Please place any comments here, Thanks.
gold 01/19/2018. The reverse logic in your contrarian advice is of interest to me. I think my college days were spent subtracting the negatives from the ten commandments. However, you omitted the assignment of the new wiki page to the oblivion of an undocumented category, and not indexed to other categories more than the random selector. Your initial assignment of Meditations (only) is much in the same path. Seriously, i think an automated keyword or (auto) suggested categories with text analysis of each wiki page would be easy enough to rig up on this wiki. I notice that the other code wiki's have automated keyword suggestions. Assigning no date, no windows/unix/operating system, no dependencies to your code will ensure loss of much utility, as the most antique code (usually TCL4) has equal play with the latest TCL version. It would be useful to be search on scripts written > TCL version N or scripts addressing new features in version N.
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