Sparkline is a term Edward Tufte invented with for "small, high resolution graphics embedded in a context of words, numbers, images". On the Internet, however, the term has come to mean rough text charts made with block characters, like this:
dbohdan 2014-12-29: This particular implementation was inspired by using
one for Bash![](/ext.png)
(sadly, incompatible with the POSIX
sh). It works in both Tcl 8.4+ and recent versions of
Jim Tcl.
Download with
wiki-reaper -x 40990 0 > spark.tclnamespace eval sparklines {
namespace export create
variable version 0.0.5
variable ticks [list ▁ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █]
variable tickMax [expr {[llength $ticks] - 1}]
proc create data {
variable ticks
variable tickMax
set sorted [lsort -real $data]
set min [lindex $sorted 0]
set max [lindex $sorted end]
if {$min == $max} {
# All data points are the same.
return [string repeat \
[lindex $ticks [expr {int($tickMax / 2)}]] \
[llength $data]]
} else {
set result {}
foreach x $data {
set xNormalized [expr {
int($tickMax * ($x - $min) / ($max - $min))
append result [lindex $ticks $xNormalized]
return $result
# The following code allows you to use this script from the command line much
# like the Bash version mentioned above.
proc main-script? {} {
# From
global argv0
if {[info exists argv0]
&& [file exists [info script]] && [file exists $argv0]} {
file stat $argv0 argv0Info
file stat [info script] scriptInfo
expr {$argv0Info(dev) == $scriptInfo(dev)
&& $argv0Info(ino) == $scriptInfo(ino)}
} else {
return 0
if {[main-script?]} {
if {$argv eq ""} {
puts "usage: $argv0 value ?value...?"
puts " $argv0 \"value ?value...?\""
} elseif {$argv eq "test"} {
proc assert {v1 v2} {
if {$v1 eq $v2} {
puts $v1
} else {
error "assertion failed: \"$v1\" ne \"$v2\""
assert [sparklines::create {1 5 22 13 53}] {▁▁▃▂█}
assert [sparklines::create {0 30 55 80 33 150}] {▁▂▃▄▂█}
assert [sparklines::create {9 13 5 17 1}] {▄▆▂█▁}
assert [sparklines::create {1 1 1 1}] {▄▄▄▄}
puts ok
} else {
if {[llength $argv] == 1} {
set argv [lindex $argv 0]
puts [sparklines::create $argv]
See also edit