Email Authentication with MIME , by
Jeff Gosnell, provides a couple of
procedures that use
Tcllib's Tcllib MIME package to authenticate a user on a
email server that requires authentication.
# created by Jeff Gosnell for the tcl community
# Tuesday, May 29, 2001
# a couple of simple procedures to authenticate a user
# on a mailserver that requires authentication.
# Take care when using these procedures. They use the
# global variable array user
# run the LogOn procedure to get a nice display.
# LogOn will then run VrfyUser
# Make sure the pathname is correct for your installation
# of tcllib0.9's MIME package
# There is no visible result that the login was successful
# except that the .logOn window will disappear.
# When sending an email (in another procedure),
# use $user(nameMIME) and $user(pwMIME) to authenticate.
proc LogOn {} {
set w [toplevel .logOn]
wm geometry $w 175x140+100+100
wm title $w "Log On Information"
set sw [frame $]
label $sw.lbl -text "Username: "
entry $sw.ent -width 15 -textvariable user(name)
pack $sw.lbl $sw.ent -side left -padx 2 -expand true
set sw [frame $]
label $sw.lbl -text "Password: "
entry $sw.ent -width 15 -textvariable user(pw) -show *
pack $sw.lbl $sw.ent -side left -padx 2 -expand true
set sw [frame $w.server]
label $sw.lbl -text "Mail Server:"
entry $sw.ent -width 15 -textvariable user(mailserver)
pack $sw.lbl $sw.ent -side left -padx 2 -expand true
set sw [frame $w.buttons]
button $sw.ok -text Ok -command {VrfyUser .logOn} -width 8
button $sw.cancel -text Cancel -command {
destroy .logOn; array unset user; return Cancelled} -width 8
pack $sw.ok $sw.cancel -side left -padx 5 -expand true
pack $ $ $w.server $w.buttons -side top -pady 2 -expand true \
-fill both
bind $w <Return> {.logOn.buttons.ok invoke}
} ;# end proc LogOn
# proc VrfyUser #
# #
# This procedure is designed to verify #
# the username and password for #
# authenticating the user for emailing. #
# It will notify the user if it fails. #
# #
# #
proc VrfyUser w {
global user
source {/program files/tcl/tcllib0.8/mime/mime.tcl}
source {/program files/tcl/tcllib0.8/mime/smtp.tcl}
package provide mime 1.2
package provide smtp 1.2
# display a toplevel showing the system logging in.
toplevel $w.working -width 200 -height 100 -bg #ff3d3d
wm overrideredirect $w.working 1
wm geometry $w.working +150+150
pack [
frame $w.working.frame -bd 2 -relief raised -width 200 -height 100
] -ipadx 1 -ipady 1
pack [label $w.working.frame.lbl -bg #ff3d3d -relief sunken \
-text "Logging $user(name) on the system."] -fill both
# convert the username to mime format
set t_name [mime::initialize -canonical text/octet-stream \
-encoding base64 -string $user(name)]
set user(nameMIME) [lindex [mime::buildmessage $t_name] end]
mime::finalize $t_name -subordinates all
# convert the password to mime format
set t_pw [mime::initialize -canonical text/octet-stream \
-encoding base64 -string $user(pw)]
set user(pwMIME) [lindex [mime::buildmessage $t_pw] end]
mime::finalize $t_pw -subordinates all
# log on to the server
set sid [socket $user(mailserver) 25]
# if the server doesn't return 220 it failed
if {[lindex [gets $sid] 0] != 220} {
catch {destroy $w.msg}
pack [label $w.msg -text \
"Error logging in: \nFailed to connect to server" \
-font {-family Arial -size 10} -justify left
] -side bottom -pady 2
catch {destroy $w.working}
focus $w
# log on user
#Note the 'HELO' parameter is not actually a username.
#It is generally supposed to be the client machines Hostname or IP address.
# Some SMTP servers are fussier than others as to what they will accept here.
# If the server is a 'Mail Submission Agent' for end-users it will probably accept almost anything.
puts $sid "HELO $user(name)"
flush $sid
if {[lindex [gets $sid] 0] != 250} {
catch {destroy $w.msg}
pack [label $w.msg -text \
"Error during HELO greeting: \nHelo not accepted by server" \
-font {-family Arial -size 10} -justify left
] -side bottom -pady 2
catch {destroy $w.working}
focus $w
# attempt authentication
puts $sid {AUTH LOGIN}
flush $sid
if {[lindex [gets $sid] 0] != 334} {
catch {destroy $w.msg}
pack [label $w.msg -text \
"Error logging in: \nFailed to initiate authorization" \
-font {-family Arial -size 10} -justify left
] -side bottom -pady 2
catch {destroy $w.working}
focus $w
# Username:
puts $sid $user(nameMIME)
flush $sid
if {[lindex [gets $sid] 0] != 334} {
catch {destroy $w.msg}
pack [label $w.msg -text \
"Error logging in: \nInvalid username or password" \
-font {-family Arial -size 10} -justify left
] -side bottom -pady 2
catch {destroy $w.working}
focus $w
# Password:
puts $sid $user(pwMIME)
flush $sid
if {[lindex [gets $sid] 0] != 235} {
catch {destroy $w.msg}
pack [label $w.msg -text \
"Error logging in: \nInvalid username or password" \
-font {-family Arial -size 10} -justify left
] -side bottom -pady 2
catch {destroy $w.working}
focus $w
close $sid
destroy $w
return {Log on successful}
} ;# end proc VrfyUser