Updated 2017-09-26 19:07:06 by auriocus

JMeh 17 Aug 2017 - HoughTrans

The Brinell test presses a 10 mm diameter hardened steel ball with a force of 29.42 kN into the surface of the material to be tested. After that the diameter of the impress is measured and then flows into a formula for calculating Brinell hardness. For a better measurement, the image of the impress is optically magnified on a milk glass disc, the screen. Since the size of the screen and the magnification factor are known, one can easily calculate the real diameter of the imprint if the size of the circle has previously been determined.

Therefore, I have installed a high resolution camera (1600x1200) in front of the screen to get a photo of the impress. Now one can use an analysis of the photo to find these points that form the edge of the imprint. With these points, a Hough transform can now be performed to determine the radius of the circle. This is the method which is used here.

Since the data volume in a Hough space becomes very large, it is not possible to store the values with standard Tcl commands. Therefore, the VecTcl library was used here.

If you want to learn more about Brinell Hardness or Hough Transformation, have a look at

Yes, the performance of the algorithm using VecTcl is far away from being usable, but it is also more of a case study. You can see it working in this screencast (animated GIF):

The sample image of the camera can be downloaded here:


For performance reasons, I use the same algorithm but written in C at the real test facility. Here is a table of execution times of several implementations:
LanguageCPU typenumber of stepselapsed timespecials
Tcl2,6 GHz Intel Core i72422.67 secTcl with VecTcl commands
C#2,6 GHz Intel Core i73600.894 secRunning with mono on my MAC
C2,6 GHz Intel Core i73601.036 secPure C - Single Processor
C2,6 GHz Intel Core i73600.454 secPure C - OpenMP with 8 threads
CUDAGeForce GTX 2603600.074 secGPU-Processing with 512 threads

[auriocus] Nice! Apparently, lots of time is spent to transfer the photo image into a VecTcl array. There is a secondary package vectcl::tk which does the conversion in C (numarray::fromPhoto). It is fast enough for interactive frame rates, see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88J0tVFE_ic

[DEC]: Is the Tcl time without the puts's?

JMeh: There are only 24 puts in total (inside the loop) - that doesn't matter

[DEC] Do all the other code examples use a GUI? Just trying to understand where the time is used in the Tcl/Tk version and can it be improved.

JMeh: No, this one here is the only one with a GUI, but that's not the reason. Look at the source, I think, it's well documented. You will see several neted loops. The outer one "while alpha < fullCircle { ..." loops over each angle, it is followed by a loop over the radius "for ri = 0:m { ..." to determine the brightness value of the edge of the imprint, followed by a double loop over the coordinates of the hough volume "for y = 0:C_HEIGHT-1 { for x = 0:C_WIDTH-1 { ..." to accumulate the brightness in the hough volume. The whole is followed by the last triple loop over the whole hough volume to get the maximum, but it's supported by the max-vectcl function, which will speed it up dramatically, because on the average only every seventh pass requires a further search.
Let us calculate the effort (assuming a radius of 353 pixel):
StepCalculationNumber of passesSum
1Determine brightness25 * 353= 8825
2Accumulate hough space25 * 250 * 250= 1562500
3Search maximum250 * 250 / 7= 9000

As you can see, the number of calculations is immensely high.

And here is the application:
# Hough Transformation Example

package require Tk
package require vectcl
namespace import vectcl::vexpr

set C_RANGE     125                             ;# the radius in the hough volume
set C_WIDTH     [vexpr {2 * C_RANGE}]           ;# width of hough volume
set C_HEIGHT    [vexpr {2 * C_RANGE}]           ;# height of hough volume

set R_MIN       100                             ;# minimum of valid radius
set R_MAX       550                             ;# maximum of valid radius
set R_WIDTH     [vexpr {R_MAX - R_MIN}]

set DEG_STEP     15     ;# search for edges every n degrees

set hotspotX    739     ;# X coordinate in the white spot
set hotspotY    605     ;# Y coordinate in the white spot

set scrnCenterY 675     ;# Y coordinate of the center of the screen
set scrnLeft    0       ;# X coordinate of the left bound of the screen
set scrnRight   0       ;# X coordinate of the left bound of the screen
set scrnWidth   0       ;# width of screen bounds
set scrnBrMin   250     ;# minimum screen brightness = 25 % (per mill)

set threshold   100     ;# minimum brightness difference = 10 % (per mill)

proc MarkCenter {xc yc} {
  vexpr {
    x1 = xc -25
    x2 = xc +25
    y1 = yc -25
    y2 = yc +25
  .c create line $x1 $yc $x2 $yc -width 1 -fill #ff00ff
  .c create line $xc $y1 $xc $y2 -width 1 -fill #ff00ff

proc MarkScreenBounds {} {
  global scrnCenterY scrnLeft scrnRight scrnWidth
  puts "screen bounds: $scrnLeft..$scrnRight = $scrnWidth pixel"
  vexpr {
    y  = scrnCenterY
    y1 = y -50
    y2 = y +50
    x1 = scrnLeft -30
    x2 = scrnLeft
    x3 = scrnRight
    x4 = scrnRight +30
  .c create line $x1 $y  $x2 $y  -width 2 -fill cyan -arrow last
  .c create line $x3 $y  $x4 $y  -width 2 -fill cyan -arrow first
  .c create line $x2 $y1 $x2 $y2 -width 1 -fill cyan
  .c create line $x3 $y1 $x3 $y2 -width 1 -fill cyan

proc MarkPoint {alpha r xp yp br} {
  puts [format "  alpha=%5.3f r=%3d P=(%4d,%4d) br=%d" $alpha $r $xp $yp $br]
  vexpr {
    x1 = xp - 7
    x2 = xp + 7
    y1 = yp - 7
    y2 = yp + 7
  .c create oval $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 -outline #ff0000 -fill {} -width 2

proc MarkImprint {h_max m_x m_y m_r} {
  puts [format "h_max=%.0f @ P=(%u,%u) R=%u" $h_max $m_x $m_y $m_r]
  vexpr {
    x1 = m_x - m_r
    x2 = m_x + m_r
    y1 = m_y - m_r
    y2 = m_y + m_r
  .c create oval $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 -outline #00ff00 -fill {} -width 3
  vexpr {
    x1 = m_x - 5
    x2 = m_x + 5
    y1 = m_y - 5
    y2 = m_y + 5
  .c create oval $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 -fill #00ff00

proc ShowHB {hbval} {
  .c create text 50 50 -anchor nw -font {Arial -24 bold} -fill white \
    -text [format "HB=%.1f" $hbval]

namespace import tcl::mathfunc::int
namespace import tcl::mathfunc::round
namespace import tcl::mathfunc::hypot

proc CalcHB {rPixel} {
  global scrnWidth
  vexpr {
    screenDiameter = 135.1                        # diameter of the original screen in mm
    enlargement    = 20                           # optical factor of the HB gauge
    force          = 29419.95                     # pressure force in N
    ballDiameter   = 10                           # ball diameter in mm
    PI             = 2 * asin(1.0)
    # calculate the diameter of the imprint in mm
    imprintDiameter = screenDiameter * 2 * rPixel / scrnWidth / enlargement

    imprintDepth = 0.0   # the depth of the imprint
    hbValue      = 0.0   # the brinell hardness value

    if imprintDiameter < ballDiameter {
      imprintDepth = abs(ballDiameter - hypot(ballDiameter, imprintDiameter)) / 2
      if imprintDepth > 0.0 {
        hbValue = force / (9.80665 * PI * ballDiameter * imprintDepth)

  puts [format "D=%.3f mm, d=%.3f mm, h=%.6f mm, HB=%.1f" \
          $ballDiameter $imprintDiameter $imprintDepth $hbValue]
  ShowHB $hbValue
  return $hbValue

proc houghtrans {} {
         scrnCenterY scrnLeft scrnRight scrnWidth scrnBrMin \
         hotspotX hotspotY threshold 

  set t_start [clock milliseconds]
  puts "Houghtrans - Tcl edition"

  puts "reading picture data ..."
  image create photo hbcam -file hbcam.png
  set w [image width  hbcam]
  set h [image height hbcam]
  pack [canvas .c -width $w -height $h] -expand yes -fill both
  .c create image 0 0 -image hbcam -anchor nw

  # copy image into pixel (a vectcl 2D vector)
  .c create line 0 0 $w 0 -width 3 -fill yellow -tags act_row
  vexpr {pixel = constfill(0,h,w)}              ;# create 2D pixel array
  for {set y 0} {$y < $h} {incr y} {            ;# for each row
    if {$y % 5 == 0} {
      .c coords act_row 0 $y $w $y              ;# show where we are (sometimes)
    for {set x 0} {$x < $w} {incr x} {          ;# for each column
      set red [lindex [hbcam get $x $y] 0]
      vexpr {pixel[y,x] = red / 0.255}          ;# set gray value (brightness) in per mill
  .c delete act_row
  MarkCenter $hotspotX $hotspotY

  puts "searching edges ..."
  vexpr {
    # allocate 3D hough volume
    houghdata = constfill(0,C_HEIGHT,C_WIDTH,R_WIDTH)
    # search for left screen bound
    searchLimit = w/4                           # search up to 1/4 of the picture
    scrnLeft = 0                                # init left screen bound
    x = 0                                       # start from left side
    while x < searchLimit {                     # search from left to right
      if pixel[scrnCenterY,x] > scrnBrMin {     # search for more than x% brightness
        scrnLeft = x                            # found left bound
        x = searchLimit                         # finish loop
      } else {
        x += 1
    # search for right screen bound
    scrnRight = 0
    searchLimit = 3*w/4                         # search up to 3/4 of the picture
    x = w-1                                     # start from right side
    while x > searchLimit {                     # search from right to left
      if pixel[scrnCenterY,x] > scrnBrMin {     # search for more than x% brightness
        scrnRight = x                           # found right bound
        x = searchLimit                         # finish loop
      } else {
        x -= 1
    scrnWidth = scrnRight - scrnLeft            # this is the reference width
    MarkScreenBounds()                          # show arrows for screen bounds

    # search for edge of impression ...
    fullCircle = 4 * asin(1.0)                  # 2 pi
    delta = fullCircle / (360.0 / DEG_STEP)     # angle step size    
    alpha = 0.0                                 # start at zero degrees
    while alpha < fullCircle {                  # for each angle ...
      br = 0                                    # init brightness
      xp = 0                                    # init x coordinate of resulting point
      yp = 0                                    # init y coordinate of resulting point

      fx = cos(alpha)                           # vector x-scaling
      fy = sin(alpha)                           # vector y-scaling

      br_list = constfill(-1.0, 30)             # make a vector for 30 brightness values

      l = h / 2                                 # not more than half height of picture
      m = l -1                                  # upper radius limit
      r = 0                                     # resulting radius

      for ri = 0:m { 
        x = hotspotX + round(fx * double(ri))   # calculate x coordinate
        y = hotspotY + round(fy * double(ri))   # calculate y coordinate
        if x > 0 && x < w && y > 0 && y < h {   # is this point in my area?
          db = 0                                # reset brightness difference
          br_list[29] = pixel[y,x]              # save brightness of point in per mill
          if br_list[0] != -1.0 {               # if we have enough samples, calculate the jump
            b1 = mean(br_list[0:24])            # inner brightness
            b2 = mean(br_list[25:29])           # outer brightness
            db = int(b2 - b1)                   # get brightness difference
          br_list[0:28] = br_list[1:29]         # shift the brightness buffer

          if db > threshold {                   # minimum brightness reached
            xp = x                              # set resulting x coordinate
            yp = y                              # set resulting y coordinate
            br = db                             # set resulting brightness
            r = ri                              # set resulting radius
            ri = m                              # finish, leave the loop

      if r > 0 && r < l {                       # Found edge!
        MarkPoint(alpha,r,xp,yp,br)             # show where we are
        for y = 0:C_HEIGHT-1 {                  # for each row in the hough volume ...
          for x = 0:C_WIDTH-1 {                 # for each column in the hough volume ...
            dx = xp - (hotspotX + x - C_RANGE)  # x-distance from hotspot point
            dy = (hotspotY + y - C_RANGE) - yp  # y-distance from hotspot point
            ri = int(hypot(dx, dy))             # calculate the radius of this point
            if ri >= R_MIN && ri < R_MAX {
              i = ri - R_MIN                    # radius index goes from R_MIN to R_MAX
              houghdata[y,x,i] += br            # add brightness value for this point
      alpha += delta                            # next angle

    # searching the hough volume for it's maximum value ...
    h_max = -1
    m_x = -1
    m_y = -1
    m_r = -1
    for y = 0:C_HEIGHT-1 {                      # for each row in the hough volume ...
      for x = 0:C_WIDTH-1 {                     # for each column in the hough volume ...
        h_val = max(houghdata[y,x,:])           # search new maximum with vexpr max vector function
        if h_val > h_max {
          for r = 0:R_WIDTH-1 {                 # for each radius row in the hough volume ...
            h_val = houghdata[y,x,r]
            if h_val > h_max {                  # look for the greatest added brightness
              h_max = h_val                     # my maximum value (until now)
              m_x = hotspotX + x - C_RANGE      # copy x coordinate
              m_y = hotspotY + y - C_RANGE      # copy y coordinate
              m_r = r + R_MIN                   # copy radius
    MarkImprint(h_max,m_x,m_y,m_r)              # show the resulting circle and midpoint
    CalcHB(m_r)                                 # calc brinell hardness with the determined radius

  set t_end [clock milliseconds]
  puts [format "time=%.3f sec" [expr ($t_end - $t_start) / 1000.0]]  
