Keith Vetter 2002-11-19 - This draws the Mandelbrot Fractal. You can highlight a portion and zoom in to it, or zoom back out.I'm not totally happy with the coloring scheme. I originally tried varying the brightness of the base color (using code from Making color gradients) and you can choose that option. But I found I preferred just choosing colors at random.One curiousity: drawing pixel by pixel into a canvas was too slow. Instead, I placed a blank image on the canvas and am drawing the fractal into it (and following the advice of Tk image Dos and Don'ts I'm painting by rows).I could probably get better numeric precision if I used the mpexpr package but I'll leave that as a future improvement.
For a short version, see also Mandelbrot and Julia sets
##+################################################################ # # TkMandelbrot -- draws the mandelbrot fractal # based on # by Keith Vetter # # Revisions: # KPV Nov 13, 2002 - initial revision # ##+################################################################ ################################################################### set tcl_precision 17 set Cwidth 500 ;# Canvas size set Cheight 500 set Rmin -2.0 ;# Left side set Rmax 1.0 ;# Right side set Imin -1.5 ;# Bottom set Imax [expr {$Imin + ($Rmax - $Rmin) * $Cheight /$Cwidth}] set Rscale [expr {($Rmax - $Rmin) / $Cwidth}] set Iscale [expr {($Imax - $Imin) / $Cheight}] set maxIters 50 set S(draw) 0 set S(color) red set S(title) "Tk Mandelbrot" set S(version) 1.0 lappend S(stack) [list $Rmin $Imax $Rmax $Imin] expr srand([clock clicks]) ##+################################################################ # # DoDisplay -- sets up our gui # proc DoDisplay {} { global Cwidth Cheight wm title . $::S(title) frame .bottom -bd 2 -relief ridge button .redraw -text "Redraw" -command Redraw set font "[font actual [.redraw cget -font]] -weight bold" .redraw configure -font $font catch {image create photo ::img::blank -width 1 -height 1} button .clear -text Clear -font $font -command Clear button .zoomin -text "Zoom In" -font $font -command ZoomIn button .zoomout -text "Zoom Out" -font $font -command ZoomOut button .color -text "Select Color" -font $font -command {ChangeColor 0} button .random -text "Random Colors" -font $font -command {ChangeColor 1} button .about -image ::img::blank -command About -highlightthickness 0 frame .flbl label .lbl -bd 2 -relief ridge -textvariable S(msg) canvas .c -width $Cwidth -height $Cheight -bd 2 -relief ridge -bg gray50 \ -highlightthickness 0 .c xview moveto 0 ; .c yview moveto 0 image create photo ::img::myImage -width $Cwidth -height $Cheight .c create image 0 0 -image ::img::myImage -anchor nw -tag image ToggleButtons 0 pack .bottom -side right -fill y -ipadx 10 -ipady 5 set row -1 grid rowconfigure .bottom [incr row] -minsize 5 grid .zoomin -in .bottom -sticky ew -pady 2 -row [incr row] grid .zoomout -in .bottom -sticky ew -pady 2 -row [incr row] grid rowconfigure .bottom [incr row] -minsize 20 grid .redraw -in .bottom -sticky ew -pady 2 -row [incr row] grid .clear -in .bottom -sticky ew -pady 2 -row [incr row] grid rowconfigure .bottom [incr row] -minsize 20 grid rowconfigure .bottom [incr row] -weight 1 grid .color -in .bottom -sticky ew -pady 2 -row [incr row] grid .random -in .bottom -sticky ew -pady 2 -row [incr row] grid rowconfigure .bottom [incr row] -minsize 5 pack .flbl -side bottom -fill x pack .lbl -in .flbl -side bottom -fill x pack .c -fill both -expand 1 bind .c <Button-1> [list DoBox 0 %x %y] bind .c <B1-Motion> [list DoBox 1 %x %y] bind all <Alt-c> {console show} update pack propagate .flbl 0 ;# Don't let it grow place .about -in .bottom -relx 1 -rely 1 -anchor se } ##+################################################################ # # ToggleButtons -- changes button state if we're drawing # proc ToggleButtons {drawing} { global S array set state {0 disabled 1 normal} if {$drawing} { foreach w {.zoomin .zoomout .clear .color .random} { $w config -state disabled } .redraw config -text "Stop Drawing" return } foreach w {.clear .color .random} { $w config -state normal } .zoomout config -state $state([expr {[llength $S(stack)] > 1}]) .zoomin config -state $state([expr {[llength [.c find withtag box]] > 1}]) .redraw config -text "Redraw" } ##+################################################################ # # Render -- Renders the mandelbrot set # proc Render {} { global Cwidth Cheight Rmin Rmax Imin Imax maxIters Rscale Iscale global S set sTime [clock click -milliseconds] ToggleButtons 1 set S(draw) 1 if {[winfo ismapped .c]} { ;# Recompute scaling factors set Cheight [winfo height .c] set Cwidth [winfo width .c] set Rscale [expr {($Rmax - $Rmin) / $Cwidth}] set Iscale [expr {($Imax - $Imin) / $Cheight}] } Clear ::img::myImage config -width $Cwidth -height $Cheight set step 4 ;# Do interlaced drawing for {set start 0} {$start < $step} {incr start} { for {set x $start} {$x < $Cwidth} {incr x $step} { set c_re [expr {$Rmin + $x * $Rscale}] set data "" for {set y 0} {$y < $Cheight} {incr y} { set c_im [expr {$Imax - $y * $Iscale}] set z_re $c_re set z_im $c_im for {set n 0} {$n < $maxIters} {incr n} { set z_re2 [expr {$z_re * $z_re}] ;# Have we escaped yet??? set z_im2 [expr {$z_im * $z_im}] if {($z_re2 + $z_im2) > 4} { break } set z_im [expr {2 * $z_re * $z_im + $c_im}] set z_re [expr {$z_re2 - $z_im2 + $c_re}] } lappend data $::colors($n) } ::img::myImage put $data -to $x 0 update if {$S(draw) == 0} break } if {$S(draw) == 0} break } set S(draw) 0 ToggleButtons 0 set sTime [expr {([clock click -milliseconds] - $sTime) / 1000}] INFO "Time: [Duration $sTime]" } ##+################################################################ # # gradient -- adjusts a color to be "closer" to either white or black # see # proc gradient {rgb factor} { foreach {r g b} [winfo rgb . $rgb] {break} # Figure out color depth and number of bytes to use in the final result. set max 255; set len 2 if {($r > 255) || ($g > 255) || ($b > 255)} {set max 65535; set len 4} # Compute new red value by incrementing the existing value by a # value that gets it closer to either 0 (black) or $max (white) set range [expr {$factor >= 0.0 ? $max - $r : $r}] set increment [expr {int($range * $factor)}] incr r $increment # Compute a new green value in a similar fashion set range [expr {$factor >= 0.0 ? $max - $g : $g}] set increment [expr {int($range * $factor)}] incr g $increment # Compute a new blue value in a similar fashion set range [expr {$factor >= 0.0 ? $max - $b : $b}] set increment [expr {int($range * $factor)}] incr b $increment ### Format the new rgb string set rgb [format "#%.${len}X%.${len}X%.${len}X" \ [expr {($r>$max)?$max:(($r<0)?0:$r)}] \ [expr {($g>$max)?$max:(($g<0)?0:$g)}] \ [expr {($b>$max)?$max:(($b<0)?0:$b)}]] return $rgb } ##+################################################################ # # GradientColors # # Get maxIters number of colors in a gradient from black to white of # color RGB. # proc GradientColors {{rgb red} {min -.5} {max .75}} { global S colors maxIters set S(color) $rgb for {set i 0} {$i <= $maxIters} {incr i} { set grad [expr {$min + 1.0* $i * ($max - $min) / $maxIters}] set colors($i) [gradient $rgb $grad] } set colors($maxIters) black } ##+################################################################ # # RandomColors -- picks colors randomly # proc RandomColors {} { global colors maxIters for {set i 0} {$i <= $maxIters} {incr i} { set colors($i) [format "\#%04X%04X%04X" [expr {int(rand() * 0xFFFF)}] \ [expr {int(rand() * 0xFFFF)}] [expr {int(rand() * 0xFFFF)}]] } set colors($maxIters) black } ##+################################################################ # # ChangeColor -- puts in a new color scheme # proc ChangeColor {random} { global S maxIters if {$random} { RandomColors INFO "Selecting new colors randomly -- press Redraw to see" } else { set color [tk_chooseColor -initialcolor $S(color) -parent . \ -title "Tk Mandelbrot Color"] if {$color == ""} return INFO "Setting new color $color -- press Redraw to see" GradientColors $color } } ##+################################################################ # # Canvas2Z -- converts from canvas to mandelbrot coordinates # proc Canvas2Z {x y} { global Rmin Imax Rscale Iscale set re [expr {$Rmin + $Rscale * $x}] #set im [expr {$Imin + $Iscale * $y}] set im [expr {$Imax - $Iscale * $y}] return [list $re $im] } ##+################################################################ # # DoBox -- handles mousing to create the zoom box # proc DoBox {what x y} { global B .c delete box if {$what == 0} { ;# Button down .zoomin config -state disabled ;# No box, no button set B(x0) [.c canvasx $x] set B(y0) [.c canvasx $y] } else { ;# Button motion set B(x1) [.c canvasx $x] set B(y1) [.c canvasx $y] .c create rect $B(x0) $B(y0) $B(x1) $B(y1) -outline white -tag box \ -dash 1 .zoomin config -state normal ;# Have box, have button } } ##+################################################################ # # Redraw -- starts or stops drawing of the fractal # proc Redraw {} { global S if {$S(draw)} { INFO "stopping" set S(draw) 0 return } INFO "redrawing..." Render } ##+################################################################ # # ZoomIn -- zooms in the display to the box on the screen # proc ZoomIn {} { global S Rmin Rmax Imin Imax INFO "zooming in..." if {[.c find withtag box] != ""} { foreach {x0 y0 x1 y1} [.c bbox box] break .c delete box foreach {Rmin2 Imax2} [Canvas2Z $x0 $y0] break foreach {Rmax2 Imin2} [Canvas2Z $x1 $y1] break foreach {Rmin Rmax Imin Imax} \ [list $Rmin2 $Rmax2 $Imin2 $Imax2] break } lappend S(stack) [list $Rmin $Imax $Rmax $Imin] after 1 Render } ##+################################################################ # # ZoomOut -- pops coordinates off stack and renders them # proc ZoomOut {} { global S Rmin Rmax Imin Imax if {[llength $S(stack)] < 2} return INFO "zooming out..." set a [lindex $S(stack) end-1] set S(stack) [lrange $S(stack) 0 end-1] ;# Leave current at the end foreach {Rmin Imax Rmax Imin} $a break after 1 Render } proc INFO {msg} { set ::S(msg) $msg } proc About {} { tk_messageBox -icon info -parent . -title "About $::S(title)" \ -message "$::S(title)\n\nby Keith Vetter\nNovember, 2002" } ##+################################################################ # # Duration - Prints out seconds in a nice format # # proc Duration { int_time } { if {$int_time == 0} {return "0 secs"} set timeList [list] foreach div {86400 3600 60 1} mod {0 24 60 60} name {day hr min sec} { set n [expr {$int_time / $div}] if {$mod > 0} {set n [expr {$n % $mod}]} if {$n > 1} { lappend timeList "$n ${name}s" } elseif {$n == 1} { lappend timeList "$n $name" } } return [join $timeList] } proc Clear {} { .c delete box ::img::myImage blank } ################################################################ ################################################################ ################################################################ DoDisplay RandomColors INFO "Welcome to Tk Mandelbrot" Render
Kris 2007-08-05 - I tweaked the interlaced rendering a little:in proc Renderreplace
set step 4 ;# Do interlaced drawing for {set start 0} {$start < $step} {incr start} {with
foreach {start wid step} {0 8 8 4 4 8 2 2 4 1 1 1} {and
::img::myImage put $data -to $x 0with
for {set xx $x} {$xx < $x+$wid} {incr xx} { ::img::myImage put $data -to $xx 0 }This may slow down the rendering but I think the "first results" are better than with the thin stripes.
RVB This is a great script! I added another color scheme (HSV variation)
##+################################################################ # # RvbColors -- picks colors # proc RvbColors {} { global colors maxIters set s 0.8 set v 0.9 set scale_colors {} set nc $maxIters for {set i 0} {$i <= $maxIters} {incr i} { set h [expr (360.0*$i)/$nc] set k [expr int($h/60.0) % 6] set f [expr $h/60.0 - $k] set p [expr $v*(1-$s)] set q [expr $v*(1-$f*$s)] set t [expr $v*(1-(1-$f)*$s)] switch -- $k { 0 {set r $v; set g $t; set b $p} 1 {set r $q; set g $v; set b $p} 2 {set r $p; set g $v; set b $t} 3 {set r $p; set g $q; set b $v} 4 {set r $t; set g $p; set b $v} 5 {set r $v; set g $p; set b $q} } set r [expr {int($r*0xFFFF)}] set g [expr {int($g*0XFFFF)}] set b [expr {int($b*0XFFFF)}] set colors($i) [format "\#%04X%04X%04X" $r $g $b] } set colors($maxIters) black }