -width 5 -command {eval .c scale t [center .c t] -1 1} button .f.c -text C -width 5 -command {.t delete 1.0 end; .c delete all} button .f.d -text Demo -width 5 -command {Demo1} button .f.? -text ? -width 5 -command {Help} eval pack [winfo children .f] -side left pack configure .f.d .f.? -side right pack [text .t -height 16] -fill both -expand 1 focus .t Demo1 ;# Demo-Toycar, so the "app" doesn't look so empty
bind . <Escape> {exec wish $argv0 &; exit} bind . <F1> {console show}
if 0 { Brian Theado: Nice. Another, more interactive option would be to use Tkpaint. Its file format consists partially of canvas create statements which could probably be pasted into the "car pool" with little or no modification.HJG Added some help, and a button to get a fresh copy of the demo. Also, you can now comment-out a drawing-command with a "#" as the first character in the line.RS The help text is a good idea. Note however that multi-line strings can be done easier in Tcl (easier to read and maintain):
set msg "Buttons: ! - Redraw <-> - Mirror C - Clear text and image Click to insert mouse-coordinates into text-area. Drawing commands: line x1 y1 x2 y2 -width xx rect x1 x2 y1 y2 -fill xxx poly x1 y1 x2 y2 -fill xxx -outline xxx text x y -text xxxx. oval x1 y1 x2 y2 -width xx -fill xxx -outline xxx "}