# create a sample dict with some data: dict set d author firstname "Alexander" dict set d author surname "Mlynski-Wiese" dict set d date "2012-12-21" dict set d prog name "dictree" dict set d prog version 1.1 # --> author {firstname Alexander surname Mlynski-Wiese} date 2012-12-21 prog {name dictree version 1.1} # create the widget and populate it with the dict data: dictree .t $d # display the widget: pack .t -expand yes -fill bothThe widget will dive as deeply as possible into the data by interpreting it as nested dictionary whereever possible.
Click again to expand it to a node with children again.Alternatively, press Alt+Enter to collapse/expand the selected node in this sense.The following keys allow modification of the data:
- Alt+Up/Down moves the selected node up or down within it's current hierarchy level
- Alt+Left/Right raises or lowers the selected node to the next hierarchy level
- F2 will allow modification of the selected node's name
- Shift+F2 will allow to edit the selected node's value (only if it is a leaf)
- Delete will delete the selected node(s)
- Insert will insert a new node as a sibbling before the selected node
- Alt+Insert will insert a new node as a sibbling after the selected node
set edited_d [.t reap]
Possible Enhancements
- on right-button click, show a context menue to add/delete/edit/move the node
- drag and drop of node
The code below can be used- as a package within other projects, or
- as a standalone application
- to display a dict loaded from a file
- to fill a demo dictionary with directory information and display it using dictree
#=============================================================================== # dictree widget display and edit dictionary data in ttk::treeview # # 21.12.2012, Alexander Mlynski-Wiese #=============================================================================== package require Tcl 8.5 package require Tk package require Ttk package provide dictree 1.0 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # dictree w d # create a treeview widget with the pathname $w # and fill it with the dictionary data $d #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc dictree { w d args } { frame $w ttk::treeview $w.t -columns {key value} -displaycolumns value \ -yscroll "${w}.sby set" -xscroll "${w}.sbx set" if {[tk windowingsystem] ne "aqua"} { ttk::scrollbar ${w}.sby -orient vertical -command "$w.t yview" ttk::scrollbar ${w}.sbx -orient horizontal -command "$w.t xview" } else { scrollbar ${w}.sby -orient vertical -command "$w.t yview" scrollbar ${w}.sbx -orient horizontal -command "$w.t xview" } $w.t heading \#0 -text "Directory Key(s)" $w.t heading value -text "Value" entry $w.e ;# widget used for editing grid $w.t -row 0 -column 0 -sticky news grid $w.sby -row 0 -column 1 -sticky ns ;# arrange the scrollbars grid $w.sbx -row 1 -column 0 -sticky ew grid rowconfigure $w 0 -weight 1 grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1 dictree::bindings $w.t ;# create the bindings dict for {key val} $d { ;# populate the treeview dictree::addNode $w.t "" $key $val } #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # "overload" the widget proc to support additional commands #----------------------------------------------------------------------- rename $w _$w proc $w {cmd args} { set self [lindex [info level 0] 0] ;# get name I was called with switch -- $cmd { reap {uplevel 1 dictree::reap $self.t $args } default { if { [catch { uplevel 1 _$self $cmd $args } ] } { uplevel 1 $self.t $cmd $args } } } } return $w } namespace eval dictree { ;# "private" functions #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # bindings create the bindings for the treeview #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc bindings { w { debug 0 } } { bind $w <plus> { dictree::setopen %W [%W selection] 1 } bind $w <minus> { dictree::setopen %W [%W selection] 0 } bind $w <Alt-plus> { dictree::expand %W [%W selection] } bind $w <Alt-minus> { dictree::collapse %W [%W selection] } bind $w <Alt-ButtonPress-1> { dictree::toggle %W [%W identify item %x %y] } bind $w <Alt-Return> { dictree::toggle %W [%W selection]; break } bind $w <F2> { dictree::edit %W [%W selection] "#0" } bind $w <Shift-F2> { dictree::edit %W [%W selection] "value" } bind $w <Alt-Up> { dictree::move %W [%W selection] -1; break } bind $w <Alt-Down> { dictree::move %W [%W selection] 1; break } bind $w <Alt-Left> { dictree::rise %W [%W selection] 1; break } bind $w <Alt-Right> { dictree::rise %W [%W selection] -1; break } bind $w <Delete> { dictree::delete %W [%W selection] } bind $w <Insert> { dictree::insert %W [%W selection] } bind $w <Alt-Insert> { dictree::insert %W [%W selection] 1 } if { $debug } { # to aid developing additional bindings: bind $w <ButtonPress-1> { set item [%W identify item %x %y] puts "%x,%y: %W item $item: [%W item $item]" } bind $w <KeyPress> { puts %K } } return $w } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # addNode recursive proc to create and fill the nodes #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc addNode { w parent title d } { set node [$w insert $parent end -text $title] set isdict 0 catch { if { [dict get $d] == $d } { set isdict 1 } } if { $isdict} { # interpret data $d as a dictionary and create a subnode dict for {key val} $d { addNode $w $node $key $val } } else { # $d is not a dictionary: make this node a leaf $w set $node value $d } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # setopen open/close node(s) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc setopen { w items mode } { foreach item $items { $w item $item -open $mode } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # collapse collapse all child nodes and make node $item a leaf #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc collapse { w items } { foreach item $items { set children "" catch { set children [$w children $item] } if { $children != "" } { set value "" foreach child [$w children $item] { collapse $w $child lappend value [$w item $child -text] lappend value [$w set $child value] $w delete $child } $w set $item value $value } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # expand if possible, expand leaf value to child nodes #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc expand { w items } { global errorInfo foreach item $items { if { [$w children $item] == "" } { set d [$w set $item value] set isdict 0 catch { if { [dict get $d] == $d } { set isdict 1 } } if { $isdict} { dict for {key val} $d { addNode $w $item $key $val } $w set $item value "" } } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # toggle toggle node(s) between collapsed / expanded #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc toggle { w items } { foreach item $items { if { [$w children $item] != "" } { collapse $w $item } else { expand $w $item } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # move move node up/down among siblings, i.e. keep parent node #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc move { w item increment } { if { $item == "" || [llength $item] != 1 } { return } set parent [$w parent $item] set index [$w index $item] incr index $increment $w move $item $parent $index } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # adopt move item to new parent #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc adopt { w item newparent newindex } { set name [$w item $item -text] set children [$w children $newparent] if { $children == "" } { return 0 } foreach child $children { if { $name == [$w item $child -text] } { # not allowed: parent already has a child with that name return 0 } } $w move $item $newparent $newindex $w item $newparent -open 1 return 1 } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # rise rise/fall one level in the hierarchy #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc rise { w item increment } { if { $item == "" || [llength $item] != 1 } { return } set parent [$w parent $item] if { $increment > 0 } { # rise in the hierarchy, make my grandpa my new parent set newparent [$w parent $parent] ;# grandpa set newindex [$w index $parent] incr newindex ;# behind my old parent adopt $w $item $newparent $newindex } else { # fall in the hierarchy, make a brother my new parent set index [$w index $item] set brothers [$w children $parent] set brother [lindex $brothers [expr $index-1]] if { $brother != "" } { if { [adopt $w $item $brother end] } { return } } foreach brother $brothers { if { $brother != $item } { if { [adopt $w $item $brother end] } { return } } } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # edit edit node text or value #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc edit { w item column { next "" } } { global dictree if { $item == "" || [llength $item] != 1 } { return } foreach {bx by bw bh} [$w bbox $item $column] {} set ym [expr $by + $bh/2] while { $bx < 50 && [$w identify element $bx $ym] != "text" } { incr bx incr bw -1 } if { $column == "#0" } { set dictree($w,text) [$w item $item -text] } elseif { [$w children $item] != "" } { return } else { set dictree($w,text) [$w set $item $column] } set parent [winfo parent $w ] if { [catch { place $parent.e -x $bx -y $by -width $bw -height $bh } ] } { return } $parent.e configure -textvariable dictree($w,text) \ -validate key \ -validatecommand "dictree::edit_check $parent $item $column %P" if { $dictree($w,text) == "(new)" } { $parent.e selection range 0 end } else { $parent.e selection clear } $parent.e configure -background white $parent.e icursor end focus $parent.e grab $parent.e bind $parent.e <Return> "dictree::edit_done $w $item $column $next" bind $parent.e <Escape> "dictree::edit_done $w $item {} $next" } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # edit_check check if name is allowed #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc edit_check { w item column value } { global dictree set ok 1 if { $column == "#0" } { set parent [$w parent $item] foreach child [$w children $parent] { if { $child != $item && [$w item $child -text] == $value } { set ok 0 } } set parent [winfo parent $w ] if { ! $ok } { $w.e configure -background red } else { $w.e configure -background white } } return 1 } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # edit_done finish editing #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc edit_done { w item {column "" } { next "" } } { global dictree set parent [winfo parent $w ] if { $column != "" && [$parent.e cget -background] == "red" } { return } grab release $parent.e focus $w if { $column == "#0" } { $w item $item -text $dictree($w,text) } elseif { $column != "" } { $w set $item $column $dictree($w,text) } place forget $parent.e if { $next != "" } { if { $column == "" } { $w delete $item $w selection set $dictree($w,selection) } else { edit $w $item $next } } unset dictree($w,text) catch { unset dictree($w,selection) } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # delete delete node(s) (after confirmation) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc delete { w items } { set count [llength $items] set msg "Do you really want to delete the following " if { $count > 1 } { append msg "$count nodes:\n" } else { append msg "node:\n" } foreach item $items { append msg " [$w item $item -text]" } append msg "?" if { [tk_messageBox -title "Delete nodes" \ -icon warning -message $msg -type yesno] == "yes" } { $w delete $items } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # insert insert & edit new node before/after given node #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc insert { w item { offset 0 } } { global dictree if { $item == "" || [llength $item] != 1 } { return } set dictree($w,selection) [$w selection] set parent [$w parent $item] set index [$w index $item] set newidx [expr $index + $offset] set node [$w insert $parent $newidx -text "(new)"] $w set $node value "(new)" $w selection set $node edit $w $node "#0" "value" } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # reap return the content of the treeview as dictionary #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc reap { w { node "" } } { set children [$w children $node] if { [llength $children] == 0 } { set value [$w set $node value] dict set d [$w item $node -text] $value } else { foreach child $children { set value [reap $w $child] if { $node == "" } { lappend d {*}$value } else { dict lappend d [$w item $node -text] {*}$value } } } return $d } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # dictdir generate example dict with filesystem info #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc dictdir { dir } { set d "" file stat $dir fstat foreach item [lsort [array names fstat]] { dict set d . $item $fstat($item) } foreach subdir [lsort [glob -directory $dir -nocomplain -types d "*"]] { dict set d {*}[dictdir $subdir] } foreach fname [lsort [glob -directory $dir -nocomplain -types f "*"]] { file stat $fname fstat # sorted: foreach item [lsort [array names fstat]] { dict set d [file tail $fname] $item $fstat($item) } # faster but unsorted: # dict set d [file tail $fname] [array get fstat] } return [list [file tail $dir]/ $d] } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # main "main" for demo program #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc main { args } { set fname [pwd] ;# default to current dir if { [llength $args] >= 1 } { ;# check for commandline arg set fname [lindex $args 0] } if { [file isdirectory $fname] } { ;# directory was given: set d [dictdir $fname] ;# parse directory } else { ;# file was given: set h [open [lindex $args 0] "r"] ;# read dict from file set d [read $h] close $h } # create dictree control: dictree .t $d pack .t -expand yes -fill both } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # end of namespace dict:: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # "main" function: run demo if this module is called rather than sourced #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if { [info exist argv0] && [info script] == $argv0 } { dictree::main {*}$argv } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # end of file #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
entry $w.e ;# widget used for editingShould be
entry $w.t.e ;# widget used for editingBezoar 4/7/2016I made the edits for the errors above in the code to allow the widget to work right out of the box. I also changed binding to edit value from Alt-F2 to Shift-F2