% package require csv 0.7.2 % set line {a,"b1 b2",c} a,"b1 b2",c % set list [::csv::split $line] a {b1 b2} c %
pi31415 18-Mar-2011Some tcllib examples don't handle multiline quoted fields:
$ cd examples/csv $ cat foo.csv a,"b1 b2",c $ ./csv2html foo.csv <html><head><title>Title</title></head><body> <h1>Title</h1> <p><table border=1> <tr><td>a</td> <td>b1</td></tr> </table></p></body></html>
Line csv parser can't do proper handling of multiline quoted field.Michael Heca's solution:
proc csvParseFileCmd { file cmd {sep {,}} {quot {'}} } { # prepare regular expresions set rQuotedText [subst -nobackslashes -nocommands {(?:[^${quot}]|${quot}${quot})*}] set rQ [subst -nobackslashes -nocommands {^[ \t]*${quot}}] set rQN [subst -nobackslashes -nocommands {^[ \t]*${quot}($rQuotedText)${quot}[ \t]*${sep}(.*)$}] set rQE [subst -nobackslashes -nocommands {^[ \t]*${quot}($rQuotedText)${quot}[ \t]*$}] set rQO [subst -nobackslashes -nocommands {^[ \t]*${quot}($rQuotedText)$}] set rON [subst -nobackslashes -nocommands {^($rQuotedText)${quot}[ \t]*${sep}(.*)$}] set rOE [subst -nobackslashes -nocommands {^($rQuotedText)${quot}[ \t]*$}] set rOX [subst -nobackslashes -nocommands {^$rQuotedText${quot}[^${quot}]}] set rUN [subst -nobackslashes -nocommands {^([^${sep}]*)${sep}(.*)$}] set qMap [list "${quot}${quot}" $quot] # parse whole file gets $file line while { $line != {} } { set list {} # parse one record while { $line != {} } { if { [regexp $rQ $line] } { # handle quoted fields if { [regexp $rQN $line match field rest] } { # quoted with next set field [string map $qMap $field] set line $rest } elseif { [regexp $rQE $line match field rest] } { # last quoted set field [string map $qMap $field] set line {} } elseif { [regexp $rQO $line match field] } { # open quoted set field [string map $qMap $field] gets $file line while { 1 } { if { [string first $quot $line] == -1 } { # speed next line append field $line gets $file line } elseif { [regexp $rON $line match next rest] } { # end with next fields append field "\n[string map $qMap $next]" set line $rest break } elseif { [regexp $rOE $line match next] } { # end append field "\n[string map $qMap $next]" set line {} break } elseif { [regexp $rOX $line] } { error "Invalid CSV syntax.\nline=$line\nfield=$field" } else { # next line append field "\n[string map $qMap $next]" gets $file line } } } else { error "Invalid CSV syntax.\nline=$line" } } else { # handle unquoted field if { [regexp $rUN $line match field rest] } { # unquoted with next set line $rest } else { # unquoted last set field $line set line {} } # tream leading and trailing spaces set field [string trim $field] } # append parset field to record list lappend list $field } # call command eval $cmd [list $list] # get next record line gets $file line } }File is read by line. For each csv record is called proc cmd with list of parsed fields as params.Test example:
proc csvDump { list } { global out puts $out [string map { \n "#" } [join $list |]] } proc test {} { global out set out [open test.out w] fconfigure $out -encoding iso8859-2 set fd [open test.csv] fconfigure $fd -encoding cp1250 csvParseFileCmd $fd csvDump , ' close $fd close $out } testTested with 118MB csv file. On Athlon XP 1600/512MB RAM, Debian Woody/Tcl 8.4 take about 3 min 20 sec.
Maybe this is too simple but this has worked for me. If the line ends in a quoted field there will be an odd number of " 's. I'm deliberately not keeping the embedded line ends so it may not suit others' needs. The returned line can be parsed with tcllib's csv parser - VPT
proc buildLine {ch} { set cnt 0 set line {} while {![eof $ch] } { gets $ch linePart set cnt [expr $cnt + [regexp -all {"} $linePart]] append line $linePart if {$cnt % 2 == 0} break } return $line }
pi31415Here is a brute force emitter and parser based on a script I wrote for a recent hobby project. csv::formatCsv expects a list of lists and produces CSV. csv::parseText expects CSV and produces a list of lists.
# Code to emit or parse csv # See also: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CSV_application_support # Uses Unicode. For ASCII: http://billposer.org/Software/uni2ascii.html namespace eval csv { # leave eol \n and use translation to write other formats set equo {""} set eol "\n" set quo {"} set sep "," } proc csv::encodeLine {fields} { set field undefined set parts [list] set retval undefined foreach {field} $fields { set field [regsub -all $csv::quo $field $csv::equo] if {[regexp "\[$csv::sep\\s\]" $field]} { set field "$csv::quo$field$csv::quo" } lappend parts $field } set retval [join [list [join $parts $csv::sep] $csv::eol] ""] return $retval } proc csv::formatCsv {data} { set line undefined set lines [list] set retval undefined foreach {line} $data { lappend lines [encodeLine $line] } set retval [join $lines ""] return $retval } proc csv::parseText {text} { set c undefined set chars [list] set fields [list] set i undefined set parts [list] set quoted false set retval [list] set text [string map [list "\r" ""] $text] if {![regexp "$csv::eol\$" $text]} { append text $csv::eol } # Parse the content character by character for {set i 0} {$i < [string length $text]} {incr i} { set c [string index $text $i] if {$c eq $csv::quo} { set quoted [expr {!$quoted}] } if {$c eq $csv::eol && !$quoted} { # End of line lappend parts $chars foreach {chars} $parts { if {[llength $chars] > 0} { if {[lindex $chars 0] eq $csv::quo} { # Remove enclosure delimiters set chars [lrange $chars 1 "end-1"] } elseif {[join [lrange $chars 0 1] ""] eq "=$csv::quo"} { # Remove formula sigil for CSV_application_support set chars [lrange $chars 2 "end-1"] } } # dequote quotes lappend fields [regsub -all \ $csv::equo \ [join $chars ""] \ $csv::quo \ ] } lappend retval $fields set chars [list] set fields [list] set parts [list] } elseif {$c eq $csv::sep && !$quoted} { # End of field lappend parts $chars set chars [list] } else { # Inside the field lappend chars $c } } return $retval } set data [list \ [list row row row "your boat"] \ [list gently down the stream] \ ] puts "original data:\n$data\n" set text [csv::formatCsv $data] puts "text:\n$text" set newdata [csv::parseText $text] puts "newdata:\n$newdata"
I believe the following code parses csv correctly. Uses ReadChar.
# Here paste ReadChar code by pmarin http://wiki.tcl.tk/25551 proc readCSV {fileName matrixName {sepchar \t}} { upvar $matrixName matrix set h [open $fileName r] ReadChar create csv $h set cell {} set rowL [list] set rowNum 0 set numCols 0 set quoting 0 set doublequotes 0 while {![csv eof]} { set ch [csv getc] if {$ch eq "\r"} { if {!$quoting} { continue ;# next char \n on Windows } else { append cell $ch } } elseif {$ch eq "\n"} { if {!$quoting} { ;# regular line end: flush if {![llength $rowL] && ![string length [string trim $cell]]} { # Spurious last line continue } lappend rowL $cell if {[llength $rowL] != $numCols} { if {$numCols == 0} { set numCols [llength $rowL] } else { error "Record #$rowNum: length is [llength $rowL], should be $numCols" } } lappend matrix $rowL set cell {} set rowL [list] incr rowNum } else { append cell $ch } } elseif {$ch eq $sepchar} { if {!$quoting} { lappend rowL $cell set cell {} } else { append cell $ch } } elseif {$ch eq "\""} { if {!$quoting} { set quoting 1 } else { if {$doublequotes} { append cell $ch set doublequotes 0 } elseif {[csv peek] eq "\""} { set doublequotes 1 } else { ;# closing quotes set quoting 0 } } } else { append cell $ch } } if {$quoting} { error "Unexpected EOF" } csv destroy } # Example set sheet [list] readCSV "testglm.csv" sheet "," puts "[llength $sheet] rows x [llength [lindex $sheet 0]] columns"
See also csvSee also LogParser