struct commandstruct <sub command> ?<arg> ...?
- struct create <structure name> <list>
- Creates an instance of the named structure type initialising the contents of the structure to the contents of the list. e.g.
% set a [struct create node {root {} {}}] <feather::structure 0x2004e278>
- struct define <structure name> <definition>
- Defines a new structure type or redefines an old structure type. The definition is simply a list of member names. e.g.
% struct define node { data left right }
- struct contents <structure instance>
- Returns the contents of the structure as a list.
% struct define node { data left right } % set a [struct create node {root {} {}}] <feather::structure 0x2004e278> % getx $a data root % setx $a left [struct create node {child1 {} {}}] % struct contents $a root {<feather::structure 0x2004ef18>} {} % getx $a left data child1