package require http package require Img package require base64 pack [entry .e -textvar e] -fill x bind .e <Return> {go .f.t $e} pack [frame .f] -fill both -expand 1 pack [scrollbar .f.y -command ".f.t yview"] -fill y -side right pack [text .f.t -wrap word -yscrollc ".f.y set"] \ -fill both -expand 1 -side right foreach i {red blue green3} {.f.t tag config $i -foreground $i} focus .e raise . proc go {w url} { set token [http::geturl $url] upvar #0 $token arr $w insert end \n$arr(url) blue if [info exists arr(error)] {$w insert end \n$arr(error) red} foreach {tag value} $arr(meta) { $w insert end \n$tag\t$value green3 } $w see end if [regexp {Content-Type image/([^ ]+)} $arr(meta) -> format] { set im [image create photo -data [base64::encode $arr(body)]] $w insert end \n $w image create end -image $im } else { $w insert end \n$arr(body) } http::cleanup $token } bind . <Escape> {exec wish $argv0 &; exit}
WJR - I'm getting this error when I try to use the scrollbar:
bad option "yscroll": must be bbox, cget, compare, configure, debug, delete, dlineinfo, dump, edit, get, image, index, insert, mark, scan, search, see, tag, window, xview, or yviewRS apologizes - should have been yview... But as my box is mouseless when online, I didn't test that... Sorry!