package require Tk 8 menu .menubar -type menubar .menubar add cascade -label File -menu .menubar.file -underline 0 #file menu menu .menubar.file -tearoff 0 .menubar.file add command -label "New" -underline 0 \ -command { new } .menubar.file add command -label "Open..." -underline 0 \ -command { set fileid [open $filename r] # filename is set in file_save_as set data [read $fileid $filesize] close $fileid .text.t insert end $data wm title . $filename } proc save { } { set data [.text.t get 1.0 {end -1c}] set fileid [open $filename w] puts -nonewline $fileid $data close $fileid } proc file_save_as { } { global filename set data [.text.t get 1.0 {end -1c}] set file_types { {"Tcl Files" { .tcl .TCL .tk .TK} } {"Text Files" { .txt .TXT} } {"All Files" * } } set filename [tk_getSaveFile -filetypes $file_types\ -initialdir pwd -initialfile $filename\ -defaultextension .tcl] wm title . $filename set fileid [open $filename w] puts -nonewline $fileid $data close $fileid } tk appname "Edit"
I know this could have been even more minimalist, but thought this would answer most of the recent questions I have seen. Left one little glitch in here on purpose... Also, no error handling.Hope this is helpful to someone. I remember (not too long ago), how long it took me to get this far working out of a book :^) so
Also, please note that the menu in the above script requires tcl/tk 8.0 or higher. There are some grab problems with this type of a menu when running Gnome.
A really minimal example is of course this one-liner:
if 0 { pack [text .t -wrap word] -fill both -expand 1 }Even though it doesn't have a scrollbar, you can scroll with middle mouse-button held down. And you can paste into it, copy from it... all from one line of Tk code :^) RS
escargo 19 Apr 2005 - Somewhere along the way this file stopped being complete. When I used wish-reaper to download it, several important parts were missing. I had to go back to the revision history to reconstruct the new and file_get procs. I also had to reconstruct most of the menus.EKB 19 April 2005 -- It still seems incomplete (??) Is it possible to restore it?escargo - I would prefer to have it restored in place instead of having correcting code added after, since I want to use wish-reaper (or equivalent functions) to extract the code. (That's why I also put if 0 { in front of the minimal example above.)
EKB 19 April 2005 - Here's an alternative for the "File|Open..." menu commandFirst, make the File|Open command call a named proc:
.menubar.file add command -label "Open..." -underline 0 \ -command file_openThis is usually a good idea, because then it is easy to bind it to a key combination, similar to using actions:
bind . <Control-o> file_openThe Ctrl-O key combination can now be added as an annotation on the menu, using the -accelerator switch:
.menubar.file add command -label "Open..." -underline 0 \ -command file_open -accelerator "Ctrl+O"The proc itself has some extra bells and whistles compared to the one above
proc file_open {} { global filename set data [.text.t get 1.0 {end -1c}] set file_types { { {Tcl Files} { .tcl .TCL .tk .TK} } { {Text Files} { .txt .TXT} } { {All Files} * } } set new_filename [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes $file_types\ -initialdir [file dirname $filename] \ -initialfile [file tail $filename] \ -defaultextension .tcl] if {$new_filename == ""} { # The user pressed "cancel" return } if [catch {open $new_filename r} fileid] { # Error opening file -- with "catch", fileid holds error message tk_messageBox -icon error -message "Couldn't open \"$filename\":\n$fileid" return } # OK, didn't cancel, and filename is valid -- save it set filename $new_filename # ?? This was original: "set data [read $fileid $filesize]" -- where is # variable "filesize" defined? set data [read $fileid] close $fileid # First, clear out text widget .text.t delete 1.0 end # Now, insert new file .text.t insert end $data wm title . $filename }