Updated 2013-09-07 05:06:40 by pooryorick

PiTcl''', a Tcl extension by Andreas Kupries provides commands to communicate with a Palm Pilot organizer and manipulate the databaes found on it.

Attributes  edit

Andreas Kupries
k j a h d s at k j a h d s dot c o m (Kenneth Albanoswki)

See Also  edit

Palm Pilot

Download  edit

piTcl0.5.tar.gz (alternate)

Documentation  edit

README (alternate)
piTcl0.5.doc.tar.gz (alternate)

Community  edit

mailing list

Description  edit

Provides a Tcl binding to the pilot-link library for communication with Palm Pilot PDAs. Allows the Tcl programmer to communicate with the Pilot as well as convert its databases into and out of tcl lists. Supports the Stubs interface.

piTcl is Tcl 8.x code which is in alpha-stage. It is currently at version 0.5.

The pilot-link source was once at the ryerson.ca ftp site, but can now be found on Sourceforge. A version of pilot-link for windows was once at the heilbronn site