e.g. I would like this script:
dict set a b c d m wi 0 dict-pincr a {b c d m wi} puts $ato print:
b {c {d {m {wi 1}}}}
This works. but could be improved. I used the empty variable name {} to reduce the chance of a conflict, but I think this should be possible without upvar.
proc dict-pincr {dictname keypath} { set keylen [llength $keypath] if {$keylen < 1} { error "Need at least one key name" } elseif {$keylen == 1} { uplevel 1 [list dict incr $dictname [lindex $keypath 0]] } else { upvar $dictname {} dict with {} { dict-pincr [lindex $keypath 0] [lrange $keypath 1 end] } return [set {}] } }
proc dict-plappend {dictname keypath args} { set keylen [llength $keypath] if {$keylen < 1} { error "Need at least one key name" } elseif {$keylen == 1} { uplevel 1 [list dict lappend $dictname [lindex $keypath 0] {*}$args] } else { upvar $dictname {} dict with {} { dict-plappend [lindex $keypath 0] [lrange $keypath 1 end] {*}$args } return [set {}] } } dict set a b c d m wi 0 dict-plappend a {b c d m wi} 1 2 3 4 puts $agives
b {c {d {m {wi {0 1 2 3 4}}}}}