Updated 2012-11-17 06:32:00 by RLE
What: Tkwm
Where: http://www.dna.lth.se/%7Eerics/tkwm.html (This link did not work for me escargo 11/01/2002)
Description: A Tcl/Tk window manager, based on extensions to Tk.
Updated: 02/2000
Contact: mailto:MajorDomo@comp.vuw.ac.nz for mailing list subscriptions.
mailto:eric.schenk@dna.lth.se (Eric Schenk)
mailto:mckay@eecs.umich.edu (Neil McKay)

For a version for 8.3.4, see the Links section on Mark G. Saye.

Not to be confused with TkWm, which appears to be a REXX interface to the Tk wm command: http://rexxtk.sourceforge.net/tkwm.html

An 8.4.5 functional version is available here: http://pdqi.com/download/tkwm2.0.tar.gz mailto:peter@browsex.com (Peter MacDonald) (This link did not work for me escargo 17 Jul 2005 - Not Found The requested URL /download/tkwm2.0.tar.gz was not found on this server.)

The file is still online at: http://pdqi.com/browsex/download/tkwm2.0.tar.gz . Related material can be found here: http://pdqi.com/browsex/download/ . (Added by tstolz on 26 May 2012)