source colorwheel.tcl ;# from package require Tk if {![catch { package require midi midi::openout 0 }]} { proc beepLetter letter { binary scan $letter c* ascii foreach l $ascii { midi::sendshort 144 $l 70 } } set lastColor 0 proc beepColor color { variable lastColor if {$color != $lastColor} { scan $color "#%2x%2x%2x" r g b midi::sendshort 144 [expr $r/2] 70 midi::sendshort 144 [expr $g/2] 70 midi::sendshort 144 [expr $b/2] 70 set lastColor $color } } } else { # Not nearly as interesting without the sound proc beepLetter letter {} proc beepColor args {} } package require Tk proc centerCanvas {W h w} { set h [expr {$h / 2.0}] set w [expr {$w / 2.0}] $W config -scrollregion [list -$w -$h $w $h] } proc createGui {toplevel} { set parent $toplevel if {$toplevel == "."} {set parent ""} wm geometry $toplevel [join [wm maxsize .] x]+0+0 pack [canvas $parent.c] -expand 1 $parent.c configure -width [lindex [wm maxsize $toplevel] 0] -height [lindex [wm maxsize $toplevel] 1] set c $parent.c bind $c <Configure> {centerCanvas %W %h %w} return $c } proc randomColor {} { set r [expr int(rand()*255)] set g [expr int(rand()*255)] set b [expr int(rand()*255)] return [format {#%02x%02x%02x} $r $g $b] } proc getLetter {a k} { if {[string length $a] == 0} { return $k } else { return $a } } # Moves the letter to the given location and changes the color of the letter to the # complement of the nearest color wheel pie wedge. proc moveLetter {c x y} { $c lower letter set x [$c canvasx $x]; set y [$c canvasy $y] set closest [$c find closest $x $y] if {[string length $closest] > 0} { set wedgeNum [lsearch -inline [$c gettags $closest] wedgenum*] set wedgeNum [lindex [split $wedgeNum -] 1] set complementNum [expr ($wedgeNum + 6) % 12] $c itemconfigure letter -fill [$c itemcget wedgenum-$complementNum -fill] } $c raise letter $c coords letter $x $y } # Create the canvas, color wheel, and letter set canvas [createGui .] displayRandomColorWheel $canvas $canvas create text 100 100 -text a -font {{Times New Roman} 250} -tag letter # As the mouse moves, the letter will follow bind $canvas <Motion> [namespace code {moveLetter %W %x %y}] # Play a set of musical notes when the letter is moved over a new color bind $canvas <Motion> {+beepColor [%W itemcget [%W find closest %x %y] -fill]]} # Display a letter or key symbol name upon any keypress bind $canvas <Key> {%W itemconfigure letter -text [getLetter %A %K]} # Map the letter to a musical note and play it bind $canvas <Key> +[namespace code {beepLetter [getLetter %A %K]}] # Mouse button changes the color bind $canvas <Button> {%W itemconfigure letter -fill [randomColor]} bind $canvas <Button> +[namespace code { %W delete colorwheel displayRandomColorWheel %W %W lower colorwheel }] focus -force $canvas
Hello - what specific Tcl midi extension do you make use of here? Did you consider Snack as a possible extension alternative?Brian Theado - 17Aug04 - The library I used is referred to as midilib on the midi page. Snack could be used to either play a wav file for each note, or to play generated tones as done in tclmusic. Midi was easier to use and it sounds orders of magnitudes better (with my sound card's midi synthesizer and I would guess most sound cards?) than snack generated beeps. Writing code for the snack-generated beeps wouldn't be too hard--just use the inverse of the freqToNote function I added the other day to the tclmusic page and generate a beep at that frequency for a short period of time.