This provides a script that can be used to quickly build one or more tcl scripts or applications into an executable
Starpack (windows only at the moment). Sources at
tcl2exe wraps a script using tclkit and sdx including provided libraries and other assets.
tcl2exe gui[0|1] file.tcl file.exe ?extra-from extra-to? ....
Quickly wrap a single script from the command line while including the provide extras.
Extras are copied from `extra-from` into `extra-to` in the created starpack.
tcl2exe pkgfile <pkg-glob>
Build all packages from `pkgfile` matching pkg-glob (* if omitted).
tcl2exe sdx ...
Call embedded sdx ...
Build all packages from all *.tpkg files in current folder.
tcl2exe -h|--help|/?
Show this screen.
*.tpkgThis is a one element list with a dict where the first key is the package name.
$pkg will be replaced by this.
- script: Single script file to wrap, omit if application is copied in extras.
- target: Target executable name
- GUI: GUI app yes/no. Whether to use tclkit or tclkitsh as runtime
- extras: List of from -> to mappings. from can be a file or a folder and is relative to the tpkg file. The file or folders are recursively copied into to which is relative to the starpack root.
tcl2exe {
script scripts/$pkg/$pkg.tcl
target bin/$pkg.exe
gui 0
extras {
scripts/$pkg/bin bin
scripts/$pkg/doc doc
scripts/$pkg/lib lib
tsd {
script scripts/$pkg.tcl
target bin/$pkg.exe
gui 0
extras {
c:/Tcl/lib/tdom0.8.3 lib/tdom
tkcon {
script scripts/$pkg.tcl
target bin/$pkg.exe
gui 1
extras {
c:/Tcl/lib/tcllib1.18 lib/tcllib
remark {
script scripts/$pkg.tcl
target bin/$pkg.exe
gui 0
extras { }
tkchat {
target bin/$pkg.exe
gui 1
extras {
scripts/$pkg .