sequence <sub command> ?<arg> ...?A sequence is a container which contains a sequence of objects. There are currently two types of sequences, a series and a repeat.A series is an arithmetic progression.A repeat is a repetition of one object the specified number of times.
- sequence repeat <count> <value>
- Create a sequence of count values. e.g.
% set a [sequence repeat 10 {}] {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}
- sequence series <start> <count> ?<increment>?
- Create an arithmetic progression of count numbers. The nth member (0 <= n < count) is start + n * increment. If the increment is not specified then it is assumed to be 1. e.g.
% set a [sequence series 1 10 4] 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37Both of these sequences have a very compact internal representation which is not expanded when used with the generic container commands.