I have viewed TIP#457 [
1] and disussions with an eye towards keeping faith with the Tao of Tcl. I've thought about this general issue, and spurred by Cyan Ogilvie's paper, I have come up with the following proposal. I think this proposal is forward compatible with existing scripts and provides for the requirements for: built-in argument pre-parsing, named parameters -ish, and passing by reference or passing arrays or call by name (obviate upvar).
I'm putting this out for discussion. I am not intending to file a TIP since I do not have an implementation nor will be attempting one. The work here might even be best handled by multiple TIP's.
Expand proc arglist definition to accept additional specification details for arguments. Each argument specifier list can be expanded to have additional fields. All additional fields are optional.
- Use Tk as a model to define the additional fields.
argname -- name of argument variable.
default -- Default value if actual is not specified.
optionname -- "flag" name used when specifying argument actual
by name
argtype -- Type definition
argclass -- Name to be used for possible db lookup,
or validation, or ...
flags -- Examples: NULL_OK, REQUIRED, etc.
help -- Brief textual description of argument
Boolean Int Double String Flag
Array List Dict Ref Script
Anchor Bitmap Border Color Cursor Font
Justify Pixels Relief Synonym Window
- User defined types: this could be the name of an OO class assumed to have certain methods for validation.
- The "Flag" type is an option that does not take a value. Either the option is present or it is not. A "Boolean" type is an option that takes a boolean value. "-join" in glob is a "Flag", "-gmt" in clock is a "Boolean".
- The empty type, "", is treated as a string.
- Flags
- NULL_OK -- Tcl does not have nulls, but the closest surrogate would be a variable that does not exist. To demonstrate:
proc test {
{f "" -f Font TextFont NULL_OK "Specifies override font (optional)"}
} {
if {[info exists f]} {
puts "Using font $f"
} else {
puts "Font is NULL"
- Extend the Tcl C API call Tcl_CreateObjCommand() to accept an optional args list.
Tcl_CreateObjCommandEx(interp, cmdName, proc, argsList, clientData, deleteProc)
- A shorthand for passing arrays: use () to denote an array argument. Any other syntatic sugar has a non-zero chance of breaking existing code. (note: it's not legal currently to use parentheses '()' in an argument name)
proc find_flightplan_from_position {flightplan() position()} {}
- For internationalization purposes, consider all hyphen like glyphs to be equivalent when processing options. (- MINUS Unicode: U+002D, UTF-8: 2D; – EN DASH Unicode: U+2013, UTF-8: E2 80 93; — EM DASH Unicode: U+2014, UTF-8: E2 80 94; ‑ NON-BREAKING HYPHEN Unicode: U+2011, UTF-8: E2 80 91)
Example proc with additional argument details:
proc http::register {
{proto "" -protocol "" "" REQUIRED "URL protocol prefix, e.g. https"}
{port "" -port Int "" REQUIRED "Default port for protocol"}
{command "" -command Script "" REQUIRED "Command to use to create socket"}
} {
variable urlTypes
set urlTypes([string tolower $proto]) [list $port $command]
bll 2016-11-27 And it would be nice if the option processing/parsing could also be called separately so that command line parameters could be parsed (from argv, from an environment variable, from a configuration file).
[Category proc args call-by-reference] |