Here is the example tickmakefile from the distribution:
need CC need CFLAGS make test_2.o from test_2.c using { mexec $CC $CFLAGS -c test_2.c } make test_lib.a from [list test_2.o test_3.c] using { mexec $CC $CFLAGS -c test_3.c mexec ar cr test_lib.a test_2.o test_3.o mexec ranlib test_lib.a } make a.exe from [list test_1.c test_lib.a] using { mexec $CC $CFLAGS test_1.c test_lib.a -o a.exe } make clean from {} using { foreach f [glob -nocomplain *.o *.a *.core] { file delete $f } catch {file delete a.exe} }# Created with ProcMeUp.