Where: From the contact Description: Tcl command to generate vi tags file. Updated: Contact: mailto:mh@wx.gtegsc.com(Michael Hoegeman) What: tcltags (LoVerso) Where: http://www.schooner.com/%7Eloverso/tcl-tk/
Description: /bin/sh command to generate vi tags file. Updated: 01/2000 Contact: mailto:John@LoVerso.Southborough.MA.US
(John Robert LoVerso) What: tcltags (Tromey) Where: ftp://ftp.procplace.com/pub/tcl/sorted/packages-7.6/text/tcltags.tcl.gz
Description: Emacs TAGS generation for Tcl source. This was updated by Kartmann in November, 1995 Updated: 02/1997 Contact: mailto:tromey@busco.lanl.gov
(Tom Tromey) mailto:kartmann@azur.enet.dec.com
(Emmanuel KARTMANN)
See also