# htmlutil.tcl - by Jean-Claude Wippler, September 2001 package provide htmlutil 0.1 # parse HTML text, setting array elements along the way proc htmlparse {text {aref html} {ignorecase 1}} { upvar $aref avar set avar() "" regsub -all {<!--.*?-->} $text {} text append text </> set tags "" set hist "" foreach {a b c} [regexp -all -inline {(.*?)<(.*?)>} $text ] { set avar(<text>) $b set d "" regexp {^(\w+)\s(.*)} $c - c d if {$ignorecase} { set c [string toupper $c] } if {[regexp {^/(.*)} $c - e]} { set t "/" while {[llength $tags]} { set t [lindex $tags end] set avar(/$t) [lindex $hist end] set tags [lreplace $tags end end] set hist [lreplace $hist end end] if {[string equal $t $e]} break } # comment out line below to ignore unbalanced closing tags #if {![string equal $t $e]} { set avar($c) {} } } else { set avar($c) $d lappend tags $c lappend hist $d } } } # code below runs when this is launched as the main script if {[file root [file tail $argv0]] == "htmlutil"} { proc show {r e op} { upvar $r a puts [list set html($e) $a($e)] } trace var html w show set in {a<b c>d<e f>g<e h>i</e>j</e>k<e l>m</b>n</o>p} puts "Parsing: $in" puts [htmlparse $in] }Output:
Parsing: a<b c>d<e f>g<e h>i</e>j</e>k<e l>m</b>n</o>p set html() {} set html(<text>) a set html(B) c set html(<text>) d set html(E) f set html(<text>) g set html(E) h set html(<text>) i set html(/E) h set html(<text>) j set html(/E) f set html(<text>) k set html(E) l set html(<text>) m set html(/E) l set html(/B) c set html(<text>) n set html(<text>) p
Dec 2003: Found Carsten Zerbst' article about tDOM on Linux Magazine from 2002, which also shows an HTML -> DOM -> XPath example http://www.linux-magazine.com/issue/20/tDOM.pdf
Tclgumbo is a Tcl extension for parsing HTML.