Keith Vetter 04/18/2016 -- How can you quickly determine if a number is evenly divisible by 7? There are nice tricks for 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9 but 7 is trickier.
Here's a simple, graphical way to test for divisibility by seven. Start at the starred node at the bottom. Now take each digit in turn from left to right in your number. For each digit, follow that many black arrows in a row, and then add one white arrow. If you finish at the bottom, then your number is divisible by 7.
How does it work? Here's a hint: the white arrows correspond to 10x mod 7.
2017-10-09: Online demo at [

# 7div.tcl -- Animation to test for divisibility by 7
# by Keith Vetter 2013-08-07
package require Tk
set PTS(0) {at 270 circle 0}
set PTS(1) {at 0 circle 0}
set PTS(2) {at 90 circle 0}
set PTS(3) {at 70 circle 1}
set PTS(4) {at 110 circle 1}
set PTS(5) {at 290 circle 1}
set PTS(6) {at 180 circle 0}
set ARCS(0,black) {circle 0 to 1}
set ARCS(0,white) {circle 2 to 0}
set ARCS(1,black) {circle 0 to 2}
set ARCS(1,white) {circle 1 to 3}
set ARCS(2,black) {line 10 to 3}
set ARCS(2,white) {circle 0 to 6}
set ARCS(3,black) {circle 1 to 4}
set ARCS(3,white) {line 10 to 2}
set ARCS(4,black) {line 11 to 5}
set ARCS(4,white) {line 11 to 5}
set ARCS(5,black) {circle 1 to 6}
set ARCS(5,white) {circle 1 to 1}
set ARCS(6,black) {circle 0 to 0}
set ARCS(6,white) {circle 1 to 4}
set ARROW(0) {black_delta 8 15 white_delta 0 -20}
set ARROW(1) {black_delta 20 -5 white_delta -20 0}
set ARROW(2) {black_delta -15 10 white_delta -10 -15}
set ARROW(3) {black_delta -20 -18 white_delta 10 -15}
set ARROW(4) {black_delta -15 15 white_delta 30 10}
set ARROW(5) {black_delta -20 -12 white_delta 10 -18}
set ARROW(6) {black_delta -15 5 white_delta 22 -5}
set S(rad,0,a) 350
set S(rad,0,b) 300
set S(rad,0,y) 0
set S(rad,1,a) 350
set S(rad,1,b) 150
set S(rad,1,y) 0
set d [expr {($S(rad,0,b) - $S(rad,1,b))}]
set r [expr {$d * 5 / 12.0}]
set S(rad,2,a) $r
set S(rad,2,b) $r
set S(rad,2,y) [expr {$S(rad,0,b) - $r}]
set S(cross,10) {2 3}
set S(cross,11) {4 5}
set S(animate,stepSize) 5
set S(animate,delay) 20
set S(animate,extraDelay) 1000
set S(number,candidate) 315
set S(box) 10
set S(digits,font) {Times 48 bold}
set S(breadcrumbs) 1
set S(w) [expr {2*$S(rad,0,a) + 150}]
set S(h) [expr {2*$S(rad,0,b) + 150}]
set S(state) unstarted
proc DoDisplay {} {
global S
wm title . "Divisible by 7"
frame .digits -bd 2 -relief solid -pady 3m
pack .digits -side bottom -fill x
ShowNumber $S(number,candidate)
canvas .c -width $S(w) -height $S(h) -bd 0 -highlightthickness 0 -bg green4
bind .c <Configure> {CenterCanvas %W %w %h}
pack .c -side top -fill both -expand 1
DrawOval 0 -width 5
DrawOval 1 -width 5
DrawOval 2 -width 5
DrawCrossing 10 -width 5
DrawCrossing 11 -width 5
DrawArrows -width 10
.c create oval [Box {*}$S(0,xy) 30] -tag animate -fill {} -width 10 -outline red
::ttk::frame .ctrl -padding 1m
::ttk::label .ctrl.l -text "Number to test:"
::ttk::entry .ctrl.e -textvariable ::S(number,candidate) -width 5
bind .ctrl.e <Key-Return> {.ctrl.test invoke}
::ttk::button .ctrl.test -text "Start" -command Start
::ttk::button .ctrl.about -text "About" -command About
grid .ctrl.l .ctrl.e -sticky ew -in
grid columnconfigure 1 -weight 1
pack -fill x
pack .ctrl.test .ctrl.about -expand 1 -side left
place .ctrl -in .c -relx 1 -rely 0 -x -10 -y 10 -anchor ne
proc ShowNumber {number} {
destroy {*}[winfo child .digits]
set digits " "
if {[string is integer -strict $number]} {
set ::S(msg) "Testing if $number is divisible by 7"
set digits $number
} elseif {[string trim $number] eq ""} {
set ::S(msg) ""
} else {
set ::S(msg) "$number is not an integer"
for {set i 0} {$i < [string length $digits]} {incr i} {
set digit [string index $digits $i]
label .digits.d$i -text $digit -font $::S(digits,font)
pack .digits.d$i -side left
frame -bg black -padx 1
label .digits.msg -textvariable ::S(msg) -font $::S(digits,font)
pack -side left -fill y
pack .digits.msg -side left -fill both -expand 1
proc HighlightDigit {how digits subIdx idx} {
global S
set w .digits.d$idx
if {$how eq "over"} {
if {$idx == 0} {
set S(msg) "$digits is divisible by 7"
} else {
set S(msg) "$digits is not divisible by 7"
} elseif {$how eq "done"} {
$w config -bd 0 -bg [lindex [$w config -bg] 3]
} elseif {$how eq "begin"} {
set digit [string index $digits $idx]
$w config -bd 2 -relief raised -bg black -fg magenta
.c itemconfig breadcrumbs -fill cyan -tag breadcrumbs,old
set S(msg) "Processing digit '$digit'"
return $S(animate,extraDelay)
} elseif {$how eq "black"} {
set digit [string index $digits $idx]
incr subIdx
set S(msg) "Black step #$subIdx for '$digit'"
} elseif {$how eq "white"} {
set digit [string index $digits $idx]
$w config -bg white
set S(msg) "White step for '$digit'"
} else {
error "unknown how: $how"
return 1
proc ArcCoords {from color} {
global S PTS ARCS
lassign $ARCS($from,$color) type which . to
if {$type eq "line"} {
set xy [concat $S($from,xy) $S($to,xy)]
} else {
set startAngle [lindex $PTS($from) 1]
set endAngle [lindex $PTS($to) 1]
set xy [OvalCoords $which $startAngle $endAngle 5]
return $xy
proc ArrowCoords {from color distance} {
global S ARCS
set xy [ArcCoords $from $color]
set axy {}
set soFar 0
lassign $xy x0 y0
foreach {x1 y1} $xy {
set leg [expr {hypot($x1-$x0, $y1-$y0)}]
if {$soFar + $leg < $distance} {
lappend axy $x1 $y1
set soFar [expr {$soFar + $leg}]
} else {
set short [expr {$distance - $soFar}]
lassign [ResizeLine $x0 $y0 $x1 $y1 $short] x y
lappend axy $x $y
lassign [list $x1 $y1] x0 y0
return $axy
proc LineLength {xy} {
set total 0
lassign $xy x0 y0
foreach {x1 y1} $xy {
set leg [expr {hypot($x1-$x0, $y1-$y0)}]
set total [expr {$total + $leg}]
lassign [list $x1 $y1] x0 y0
return $total
proc SegmentLine {xy maxLen} {
set segments {}
lassign $xy x0 y0
set segment [list $x0 $y0]
set segmentLength 0
for {set idx 2} {$idx < [llength $xy]} {incr idx 2} {
lassign [lrange $xy $idx $idx+1] x1 y1
set leg [expr {hypot($x1-$x0, $y1-$y0)}]
while {$segmentLength + $leg > $maxLen} {
set short [expr {$maxLen - $segmentLength}]
lassign [ResizeLine $x0 $y0 $x1 $y1 $short] x y
lappend segments [concat $segment $x $y]
set segment [list $x $y]
set segmentLength 0
lassign [list $x $y] x0 y0
set leg [expr {hypot($x1-$x0, $y1-$y0)}]
lappend segment $x1 $y1
set segmentLength [expr {$segmentLength + $leg}]
lassign [list $x1 $y1] x0 y0
if {$segmentLength > 0} {
lappend segments $segment
return $segments
proc ResizeLine {x0 y0 x1 y1 newLength} {
set leg [expr {hypot($x1-$x0, $y1-$y0)}]
set dx [expr {$x1 - $x0}]
set dy [expr {$y1 - $y0}]
set x [expr {$x0 + $dx * $newLength / $leg}]
set y [expr {$y0 + $dy * $newLength / $leg}]
return [list $x $y]
proc CenterCanvas {W w h} {
set w [expr {$w / 2}]
set h [expr {$h / 2}]
$W config -scrollregion [list -$w -$h $w $h]
proc DrawOval {who args} {
global S
set xy [OvalCoords $who 0 360 5]
.c create line $xy -tag oval$who {*}$args
return "oval$who"
proc OvalCoords {who start end {delta 5}} {
global S
set a $S(rad,$who,a)
set b $S(rad,$who,b)
set y0 [expr {[info exist S(rad,$who,y)] ? $S(rad,$who,y) : 0}]
set xy {}
# Which direction
set clockwise [expr {($end - $start) % 360}]
set anticlockwise [expr {($start - $end) % 360}]
set dir [expr {$clockwise <= $anticlockwise ? "clockwise" : "anticlockwise"}]
if {$dir eq "anticlockwise"} {
lassign [list $start $end] end start
if {$end <= $start} { incr end 360 }
for {set deg $start} {$deg <= $end} {incr deg $delta} {
set rad [expr {acos(-1) * $deg / 180}]
set x [expr {$a * cos($rad)}]
set y [expr {$y0 - $b * sin($rad)}]
set x [format %.2f $x]
set y [format %.2f $y]
if {$dir eq "anticlockwise"} {
set xy [concat $x $y $xy]
} else {
lappend xy $x $y
return $xy
proc DrawArrows {args} {
global S
for {set who 0} {$who < 7} {incr who} {
set dx0 0 ; set dy0 0 ; set dx1 0 ; set dy1 0
lassign $::ARROW($who) . dx0 dy0 . dx1 dy1
set xy [ArrowCoords $who black 40]
set id [.c create line $xy -tag arrow,$who,black -fill black -arrow last -arrowshape {12 12 7} {*}$args]
.c move $id $dx0 $dy0
set xy [ArrowCoords $who white 40]
set id [.c create line $xy -tag arrow,$who,white -fill white -arrow last -arrowshape {12 12 7} {*}$args]
.c move $id $dx1 $dy1
proc DrawPoints {} {
global S
for {set i 0} {$i < 7} {incr i} {
#lassign $S($i) who degree
lassign $::PTS($i) . degree . whichOval
set a $S(rad,$whichOval,a)
set b $S(rad,$whichOval,b)
set S($i,xy) [PointOnEllipse $degree $a $b]
.c create oval [Box {*}$S($i,xy) $S(box)] -fill black -tag [list points p$i]
set id [.c create poly [MakeStar {*}$S(0,xy) $S(box)] -fill green1 -tag {points p0}]
.c move $id 1 0
proc DrawCrossing {who args} {
set xy [CrossingCoords $who]
.c create line $xy {*}$args
proc CrossingCoords {who} {
global S
lassign $S(cross,$who) node1 node2
return [concat $S($node1,xy) $S($node2,xy)]
proc Box {x y r} {
return [list [expr {$x-$r}] [expr {$y-$r}] [expr {$x+$r}] [expr {$y+$r}]]
proc PointOnEllipse {degree a b} {
set rad [expr {acos(-1) * $degree / 180}]
set x [expr {$a * cos($rad)}]
set y [expr {-$b * sin($rad)}]
set x [expr {round($x)}] ; set y [expr {round($y)}]
return [list $x $y]
proc MakeStar {x y delta} {
set pi [expr {acos(-1)}]
# Compute distance to inner corner
#set x1 [expr {$delta * cos(54 * $pi/180)}] ;# Unit vector to inner point
set y1 [expr {sin(54 * $pi/180)}]
set y2 [expr {$delta * sin(18 * $pi/180)}] ;# Y value to match
set delta2 [expr {$y2 / $y1}]
# Now get all coordinates of the 5 outer and 5 inner points
for {set i 0} {$i < 10} {incr i} {
set d [expr {($i % 2) == 0 ? $delta : $delta2}]
set theta [expr {(90 + 36 * $i) * $pi / 180}]
set x1 [expr {$x + $d * cos($theta)}]
set y1 [expr {$y - $d * sin($theta)}]
lappend coords $x1 $y1
return $coords
proc About {} {
set msg "7 Graphical Divisibility Test\nby Keith Vetter -- April, 2016\n\n"
append msg "Here's a simple, graphical way to test for divisibility by seven.\n\n"
append msg "Start at the starred node at the bottom. Now take each digit in turn "
append msg "from left to right in your number. For each digit, follow that many "
append msg "black arrows in a row, and then add one white arrow. If you finish at "
append msg "the bottom, then your number is divisible by 7.\n\n"
append msg "How does it work? Here's a hint: the white arrows correspond to 10x mod 7."
tk_messageBox -message $msg
namespace eval ::Animate {}
proc ::Animate::StepsForLeg {whichNode idx digits} {
global ARCS
set digit [string index $digits $idx]
set steps {}
lappend steps "begin" [list - $idx]
for {set i 0} {$i < $digit} {incr i} {
lappend steps "black" [list $i $idx]
lappend steps {*}[::Animate::Xy2Steps [ArcCoords $whichNode black]]
set whichNode [lindex $ARCS($whichNode,black) 3]
lappend steps "white" [list - $idx]
lappend steps {*}[::Animate::Xy2Steps [ArcCoords $whichNode white]]
lappend steps "done" [list - $idx]
set whichNode [lindex $ARCS($whichNode,white) 3]
return [list $whichNode $steps]
proc ::Animate::Xy2Steps {xy} {
global S
set segments [SegmentLine $xy $S(animate,stepSize)]
set steps [lrange [lindex $segments 0] 0 1]
set steps {}
foreach segment $segments {
lappend steps {*}[lrange $segment end-1 end]
return $steps
proc Start {} {
global S
set S(number,candidate) [string trim $S(number,candidate)]
if {$S(state) eq "unstarted"} {
set S(state) started
7Test $S(number,candidate)
} else {
set S(state) unstarted
proc 7Test {digits} {
ShowNumber $digits
if {[string is integer -strict $digits]} {
DoAnimation $digits 0 {} 0
} else {
set ::S(state) "unstarted"
proc ResetAnimation {} {
.c delete breadcrumbs breadcrumbs,old
.c coords animate [Box {*}$::S(0,xy) 30]
proc DoAnimation {digits idx steps where} {
global S
if {$S(state) ne "started"} return
if {$steps eq {} && $idx >= [string length $digits]} {
HighlightDigit "over" $digits - $where
set S(state) "unstarted"
set nextWhere $where
if {$steps eq {}} {
set digit [string index $digits $idx]
lassign [::Animate::StepsForLeg $where $idx $digits] nextWhere steps
incr idx
set extraDelay 1
if {$steps ne {}} {
set nextSteps [lassign $steps newX newY]
if {$newX in {"begin" "black" "white" "done"}} {
set extraDelay [HighlightDigit $newX $digits {*}$newY]
} else {
lassign [.c bbox animate] x0 y0 x1 y1
set x [expr {($x1 + $x0)/2}] ; set y [expr {($y1 + $y0)/2}]
set dx [expr {$newX - $x}] ; set dy [expr {$newY - $y}]
if {$S(breadcrumbs)} {
set xy [.c coords breadcrumbs]
if {$xy eq {}} {
.c create line $x $y $x $y -tag breadcrumbs -fill red -width 4
.c raise points
.c raise animate
} else {
lappend xy $x $y
.c coords breadcrumbs $xy
.c move animate $dx $dy
set delay $S(animate,delay)
if {$extraDelay > 1} {
set delay $extraDelay
after $delay [list DoAnimation $digits $idx $nextSteps $nextWhere]