Updated 2013-08-01 17:51:01 by uniquename

Keith Vetter 2003-05-31 : here's a fun little puzzle game copied from an applet at [1]. The game reminds me a lot of TkSokoban.

The object of the game is to clear all the balls. You press the arrow keys to move all the balls as far as possible in the given direction. When two or more balls of the same color touch they explode. The level ends if all the balls are eliminated, if there is no more possibility of winning or if you run out of steps.

Because I was getting stuck trying to solve some levels, I also added code to solve a level and to give you a hint.
# Eliminator.tcl - game to clear all balls from the screen
# by Keith Vetter -- May 2003
# Derived from Java applet by Riza Purwo Nugroho who copied it from IQ Puzzle
# http://javaboutique.internet.com/Eliminator/index.html

package require Tk

set S(title) "Eliminator"
set S(max,col) 10
set S(max,row) 11
set S(noGUI) 0                                  ;# For when solving a puzzle

proc DoDisplay {} {
    global S B
    wm title . $S(title)
    ExtractImages                               ;# Carve images out of master
    label .level -textvariable S(lvl2) -bg black -fg white
    .level config -font "[font actual [.level cget -font]] -weight bold"
    option add *Button.font "[font actual [.level cget -font]] -weight bold"
    frame .board
    frame .mid
    frame .bottom
    for {set row 0} {$row < $S(max,row)} {incr row} { ;# Create the board
        for {set col 0} {$col < $S(max,col)} {incr col} {
            set w .l${row},$col
            label $w -image ::img::img(1) -bd 0 -highlightthickness 0
            grid $w -in .board -row $row -column $col
            if {$row == 0}             {bind $w <Button-1> {Mover Up}}
            if {$row == $S(max,row)-1} {bind $w <Button-1> {Mover Down}}
            if {$col == 0}             {bind $w <Button-1> {Mover Left}}
            if {$col == $S(max,col)-1} {bind $w <Button-1> {Mover Right}}
    bind .level <Button-1> {Mover Up}
    foreach key {Up Down Left Right} {
        bind all "<Key-$key>" [list Mover $key]
    label .msg -relief sunken -textvariable S(msg)
    button .prev -image $::I(left) -command [list NewBoard -1 -1]
    button .next -image $::I(right) -command [list NewBoard -1 1]
    button .more -image $::I(plus) -command ToggleButtons
    button .hint -text "Hint" -highlightthickness 0 -command {Hint 0}
    button .solve -text "Solve" -highlightthickness 0 -command {Hint 1}
    button .help -text "Help" -highlightthickness 0 -command Help
    bind .prev <Button-3> [list NewBoard -1 -10]
    bind .next <Button-3> [list NewBoard -1 10]
    grid .level -row 0 -sticky ew
    grid .board -sticky news
    grid .mid -sticky news
    grid .msg .prev .next .more -in .mid -sticky news -pady 5
    grid .hint .solve .help -in .bottom -sticky news -padx 5 -pady 5
    grid configure .msg .more -padx 5
    grid rowconfigure . 100 -weight 1
    grid columnconfigure . 100 -weight 1
    grid columnconfigure .mid 0 -weight 1
    grid columnconfigure .bottom {0 1 2} -weight 1
    bind all <Alt-c> {console show}
    LoadBoard 0

proc ExtractImages {} {
    foreach row {0 1} {
        foreach col {0 1 2 3 4 5} {
            set id [expr {$row * 6 + $col}]
            set x0 [expr {$col * 20}] ; set y0 [expr {$row * 20}]
            set x1 [expr {$x0 + 20}]  ; set y1 [expr {$y0 + 20}]
            image create photo ::img::img($id)
            ::img::img($id) copy ::img::all -from $x0 $y0 $x1 $y1

proc NewBoard {abs rel} {
    global S BOARDS
    set max [llength $BOARDS]                   ;# How many boards we have
    set lvl [expr {$S(lvl) + $rel}]
    if {$abs != -1} {set lvl $abs}
    if {$lvl < 0} {set lvl 0}
    if {$lvl >= $max} {set lvl [expr {$max - 1}]}
    LoadBoard $lvl

proc ShowBoard {{clear 0}} {
    global B S
    if {$S(noGUI)} return
    for {set row 0} {$row < $S(max,row)} {incr row} {
        for {set col 0} {$col < $S(max,col)} {incr col} {
            if {$clear} {set B($row,$col) 0}
            .l${row},$col config -image ::img::img($B($row,$col))
    if {! $clear} update

# = for wall 
# space for blank area
# * for non-ball
# .oO@+ for ball #1 - #5
# , to enter to the next data-row

proc LoadBoard {which} {
    global S B BOARDS
    array set BOARD2B {" " 0 "=" 1 "." 6 "o" 7 "O" 8 "@" 9 "+" 10 "*" 11}
    set S(lvl) $which
    set S(lvl2) "Level $S(lvl)"
    set S(busy) 0
    ShowBoard 1                                 ;# Clear the board
    set row [set col 0]
    foreach {B(moves) board} [lindex $BOARDS $which] break
    foreach ch [split $board ""] {
        if {$ch == ","} {                       ;# New row
            incr row
            set col 0
        set cnt 1
        if {[string is integer -strict $ch]} {  ;# Repeat count
            set cnt $ch
            set ch $last
        } else {
            set ch $BOARD2B($ch)
        while {[incr cnt -1] >= 0} {
            set B($row,$col) $ch
            incr col
        set last $ch
    set S(msg) "Level $which ([Plural $B(moves) step ""])"
    .msg config -bg [lindex [.msg config -bg] 3]

proc Plural {num word word2} {
    if {$num != 1} {append word "s"}
    return "$num $word$word2"

proc Explode {} {
    set who [FindNeighbors]
    if {[llength $who] == 0} {return 0}
    Exploder $who
    return 1

proc Exploder {who} {
    foreach cell $who {set ::B($cell) 0}        ;# Clear cell value
    if {$::S(noGUI)} return
    foreach step {2 3 4 5 0} {                  ;# Images to display
        foreach cell $who {
            .l$cell config -image ::img::img($step)
        after 100

proc FindNeighbors {} {
    global B S
    catch {unset who}                           ;# Trick to avoid duplicates
    for {set row 0} {$row < $S(max,row)} {incr row} {
        for {set col 0} {$col < $S(max,col)} {incr col} {
            set me $B($row,$col)                ;# Ball to match
            if {$me < 6 || $me == 11} continue  ;# Not a ball, skip it
            foreach {drow dcol} {-1 0 1 0 0 1 0 -1} { ;# All neighboring cells
                set row2 [expr {$row + $drow}]
                set col2 [expr {$col + $dcol}]
                if {! [info exist B($row2,$col2)]} continue
                if {$B($row2,$col2) == $me} {   ;# Matching neighbors
                    set who($row,$col) 1
                    set who($row2,$col2) 1
    return [array names who]

proc WinOrLose {} {
    global B S
    foreach w {6 7 8 9 10} {set cnt($w) 0}      ;# How many of each ball
    set all 0                                   ;# How many balls altogether
    for {set row 0} {$row < $S(max,row)} {incr row} {
        for {set col 0} {$col < $S(max,col)} {incr col} {
            set me $B($row,$col)
            if {$me < 6 || $me == 11} continue
            incr all
            incr cnt($me)
    if {$all == 0} {return 1 }
    foreach w [array names cnt] {
        if {$cnt($w) == 1} {
            return 2
    return 0

# Move ball in given direction, handling explosions and end of game stuff
# Value: 1 = win; 2 = loss; -1 = no move; 0 otherwise
proc Mover {dir} {
    global S B
    if {$S(busy)} return                        ;# Avoid update recursion
    set S(busy) 1
    set win 0
    set moved 0
    while {1} {                                 ;# May move twice w/ explosions
        set n [$dir]                            ;# Do the move
        if {! $n} break                         ;# Nothing moved
        set moved -1
        set n [Explode]                         ;# Check for explosions
        if {! $n} break
        set win [WinOrLose]                     ;# Check for end of game
        if {$win} break
    incr B(moves) $moved                        ;# One less step (perhaps)
    if {$B(moves) <= 0 && $win != 1} {set win 2};# Out of steps???
    if {! $S(noGUI)} {
        set S(msg) [Plural $B(moves) step " left"]
        if {$win == 1} {
            set S(msg) "You win!"
            .msg config -bg cyan
            after 1000 {NewBoard -1 1}
        } elseif {$win == 2} {
            set S(msg) "You lose"
            .msg config -bg red
            after 1000 {NewBoard $S(lvl) 0}
    set S(busy) 0
    if {$win == 0 && ! $moved} { return -1 }
    return $win

proc Down {} {
    set cnt 0
    while {1} {
        set moved 0
        for {set col 0} {$col < $::S(max,col)} {incr col} {
            for {set row [expr {$::S(max,row)-2}]} {$row >= 0} {incr row -1} {
                incr moved [MoveIt $row $col [expr {$row + 1}] $col]
        if {! $moved} break
        set cnt 1
    return $cnt

proc Up {} {
    set cnt 0
    while {1} {
        set moved 0
        for {set col 0} {$col < $::S(max,col)} {incr col} {
            for {set row 1} {$row < $::S(max,row)-1} {incr row} {
                incr moved [MoveIt $row $col [expr {$row - 1}] $col]
        if {! $moved} break
        set cnt 1
    return $cnt

proc Right {} {
    set cnt 0
    while {1} {
        set moved 0
        for {set row 0} {$row < $::S(max,row)} {incr row} {
            for {set col [expr {$::S(max,col)-2}]} {$col >= 0} {incr col -1} {
                incr moved [MoveIt $row $col $row [expr {$col + 1}]]
        if {! $moved} break
        set cnt 1
    return $cnt

proc Left {} {
    set cnt 0
    while {1} {
        set moved 0
        for {set row 0} {$row < $::S(max,row)} {incr row} {
            for {set col 1} {$col < $::S(max,col)-1} {incr col} {
                incr moved [MoveIt $row $col $row [expr {$col - 1}]]
        if {! $moved} break
        set cnt 1
    return $cnt

proc MoveIt {frow fcol trow tcol} {
    if {$::B($frow,$fcol) >= 6 && $::B($trow,$tcol) == 0} {
        set ::B($trow,$tcol) $::B($frow,$fcol)
        set ::B($frow,$fcol) 0
        return 1
    return 0

proc Dump {} {
    for {set row 0} {$row < $::S(max,row)} {incr row} {
        for {set col 0} {$col < $::S(max,col)} {incr col} {
            puts -nonewline "$::B($row,$col) "
        puts ""

proc Help {} {
    set msg "$::S(title)\nby Keith Vetter, May 2003\n"
    append msg "based on a game by Riza Purwo Nugroho\n"
    append msg "\nThe object of the game is to clear all the balls.\n\n"
    append msg "Press the arrow keys to move the balls. When balls of the\n"
    append msg "same color touch, they explode. The level ends if all the\n"
    append msg "balls are eliminated, if there is no more possibility of\n"
    append msg "winning or if you run out of steps."
    tk_messageBox -title "$::S(title) Help" -message $msg

proc Hint {how} {
    set ::S(msg) "thinking..."; update
    set sol [Solve]
    set result "Give up"
    if {[llength $sol] != 0} {
        if {$how == 0} {
            set result "Go [lindex $sol 1]"
        } else {
            set result ""
            foreach {id dir} $sol {
                append result [string index $dir 0]
    set ::S(msg) $result

proc Solve {} {                                 ;# BFS to find solution
    set ::S(noGUI) 1
    set org [EnQueue -1 nil]                    ;# Starting position
    set max [expr {1+int(pow(4,$::B(moves)))}]
    while {1} {
        set win 0
        if {[incr max -1] < 0} break            ;# Safety net
        set id [DeQueue]                        ;# Board position to expand
        if {$id == -1} break                    ;# Empty queue, no solution
        foreach dir {Up Down Left Right} {      ;# Try all possible moves
            ExtractQueue $id
            set win [Mover $dir]
            if {$win == 2 || $win == -1} continue ;# Skip loss and no moves
            set id2 [EnQueue $id $dir]
            if {$win} break
        if {$win == 1} break
    set result {}
    if {$win == 1} {                            ;# Winning solution found
        while {$id2 != 0} {
            set result [concat $id2 $::Q($id2,dir) $result]
            set id2 $::Q($id2,prev)
    ExtractQueue $org                           ;# Back to starting position
    set ::S(noGUI) 0
    set ::result $result                        ;# For debugging
    return $result

proc EnQueue {prev dir} {                       ;# Add to end of queue
    set id $::Q(tail)
    incr ::Q(tail)
    set ::Q($id,prev) $prev
    set ::Q($id,dir) $dir
    set ::Q($id,board) [array get ::B]
    return $id

proc DeQueue {} {                               ;# Extract from front of queue
    if {$::Q(head) == $::Q(tail)} {return -1}   ;# Empty queue
    set id $::Q(head)
    incr ::Q(head)
    return $id

proc ExtractQueue {id} {
    array set ::B $::Q($id,board)
    return ""

proc ClearQueue {} {
    catch {unset ::Q}
    set ::Q(head) [set ::Q(tail) 0]

proc DumpQueue {{verbose 0}} {                  ;# Debugging 
    global Q
    puts "Head: $Q(head) => Tail: $Q(tail)"
    for {set id 0} {$id < $Q(tail)} {incr id} {
        ExtractQueue $id
        puts [format "%2d: %-6s %2d" $id $Q($id,dir) $Q($id,prev)]
        if {$verbose} {
            puts ""

proc ToggleButtons {} {
    if {[winfo ismapped .bottom]} {
        grid forget .bottom
        .more config -image $::I(plus)
    } else {
        grid .bottom -sticky news
        .more config -image $::I(minus)

set BOARDS {
   {4 {, =7, =o.o.o.=, = 5=, = = = =1, = = 3=, = 4=1, =6,}}
   {4 {,, 1=5, 1=.* 1=, 1= 3=, 1=. 2=, 1= 1.=1, 1=5,}}
   {4 {, 2=3, 1=1 .=1, 1= 3=, 1=. o =, 1= 1= =, 1= 1. =, 1=1o =1, 2=3,}}
   {4 {,, 1=5, 1= 1. =, 1=1 1=1, 1= 2.=, 1=. 1=1, 1=4,}}
   {4 {, 1=2, =1 =2, = . 1=1, =* . 1=1, = 1* . =, = = 1=2, =5,}}
   {4 {, =7, =o 3o=, = = 1= =, = 1. 2=, =1. . =1, = 1o . =, =7,}}
   {4 {, 1=5, =1 . *=1, = 4.=, = 5=, =. 4=, =1 3=1, 1=1* =1, 2=3,}}
   {4 {, =6, = 3.=, =. 2=1, = 1* 1=, = 3=1, =2.=1, 2=2,}}
   {4 {,,=9,= 1. 2* =,=1 1*. 1=1, = *. * =, =. 3.=, =7,}}
   {4 {, 2=4, 1=1 . =1, =1 4=, =. 3.=, = 2=1*=, =7,}}
   {6 {, 4=2, =4.=1, =. 4=, =1 2* =, 1=1 = =1, 2= =2, 2= 1.=, 2=4,}}
   {6 {, =6, = 4=, =1 .* =, =. 3=, =* 2.=, = 2* =, =6,}}
   {6 { =7, = 1. 2=,=1 1*= 1=,= 2.= 1=,=1 =1 2=, = 1* 2=, = 1. 2=, = 5=, = 5=, =7,}}
   {6 {, =6, = .= o=1, =1 3o=, 1= 3=1, 1=* 2.=, 1=.o 1=1, 1=5,}}
   {6 {, 1=5, =1. 2=, = 3.=, =1 * =1, = 4=, =1 2.=, 1=5,}}
   {6 {, 2=2, 1=1 =3, =1 4=, = 5=, = .o=.o=, =1o=2.=, 1=2 =2,}}
   {6 {, 3=2, =3O=1, = o. 1=, = = o.=2,=1 4O*=,= 5o=1,=1 O= 1=1, =6,}}
   {6 {, 4=2, 2=2 =1, 1=1. 2=, 1= 2o=1, =2 . 1=, = 1o .=1, =1 1o=1, 1=4,}}
   {6 {, 1=5, =1 1o =1, =o 3.=, =. 2* =, =1 . 2=, 1=3 =1, 4=2,}}
   {6 {, =4, =. 1=1, = 3=1, = o o.=, =2. 1=, 2= 2=, 2=4,}}
   {7 {, 2=4, 1=1 O =, =1 3=1,=1.O 3=,= 2o 1=1,= 1=2.=,= O o 1=,=7,}}
   {7 {, =2,=1 =4,=. 2O =,= 2=1.=1,= 1Oo= 1=,= o= 2=1,= 2. o =,=O 1=1 =1,=7,}}
   {7 {, 1=2, 1= =2, 1= 1o=1, 1=*. o=1, 1= =O o=, =1 2= =, = . 2O=, =1O 2=1, 1=5,}}
   {7 {,=8,= Oo.oO =,= 2o 2=,= 2O 2=,= 2o 2=,= o . O =,=1 1= 1=1, =6,}}
   {8 {, 1=4, =1 = =1, = .= 1=1, =1 =. 1=, = 5=, =1 * 1.=, 1=1 2=1, 2=1 =1, 3=2,}}
   {8 {, 1=5, =1 1= =1, =.*o.*.=1, = 6=, = =1 = 1=,=1 2=1 1=,= o 4=1,=1 4=1, =6,}}
   {8 { 1=2, 1= =, 1= =3, =1 3=1, = 1= . =, = . = 1=, =1 =. =1, 1=1 = =, 2=2 =, 4=2,}}
   {8 {, =5, = = 1=1, = 1. 1=,=2. * =1,= 3=. =,=1 2=3, =2 =, 2=2,}}
   {8 { =3,=1 1=3,= 2. 1=,=1 .=.=1, = 4=, = =o=o=, =1 1o =, 1=1 2=, 2=1 =1, 3=2,}}
   {8 {, =5, = 1o.=1, = . =o=1, = * 3=, =o 4=, =1 2.=1, 1=1 1=1, 2=3,}}
   {9 {, 1=5, 1= = .=1, 1= 1o 1=, =2. * =, =. 3=1, =1o 2=, 1= 3=, 1=5,}}
   {9 {, 4=2, 3=1*=, 2=1. =, 1=1. 1=1, =1 4=, = 4.=, =o 1* o=, =7,}}
   {9 {=7,= .oO* =,=1 4=1,=O . 3=,=o= 3=1,= =1 2=1,= 1o 3=,=. =1O. =,=5 1=, 4=3,}}
   {9 {, 1=5, 1=. 2=1, =1 = O =, = 1Oo= =, = 2Oo =, =1 o= 1=, 1= 2.=1, 1=5,}}
   {9 {, =5, = 1o =1, = O= o=, =o 1O.=1, = 5=, =1. 2O=, 1=6,}}
   {9 {, =5, = O .=1, =1 2O=1, 1= o=. =, =1 3o=, =O =O 1=, = o 3=, =1 =4, 1=2,}}
   {9 {, 1=4, =1O 1=, = o 1=1, =1. 2=, = O.o*=, =1 2.=1, 1= 2o =, 1=1 3=, 2=5,}}
   {9 {, 1=6, 1= 1. o=, =1 o= 1=, = 2= 1=, =1 3=1, 1=. 2=1, 1= 2o =, 1=1 .= =, 2=5,}}
   {9 {, 1=4, =1 1.=1, = . = =1, =1 . 1o=, =2o *.=, = . * o=, =7,}}
   {10 {, =7,=1 o 1O =,= 4o=1,=1 5=,= 1O 1.=1,=1. 2*=, =1o 2=, = . 1O=, =6,}}

set I(left) [image create bitmap -data {
  #define left_width 11
  #define left_height 11
  static char left_bits = {
      0x00, 0x00, 0x20, 0x00, 0x30, 0x00, 0x38, 0x00, 0xfc, 0x01, 0xfe,
      0x01, 0xfc, 0x01, 0x38, 0x00, 0x30, 0x00, 0x20, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
set I(right) [image create bitmap -data {
   #define right_width 11
   #define right_height 11
   static char right_bits = {
       0x00, 0x00, 0x20, 0x00, 0x60, 0x00, 0xe0, 0x00, 0xfc, 0x01, 0xfc,
       0x03, 0xfc, 0x01, 0xe0, 0x00, 0x60, 0x00, 0x20, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00

set I(plus) [image create bitmap -data {
   #define plus_width 11
   #define plus_height 11
   static char plus_bits = {
       0x00, 0x00, 0x70, 0x00, 0x70, 0x00, 0x70, 0x00, 0xfe, 0x03, 0xfe,
       0x03, 0xfe, 0x03, 0x70, 0x00, 0x70, 0x00, 0x70, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00

set I(minus) [image create bitmap -data {
   #define minus_width 11
   #define minus_height 11
   static char minus_bits = {
       0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfe, 0x03, 0xfe,
       0x03, 0xfe, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00

image create photo ::img::all -format gif -data {


uniquename 2013aug01

Here is an image of the GUI that is produced by this code --- so that you can easily see that to which Vetter is referring, above.