Richard Suchenwirth 2000-03-17 -- Want to produce internationalized HTML documents with little effort? Having transliterators from
The Lish family, you can write HTML with embedded foreign language sections (e.g. Arabic) in transliteration like this
Germany [ar AlmAnyA]
and feed the resulting file through
lish2html below. The resulting file looks like
Germany ﺎﻴﻧﺎﻤﻟﺍ
Not exactly readable, but the HTML way to express Unicodes. Given a browser that accepts Unicodes (turned on e.g. Netscape 4.6 with View/Character set/Unicodes (UTF-8)) and has a font that contains the wanted characters, bingo! Arabic on your web page.
This script substitutes what it can, not only [..] calls, but $.. and \u.... as well. When something goes wrong in one source line, that line is sent unchanged to output.
# -*-Tcl-*- Time-stamp: "lish2html: 2000-03-17,14:36:24 (suchenwi@jaguar)" \
exec tclsh8.3 "$0" ${1+"$@"}
# assume the required *lish files are in the same directory as this
# modify to anything fancier if needed
set this [file join [pwd] [info script]]
if ![catch {file readlink $this} res] {set this $res}
lappend auto_path [file dirname $this]
;proc usage {} {
puts "usage: lish2html \[infile \[outfile\]\]
Substitutes *lish phrases to &#nnnn; HTML Unicodes"
;proc u2html {s} {
set res ""
foreach u [split $s ""] {
scan $u %c t
if {$t>127} {
append res "&#$t;"
} else {
append res $u
set res
} ;# RS
#------------------------------------ main routine
set infile stdin
set outfile stdout
set argc [llength $argv]
if {$argc>2} {usage; exit}
if {$argc} {
set inname [lindex $argv 0]
if {![file readable $inname]} {
usage; exit
set infile [open $inname r]
if {$argc==2} {
set outfile [open [lindex $argv 1] w]
while {[gets $infile line]>=0} {
if [catch {u2html [subst $line]} res] {
puts $outfile $line
} else {
puts $outfile $res
if {$outfile!="stdout"} {close $outfile}