- winfo containing ?-displayof window? rootX rootY
LV 2007 Jan 31 This question relates to Tk 8.5.x.I run the following code and don't understand the output, based on the above info.
DKF: This is invaluable when you are implementing drag and drop, as you don't get <Enter> or <Leave> events when dragging (because of the automatic pointer grab during a click).
$ tclsh8.5 % package require Tk 8.5.1b1 % toplevel .t -width 200 -height 200 -bg green .t % wm geometry .t +0+0 % frame .t.f -width 150 -height 150 -bd 2 -relief raised .t.f % place .t.f -x 25 -y 25 % tkwait visibility .t.f % set result [list [winfo containing 100 100]] .tShouldn't the result of the winfo be .t.f ? It is the child, which supposedly has been given a higher priority. It was created later, so it should be stacked higher. When I look at the window displayed, I see the raised frame on top of the green toplevel.So, why doesn't winfo report back .t.f?KD: On my system (Linux) it reports .t.fAh, on my Windows XP Hummingbird Exceed X server 10.x, displaying Tk 8.5 running on a SPARC Solaris 9, it does not. So, does that make the problem an X server problem?
DKF: This is invaluable when you are implementing drag and drop, as you don't get <Enter> or <Leave> events when dragging (because of the automatic pointer grab during a click).