Description edit
Keith Vetter 2003-04-07: this whizzlet draws both the standard Hilbert Curve and a analogous one in 3-dimensions.One clever aspect of this program is how it does hidden surface removal. The simple painters algorithm--drawing distant objects first so nearer objects paint over obscured surfaces (as used in Fractal Mountains)--doesn't work easily because the components of the curve can't be generated in a back-to-front ordering.Instead, it uses tk's canvas stacking order. As each object gets generated it is tagged with its depth; then when everything is drawn, then canvas raise is used to place nearer objects before distant ones. This method won't work for complex objects but for the simple ones here it makes an effective hidden surface algorithm.Changes edit
Discussion edit
LV is there a relationship between this code and the sdarchive starkit that talks about the same thing?In cases where wiki code is turned into starkits, perhaps the starkit's url could be added to the appropriate page, and, vice versa, the wikit page could be placed in the starkit's help information, so that someone with problems knows where to submit questions and comments?
Code edit
##+#################################################################### # # 3D Maze # # Draws a maze with a guaranteed unique solution. # by Keith Vetter # # The program works by picking a spot randomly in the maze, then # random walking until it can't proceed on untravelled cells. It then # backs up until it can branch onto a untravelled cells and proceeds # on a new random walk. When all cells have been visited we're done # except for selecting a spot on the east and west wall for the # entrances. # # Actually, if you start your walk from the exit, and record the # direction you entered a cell from, then you have the solution from # anywhere in the maze to the exit. Furthermore, you can find the path # from any A->B by getting the solution from both points, finding # where they meet and joining the two paths to the junction point. # # Revisions: # KPV August 31, 1994 - initial revision # KPV Sep 24, 2002 - ported to tk8+ # KPV Sep 25, 2002 - exposed 3d capabilities, added the moving man, # KPV Sep 26, 2002 - moving with the mouse # KPV Oct 14, 2002 - added opaque maze package require Tk set sz(x) 10 ;# Maze width set sz(y) 10 ;# Maze height set sz(z) 3 ;# Maze levels ##+#################################################################### # # Init # # Sets up some global variables. # proc Init {} { global sz DIR WALL DOOR MOTION MARK set sz(w) 550 ;# Canvas width set sz(h) 550 ;# Canvas height set sz(box) 30 ;# Cell box size set sz(tm) 50 ;# Top margin set sz(lm) 50 ;# Left margin set sz(lw) 3 ;# Line width set sz(animate) 0 ;# Animation active flag set sz(solution) {} ;# Working solution set sz(mousing) 0 # These directions also act as bit shift amounts array set DIR {NORTH 0 EAST 1 UP 2 SOUTH 3 WEST 4 DOWN 5 DONE -1} foreach {a b} [array get DIR] {set DIR($b) $a} array set WALL { NORTH 0x01 EAST 0x02 UP 0x04 SOUTH 0x08 WEST 0x10 DOWN 0x20 ANY 0x3F } array set DOOR { NORTH 0x0100 EAST 0x0200 UP 0x0400 SOUTH 0x0800 WEST 0x1000 DOWN 0x2000 ANY 0x3F00 } array set MOTION {0 0,-1,0 1 1,0,0 2 0,0,-1 3 0,1,0 4 -1,0,0 5 0,0,1} foreach {a b} [array get MOTION] {set MOTION($b) $a} array set MARK {X 0x4000 ? 0x8000 ANY 0xC000 VICTORY 0x10000 \ VISIBLE 0x40 VISITED 0x80 V_ANY 0xC0} } proc WALLDIR {dir} {return [expr {$::WALL(NORTH) << $dir}] } proc DOORDIR {dir} {return [expr {$::DOOR(NORTH) << $dir}] } proc WALLDOORDIR {dir} {return [expr {($::WALL(NORTH) |$::DOOR(NORTH))<<$dir}]} proc OPPOSITE {dir} {return [expr {($dir + 3) % 6}] } proc ADDHINT {x y z dir} {ORMAZE $x $y $z [expr {($dir + 1) << 17}]} proc GETHINT {x y z} {return [expr {($::maze($x,$y,$z) >> 17) - 1}]} proc ORMAZE {x y z n} {set ::maze($x,$y,$z) [expr {$::maze($x,$y,$z) | $n}]} proc UNORMAZE {x y z n} {set ::maze($x,$y,$z) [expr {$::maze($x,$y,$z) & ~$n}]} proc INFO {msg} {set ::INFO $msg} proc CANMOVE {x y z d} {expr {$::maze($x,$y,$z) & [DOORDIR $d]}} proc ISMARKED {x y z who} {expr {$::maze($x,$y,$z) & $who}} proc ISVISIBLE {x y z} {expr {$::maze($x,$y,$z) & $::MARK(V_ANY)}} proc MARKVISIBLE {x y z} {ORMAZE $x $y $z $::MARK(VISIBLE)} proc MARKVISITED {x y z} {ORMAZE $x $y $z $::MARK(VISITED)} proc DOMARK {x y z who} {ORMAZE $x $y $z $who} proc UNMARK {x y z who} {UNORMAZE $x $y $z $who} proc MOVETO {x y z d} {foreach {dx dy dz} [split $::MOTION($d) , ] break list [incr x $dx] [incr y $dy] [incr z $dz]} proc UNMOVE {x y z X Y Z} { if {[catch {set ::MOTION([incr X -$x],[incr Y -$y],[incr Z -$z])} n]} { return -1} {return $n}} proc POS {} {list $::sz(px) $::sz(py) $::sz(pz)} ##+########################################################################## # # NewMaze # # Creates a new maze of a given size. # proc NewMaze {{redo 1}} { set w [winfo width .c] ; set h [winfo height .c] .c config -scrollregion [list 0 0 $w $h] .c delete all .c create text [expr $w/2] [expr $h/2] -anchor c -font bold -tag INFO trace add variable ::INFO write { .c itemconfig INFO -text $::INFO;# } INFO "Thinking" set w [expr {($w - 2.0*$::sz(lm)) / $::sz(x)}] set h [expr {($h - 2.0*$::sz(tm)) / $::sz(y)}] set x [expr {$w < $h ? $w : $h}] set ::sz(box) [expr {$x > 100 ? 100 : $x < 5 ? 5 : $x}] set ::sz(solve) 0 AnimateCmd 0 FillMaze } ##+########################################################################## # # Restart # # Puts man back at the starting door # proc Restart {} { foreach {::sz(px) ::sz(py) ::sz(pz)} $::sz(start) break for {set x 0} {$x < $::sz(x)} {incr x} { ;# Clear all marks for {set y 0} {$y < $::sz(y)} {incr y} { for {set z 0} {$z < $::sz(z)} {incr z} { UNORMAZE $x $y $z $::MARK(ANY) ;# Remove all marks UNORMAZE $x $y $z $::MARK(VISITED) ;# Haven't seen cell yet } } } eval UNORMAZE $::sz(end2) $::MARK(VICTORY) AnimateCmd 0 GetSolution ;# Make sure solution is correct ShowLevel 0 set ::sz(cnt) 0 } proc DoOpaque {} { for {set x 0} {$x < $::sz(x)} {incr x} { ;# Clear all marks for {set y 0} {$y < $::sz(y)} {incr y} { for {set z 0} {$z < $::sz(z)} {incr z} { catch { if {$::sz(opaque)} { UNORMAZE $x $y $z $::MARK(VISIBLE) } else { ORMAZE $x $y $z $::MARK(VISIBLE) } } } } } ShowLevel $::sz(lvl) } ##+########################################################################## # # InitMaze # # Set up emptry with only outer walls matrix # proc InitMaze {} { global maze sz catch {unset maze} for {set x 0} {$x < $sz(x)} {incr x} { ;# Set all cells to 0 for {set y 0} {$y < $sz(y)} {incr y} { for {set z 0} {$z < $sz(z)} {incr z} { set maze($x,$y,$z) 0 if {! $sz(opaque)} { ORMAZE $x $y $z $::MARK(VISIBLE)} } } } for {set z 0} {$z < $sz(z)} {incr z} { ;# North, south walls for {set x 0} {$x < $sz(x)} {incr x} { ORMAZE $x 0 $z $::WALL(NORTH) ORMAZE $x [expr {$sz(y) - 1}] $z $::WALL(SOUTH) } } for {set z 0} {$z < $sz(z)} {incr z} { ;# East, west walls for {set y 0} {$y < $sz(y)} {incr y} { ORMAZE 0 $y $z $::WALL(WEST) ORMAZE [expr {$sz(x) - 1}] $y $z $::WALL(EAST) } } for {set x 0} {$x < $sz(x)} {incr x} { ;# Up, down walls for {set y 0} {$y < $sz(y)} {incr y} { ORMAZE $x $y 0 $::WALL(UP) ORMAZE $x $y [expr {$sz(z) - 1}] $::WALL(DOWN) } } } ##+########################################################################## # # FillMaze # # Does the actual maze creation by randomly walking around the maze. # proc FillMaze {} { global sz maze InitMaze set ::mstack {} eval PushPos [PickEntrance] eval MARKVISITED [POS] set sz(walkcnt) [expr {$sz(x) * $sz(y) * $sz(z)}] after idle WalkMaze } proc WalkMaze {} { global sz foreach {px py pz} [PopPos] break if {$px == -1} { # We're done INFO "drawing" # Now open the outer wall up for our entrance and exit eval UNORMAZE $sz(start) $::WALL(WEST) eval UNORMAZE $sz(end) $::WALL(EAST) eval ORMAZE $sz(end) $::DOOR(EAST) set sz(solution) {} ShowMaze set ::sz(best) [llength [GetSolution]] return } set newDir [PickDir $px $py $pz] ;# Get a new direction if {$newDir == -1} { after idle WalkMaze ;# Can't move, try new position return } set whence [OPPOSITE $newDir] PushPos $px $py $pz ORMAZE $px $py $pz [DOORDIR $newDir] ;# Add door in the new direction # Cell we move into foreach {px py pz} [MOVETO $px $py $pz $newDir] break # It too has a door PushPos $px $py $pz ORMAZE $px $py $pz [DOORDIR $whence] # Stuff solution info into high bits ADDHINT $px $py $pz $whence if {([incr sz(walkcnt) -1] % 100) == 0} { INFO "Thinking $sz(walkcnt)" } after idle WalkMaze } ##+########################################################################## # # PickEntrance # # Pick where the entrance and exit should be. # proc PickEntrance {} { set x1 0 ;# Left wall set y1 [expr {int(rand() * $::sz(y))}] set z1 0 set x2 [expr {$::sz(x) - 1}] ;# Right wall set y2 [expr {int(rand() * $::sz(y))}] set z2 [expr {int(rand() * $::sz(z))}] set z2 [expr {$::sz(z) - 1}] set ::sz(lvl) $z1 set ::sz(start) [list $x1 $y1 $z1] set ::sz(end) [list $x2 $y2 $z2] set ::sz(end2) [list $::sz(x) $y2 $z2] foreach {::sz(px) ::sz(py) ::sz(pz)} [list $x1 $y1 $z1] break set ::maze($::sz(x),$y2,$z2) [DOORDIR $::DIR(WEST)] ;# MoveMan needs this set ::sz(cnt) 0 return [list $x2 $y2 $z2] } ##+########################################################################## # # PickDir # # Picks a random legal direction to move from (px,py,pz), -1 if no move. # proc PickDir {px py pz} { set dirs {} foreach dir {0 1 2 3 4 5} { eval lappend dirs [OKDir? $px $py $pz $dir] } regsub -all {([0134] )} $dirs {\1\1\1\1} dirs ;# Make up/down less likely set len [llength $dirs] if {$len == 0} {return -1} return [lindex $dirs [expr {int(rand() * $len)}]] } ##+########################################################################## # # OKDir? # # Sees if it's legal to move in direction dir. If that cell is # already visited then we put up a wall. # proc OKDir? {px py pz dir} { if {$::maze($px,$py,$pz) & [WALLDOORDIR $dir]} {return ""} foreach {px2 py2 pz2} [MOVETO $px $py $pz $dir] break if {$::maze($px2,$py2,$pz2) & $::DOOR(ANY)} { ;# Destination visited??? ORMAZE $px $py $pz [WALLDIR $dir] ;# Yes, put up a wall ORMAZE $px2 $py2 $pz2 [WALLDIR [OPPOSITE $dir]] return "" } return $dir } ##+########################################################################## # # DoDisplay # # Initializes our display # proc DoDisplay {} { wm title . "3D Maze" pack [frame .bottom] -side bottom -fill x pack [frame .bottom.right] -side right -fill y pack [frame .bottom.mid] -side right -fill y -expand 1 canvas .c -relief raised -bd 2 -wid $::sz(w) -height $::sz(h) -highlightth 0 scrollbar .sb -command ScrollBarCmd scale .x -orient h -var sz(x) -fr 2 -to 100 -label "Maze Width" -relie ridge scale .y -orient h -var sz(y) -fr 2 -to 100 -label "Maze Height" -reli ridge scale .z -orient h -var sz(z) -fr 1 -to 5 -label "Maze Depth" -relie ridge button .new -text "New Maze" -command NewMaze -width 11 button .restart -text "Restart" -command Restart checkbutton .anim -text "Animate Solution" -command {AnimateCmd -1} \ -variable sz(animate) -relief raised -anchor w checkbutton .solve -text "Show Solution" -command {ShowSolution -1} \ -variable sz(solve) -relief raised -anchor w checkbutton .opaque -text "Opaque Maze" -command DoOpaque \ -variable sz(opaque) -relief raised -anchor w button .helper -text Help -command Help pack .sb -side right -fill y pack .c -side left -fill both -expand 1 pack .x .y .z -side left -in .bottom -fill y pack .new .restart .helper -side top -in .bottom.mid -expand 1 -fill x pack .solve .anim .opaque -side top -in .bottom.right \ -fill both -padx 1m -exp 1 bind .c <MouseWheel> {ScrollBarCmd scroll [expr {-%D/abs(%D)}] page} bind .c <Key-Up> [list MoveMan $::DIR(NORTH) 0] bind .c <Shift-Key-Up> [list MoveMan $::DIR(NORTH) 1] bind .c <Key-Down> [list MoveMan $::DIR(SOUTH) 0] bind .c <Shift-Key-Down> [list MoveMan $::DIR(SOUTH) 1] bind .c <Key-Left> [list MoveMan $::DIR(WEST) 0] bind .c <Shift-Key-Left> [list MoveMan $::DIR(WEST) 1] bind .c <Key-Right> [list MoveMan $::DIR(EAST) 0] bind .c <Shift-Key-Right> [list MoveMan $::DIR(EAST) 1] bind .c <Key-Prior> [list MoveMan $::DIR(UP) 0] bind .c <Shift-Key-Prior> [list MoveMan $::DIR(UP) 1] bind .c <Key-Home> [list MoveMan $::DIR(UP) 0] bind .c <Shift-Key-Home> [list MoveMan $::DIR(UP) 1] bind .c <Key-Next> [list MoveMan $::DIR(DOWN) 0] bind .c <Shift-Key-Next> [list MoveMan $::DIR(DOWN) 1] bind .c <Key-End> [list MoveMan $::DIR(DOWN) 0] bind .c <Shift-Key-End> [list MoveMan $::DIR(DOWN) 1] bind .c <Key-n> [list NewMaze] bind .c <Key-space> [list ShowMark 1] bind .c <Key-Insert> [list ShowMark 1] #bind .c <Button-1> [list Move2Mouse %x %y] bind .c <Button-1> [list MouseDown %x %y] bind .c <B1-Motion> [list MouseMove %x %y] bind .c <ButtonRelease-1> [list MouseUp] bind .c <Shift-Button-1> [list ShowMark 1] bind .c <Button-3> {expr {[MoveMan $::DIR(DOWN) 0] || [MoveMan $::DIR(UP) 0]}} bind .c <Shift-Button-3> [list MoveMan $::DIR(UP) 0] #bind .c <Double-Button-1> [list Move2Mouse %x %y] bind Canvas <Button-2> [bind Text <Button-2>] bind Canvas <B2-Motion> [bind Text <B2-Motion>] bind .c <Alt-c> [list console show] focus .c } ##+########################################################################## # # ShowMaze # # Shows level 0 of the current maze # proc ShowMaze {} { .c delete all set x [expr {$::sz(lm) + ($::sz(x) * $::sz(box) / 2)}] set ::sz(title) "Maze: $::sz(x)x$::sz(y)x$::sz(z)" set test [.c create text $x 10 -anchor n -font bold -tag title] ShowLevel $::sz(lvl) } ##+########################################################################## # # ShowLevel # # Draws this level of the maze # proc ShowLevel {z} { set ::sz(lvl) $z .c itemconfig title -text "$::sz(title) Level [expr {$::sz(z) - $z}]" set low [expr {1.0 * $::sz(lvl) / $::sz(z)}] set high [expr {(1.0 + $::sz(lvl)) / $::sz(z)}] .sb set $low $high .c delete maze solve man mark box for {set x 0} {$x < $::sz(x)} {incr x} { for {set y 0} {$y < $::sz(y)} {incr y} { ShowCell $x $y $::sz(lvl) ;#update } } ShowSolution $z ShowMan 0 } ##+########################################################################## # # ShowCell # # Shows walls for this cell # proc ShowCell {x y z} { if {! [info exists ::maze($x,$y,$z)]} return set m $::maze($x,$y,$z) set w $::sz(lw) if {! [ISVISIBLE $x $y $z]} return foreach {- - x0 y0 x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3} [CellXY $x $y] break set tag [list box,$x,$y,$z box] .c delete box,$x,$y,$z if {$m & $::MARK(VISITED) || (($m & $::MARK(V_ANY)) && $::sz(opaque))} { .c create rect $x0 $y0 $x2 $y2 -tag $tag -fill lightyellow -outline {} .c lower box } if {$m & $::WALL(NORTH)} {.c create line $x0 $y0 $x1 $y1 -wid $w -tag maze} if {$m & $::WALL(EAST)} {.c create line $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 -wid $w -tag maze} if {$m & $::WALL(SOUTH)} {.c create line $x2 $y2 $x3 $y3 -wid $w -tag maze} if {$m & $::WALL(WEST)} {.c create line $x3 $y3 $x0 $y0 -wid $w -tag maze} if {$m & $::DOOR(UP)} {ShowStairs $x $y 1} if {$m & $::DOOR(DOWN)} {ShowStairs $x $y 0} if {$m & $::MARK(ANY)} {ShowMark 0 $x $y $z} } ##+########################################################################## # # ShowSolution # # Uses the HINT data in each cell to get the solution and displays it # for level lvl. LVL = -1 then we get a new solution and show for # level sz(lvl) # proc ShowSolution {lvl} { .c delete solve if {! $::sz(solve)} return if {$lvl == -1} {GetSolution ; set lvl $::sz(lvl)} if {[llength $::sz(solution)] == 0} GetSolution if {[llength $::sz(solution)] == 0} return set xy {} foreach pos $::sz(solution) { foreach {px py pz} $pos break if {$pz == $lvl} { foreach {cx cy} [CellXY $px $py] break lappend xy $cx $cy } else { if {[llength $xy] == 2} { set xy [MakeBox $xy] .c create oval $xy -tag solve -fill cyan -outline cyan } elseif {[llength $xy] > 0} { .c create line $xy -tag solve -fill cyan -width 5 -arrow last } set xy {} } } if {$pz == $lvl} { foreach {cx cy x0 y0 x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3} [CellXY $px $py] break lappend xy $x1 $cy ;# Exit door .c create line $xy -tag solve -fill cyan -width 5 -arrow last } .c raise man .c raise mark } ##+########################################################################## # # GetSolution # # Returns a list of cells that is the path to the exit. # proc GetSolution {} { set ::sz(solution) {} if {$::sz(px) == $::sz(x)} {return {}} ;# We're at the exit foreach {px py pz} [POS] break while {1} { lappend xy [list $px $py $pz] set dir [GETHINT $px $py $pz] if {$dir == -1} break foreach {px py pz} [MOVETO $px $py $pz $dir] break } set ::sz(solution) $xy } ##+########################################################################## # # CellXY # # Returns the coordinates of cell at (px,py) starting nw and going clockwise. # proc CellXY {px py} { set cx [expr {$::sz(lm) + ($px+.5) * $::sz(box)}] set cy [expr {$::sz(tm) + ($py+.5) * $::sz(box)}] set x0 [expr {$::sz(lm) + $px * $::sz(box)}] set y0 [expr {$::sz(tm) + $py * $::sz(box)}] set x2 [expr {$x0 + $::sz(box)}] set y2 [expr {$y0 + $::sz(box)}] return [list $cx $cy $x0 $y0 $x2 $y0 $x2 $y2 $x0 $y2] } ##+########################################################################## # # MakeBox # # Returns top left, bottom right of 60% of the cells dimension. # proc MakeBox {xy {y -1}} { if {$y != -1} { set xy [CellXY $xy $y] } ;# Convert maze to canvas units foreach {x y} $xy break set amt [expr {(.6 * $::sz(box)) / 2}] return [list [expr {$x - $amt}] [expr {$y - $amt}] \ [expr {$x + $amt}] [expr {$y + $amt}]] } ##+########################################################################## # # PushPos # # Pushes a position onto stack stack # proc PushPos {x y z} { lappend ::mstack [list $x $y $z] return "" } ##+########################################################################## # # PopPos # # Pops top position off the stack. If we always take the top, then the # maze will have one main corridor from the initial random walk. So we # occassionally pick a position at random. # proc PopPos {} { set len [llength $::mstack] if {$len == 0} { return [list -1 -1 -1]} set where end if {rand() > .8} { set where [expr {int(rand() * $len)}] } set pos [lindex $::mstack $where] set ::mstack [lreplace $::mstack $where $where] return $pos } ##+########################################################################## # # ShowStairs # # Shows stairs going up or down. Pretty poor right now, just an arrow. # proc ShowStairs {px py updown} { foreach {cx cy x0 y0 x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3} [CellXY $px $py] break if {$updown} { set x [expr {($cx + $x0) / 2}] set y0 [expr {$y0 + 2}] .c create line $x $y0 $x $y3 -tag {up maze} -arrow first -width 2 \ -fill magenta } else { set x [expr {($cx + $x1) / 2}] set y3 [expr {$y3 - 2}] .c create line $x $y0 $x $y3 -tag {down maze} -arrow last -width 2 \ -fill purple } } ##+########################################################################## # # ScrollBarCmd # # Called by scrollbar and mousewheel for changing levels. # proc ScrollBarCmd {verb amt args} { set lvl $::sz(lvl) if {$verb == "moveto"} { set lvl [expr {round($amt * $::sz(z))}] } elseif {$verb == "scroll"} { if {($amt < 0 && $lvl > 0) || ($amt > 0 && $lvl+1 < $::sz(z))} { incr lvl $amt } } if {$::sz(lvl) != $lvl} { ShowLevel $lvl } } ##+########################################################################## # # MoveMan # # Moves the man symbol in the given direction if possible. # proc MoveMan {dir all} { global sz set moves 0 if {$sz(animate)} {return 0} while {1} { if {! [CANMOVE $sz(px) $sz(py) $sz(pz) $dir]} break foreach {sz(px) sz(py) sz(pz)} [MOVETO $sz(px) $sz(py) $sz(pz) $dir] \ break incr moves ShowMan 1 incr sz(cnt) if {! $all} break } if {$sz(px) >= $sz(x)} { ;# Check for victory if {! [ISMARKED $sz(px) $sz(py) $sz(pz) $::MARK(VICTORY)]} { ORMAZE $sz(px) $sz(py) $sz(pz) $::MARK(VICTORY) set txt "You did it\n\n" append txt "Total moves: $sz(cnt)\n" append txt "Best possible: $sz(best)" tk_messageBox -message $txt } } return $moves } ##+########################################################################## # # ShowMark # # Shows the mark for a cell. If toggle, then rotates between various marks # proc ShowMark {toggle {x -1} {y -1} {z -1}} { global sz if {$x == -1} { foreach {x y z} [POS] break } if {$toggle} { if {[ISMARKED $x $y $z $::MARK(X)]} { UNMARK $x $y $z $::MARK(X) DOMARK $x $y $z $::MARK(?) } elseif {[ISMARKED $x $y $z $::MARK(?)]} { UNMARK $x $y $z $::MARK(?) } else { DOMARK $x $y $z $::MARK(X) } } set tag "mark,$x,$y" .c delete $tag if {$x == $sz(x)} { UNMARK $x $y $z $::MARK(ANY) ; return } ;# Victory spot foreach {x0 y0 x2 y2} [MakeBox $x $y] break if {[ISMARKED $x $y $z $::MARK(X)]} { .c create line $x0 $y0 $x2 $y2 -fill red -tag [list mark $tag] -width 3 .c create line $x2 $y0 $x0 $y2 -fill red -tag [list mark $tag] -width 3 } elseif {[ISMARKED $x $y $z $::MARK(?)]} { set w [expr {$x2 - $x0}] set h [expr {$y2 - $y0}] foreach {a b c} {.75 .25 .125} break lappend xy $x0 [expr {$y0 + $a * $h}] [expr {$x0 + $b * $w}] $y2 lappend xy $x2 [expr {$y0 + $c * $h}] .c create line $xy -tag [list mark $tag] -fill red -width 3 } .c raise man } ##+########################################################################## # # ShowMan # # Displays the polygon for the man. If force, then we change levels if need be. # proc ShowMan {force} { global sz foreach {x y z} [POS] break if {$force && $sz(lvl) != $z} { ShowLevel $z } if {$sz(lvl) != $z} return #if {! [ISVISIBLE $x $y $z]} { # MARKVISITED $x $y $z # ShowCell $x $y $z #} MARKVISITED $x $y $z ShowCell $x $y $z .c delete man if {$sz(box) < 15} { .c create rect [MakeBox $x $y] -tag man \ -fill dodgerblue -outline dodgerblue return } set man {9 -66 -24 -67 -33 -54 -41 -43 -41 -34 -37 -29 -29 -29 -17 -50 -13 -51 -4 -52 0 -51 2 -50 -1 -45 -24 -5 -23 29 -28 30 -38 31 -46 31 -57 30 -63 31 -64 39 -63 44 -56 45 -49 46 -39 46 -25 47 -9 47 -5 38 -7 24 -4 17 3 20 12 24 17 28 19 38 17 63 23 68 28 68 34 66 35 65 37 60 38 46 37 25 37 19 9 0 8 -6 14 -14 21 -23 23 -24 26 -17 25 -24 25 -15 26 -13 63 -12 65 -14 65 -18 65 -21 60 -26 38 -27 36 -30 34 -51 33 -54 38 -55 45 -59 48 -65 48 -71 48 -75 44 -82 39 -85 33 -87 28 -87 20 -84 19 -83 16 -79 15 -74 13 -70 13 -65} foreach {cx cy} [CellXY $x $y] break set sc [expr {$sz(box) * .8 / 160.0}] foreach {x y} $man { lappend xy [expr {$cx + $x * $sc}] [expr {$cy + $y * $sc}] } .c create poly $xy -tag man -fill dodgerblue } ##+########################################################################## # # AnimateCmd # # Turns on and off and start animation. # proc AnimateCmd {how} { if {$how != -1} {set ::sz(animate) $how} catch {after cancel $::sz(after)} ;# Stop any animation if {$::sz(animate)} { set xy [GetSolution] AnimateSolution [lappend xy $::sz(end2)] } } ##+########################################################################## # # AnimateSolution # # Does the animation of the solution. # proc AnimateSolution {{sol -1}} { if {[llength $sol] == 0} { AnimateCmd 0 ; return} foreach {::sz(px) ::sz(py) ::sz(pz)} [lindex $sol 0] break ShowMan 1 set ::sz(after) [after 250 AnimateSolution [list [lrange $sol 1 end]]] } proc Moving {dirs} { global sz while {[set dir [lindex $dirs[set dirs [lrange $dirs 1 end]] 0]] == -1} {} if {$dir ne {}} { MoveMan $dir 0 } if {[llength $dirs]} { after 250 Moving [list $dirs] } else { set sz(mousing) 0 } } ##+########################################################################## # # Move2Mouse # # Moves the man to the mouse point. If we're on a stairs then we go up/down. # proc Move2Mouse {X Y} { global sz set px [expr {int(floor(([.c canvasx $X] - $sz(lm)) / $sz(box)))}] set py [expr {int(floor(([.c canvasy $Y] - $sz(tm)) / $sz(box)))}] if {$sz(lvl) != $sz(pz)} return if {$px < 0 || $py < 0 || $px > $sz(x) || $py >= $sz(y)} return if {$px == $sz(x) && [list $px $py $sz(pz)] != $sz(end2)} return if {! [ISVISIBLE $px $py $sz(pz)]} return # If we're on stairs then go up or down #if {$px == $sz(px) && $py == $sz(py)} { # expr {[MoveMan $::DIR(DOWN) 0] || [MoveMan $::DIR(UP) 0]} # return #} set dirs [CanReach $px $py $sz(pz)] if {[lsearch $dirs $::DIR(UP)] != -1 || \ [lsearch $dirs $::DIR(DOWN)] != -1} return Moving $dirs } ##+########################################################################## # # MouseDown MouseMove # # These routines handle dragging the man via the mouse # proc MouseDown {X Y} { global sz if {$sz(mousing)} return set px [expr {int(floor(([.c canvasx $X] - $sz(lm)) / $sz(box)))}] set py [expr {int(floor(([.c canvasy $Y] - $sz(tm)) / $sz(box)))}] if {$px != $sz(px) || $py != $sz(py) || $sz(lvl) != $sz(pz)} { set sz(mousing) 1 Move2Mouse $X $Y return } .c itemconfig man -outline black } proc MouseUp {} { .c itemconfig man -outline {} } proc MouseMove {X Y} { global sz if {$sz(mousing)} return set px [expr {int(floor(([.c canvasx $X] - $sz(lm)) / $sz(box)))}] set py [expr {int(floor(([.c canvasy $Y] - $sz(tm)) / $sz(box)))}] set pz $::sz(lvl) set dir [eval UNMOVE [POS] $px $py $pz] if {$dir == -1} return set $sz(mousing) 1 MoveMan $dir 0 set sz(mousing) 0 .c itemconfig man -outline black } ##+########################################################################## # # CanReach # # Finds a path from current location to x1,y1,z1. Works by getting # solution from each position, finding where they meet then joining # the two paths to the junction point. # proc CanReach {x1 y1 z1} { global sz set pos0 [POS] ;# Remember where we are foreach {sz(px) sz(py) sz(pz)} [list $x1 $y1 $z1] break set s1 [GetSolution] ;# Get solution from there foreach {sz(px) sz(py) sz(pz)} $pos0 break ;# Go back to where we were set s0 [GetSolution] ;# Get solution from here for {set i 0} {$i <= [llength $s0]} {incr i} { if {[lindex $s0 "end-$i"] != [lindex $s1 "end-$i"]} break } # Convert list of positions into a list of directions set path [lrange $s0 1 "end-$i"] set path2 [ReverseList [lrange $s1 0 "end-[incr i -1]"]] set dpath {} foreach pos1 [concat $path $path2 [list [list $x1 $y1 $z1]]] { lappend dpath [eval UNMOVE $pos0 $pos1] set pos0 $pos1 } return $dpath } ##+########################################################################## # # ReverseList # # Reverses a list # proc ReverseList {l} { set len [llength $l] set xy {} for {set i 0} {$i < $len} {incr i} { lappend xy [lindex $l "end-$i"] } return $xy } ##+########################################################################## # # Help # # Give very simple help. # proc Help {} { catch {destroy .help} toplevel .help wm transient .help . wm title .help "3D Maze Help" if {[regexp {(\+[0-9]+)(\+[0-9]+)$} [wm geom .] => wx wy]} { wm geom .help "+[expr {$wx+35}]+[expr {$wy+35}]" } set w .help.t text $w -wrap word -width 70 -height 30 -pady 10 button .help.quit -text Dismiss -command {catch {destroy .help}} pack .help.quit -side bottom pack $w -side top -fill both -expand 1 font create Help {*}[font actual [$w cget -font]] font create HelpBold {*}[font actual HelpBold] -weight bold set margin [font measure Help " o "] set margin2 [font measure Help " o - "] $w tag config header -justify center -font bold -foreground red $w tag config header2 -justify center -font bold $w tag config bullet -lmargin2 $margin -font HelpBold $w tag config n -lmargin1 $margin -lmargin2 $margin2 $w insert end "3D Maze" header "\nby Keith Vetter\n\n" header2 $w insert end " o To View Maze\n" bullet $w insert end "- Use scroll bar or mouse wheel to change " n $w insert end "which level is displayed.\n" n $w insert end "- If the maze is larger than the display, pan with " n $w insert end "the middle button.\n\n" n $w insert end " o To Move the Man\n" bullet $w insert end "- Mouse: click on the man and drag him or " n $w insert end "just click where you want to go.\n" n $w insert end "- Keyboard: use the arrow keys. Holding the shift key " n $w insert end "while doing so will move the man as far as possible.\n\n" n $w insert end " o To Move the Man Up or Down Levels\n" bullet $w insert end "- Mouse: Right click (shift right-click forces up).\n" n $w insert end "- Keyboard: press the page up or page down key.\n\n" n $w insert end " o To Set or Clear Marks\n" bullet $w insert end "- Mouse: click while holding the shift key.\n" n $w insert end "- Keyboard: press the space bar.\n\n" n $w insert end " o To See the Solution\n" bullet $w insert end "- Turning on 'Show Solution' or 'Animate Solution' " n $w insert end "will show you the solution from the current " n $w insert end "location.\n\n" n $w insert end " o Hints on Solving a Maze\n" bullet $w insert end "- Place X marks on stairs that lead to dead ends.\n" n $w insert end "- Place check marks on the stairs you entered a " n $w insert end "new level on so you know how to backtrack." n $w config -state disabled font delete Help font delete HelpBold } ##+########################################################################## # # what # # Debugging routine which displays a cells data. # proc what {args} { global maze WALL DOOR MARK DIR if {[llength $args] == 0} {set args [POS]} foreach {x y z} $args break set value $maze($x,$y,$z) puts "POS: $x $y $z => [format 0x%04X $value]" foreach arr [list WALL DOOR MARK] { puts -nonewline "$arr: " foreach {name bit} [array get $arr] { if {$name == "ANY"} continue if {$name == "V_ANY"} continue if {$value & $bit} { puts -nonewline [format %-8s [string tolower $name]] } } puts "" } puts "HINT: [string tolower $DIR([GETHINT $x $y $z])]" } Init DoDisplay bind .c <Map> NewMaze
uniquename 2013aug17This expenditure of coding energy deserves a couple of images to give a visual picture of what this code creates.