proc integer args { foreach arg $args { uplevel 1 "trace var $arg w {incr $arg 0 ;#}" } } % integer i % set i x can't set "i": expected integer but got "x"
proc List args { foreach arg $args { uplevel 1 "trace var $arg w {llength \[set $arg\] ;#}" } } % List foo % set foo {bar "grill} can't set "foo": unmatched open quote in list
proc number args { foreach arg $args { uplevel 1 "trace var $arg w {expr 0+$$arg ;#}" } } % number p % set p 5 5 % set p 5.4 5.4 % set p hello can't set "p": syntax error in expression "0+hello": variable references require preceding $This error message isn't as clear as the others - maybe one should catch it and replace with a clearer. But the smallness of the traces would get lost in this process...
JCG: The Simple Library uses that mechanism on steroids, so that the error message is pretty explanatory:
% ::Simple::Variable::configure -monitortype true 1 % ::Simple::Variable::create ::foo -type integer % set ::foo 23 23 % set ::foo kk can't set "::foo": invalid value "kk" for variable "::foo" of type "integer"
See also