Updated 2011-04-15 11:44:44 by RLE


I did manage to compile TclODBC under GNU/Linux [RH 7.2], but I've still got the document to finish. Mail me jussi dot kuosa at iki dot fi and I'll scrape something together. -JKu

### Learning to edit wiki pages ###

Start of a new section (hr)

Font styles: italic bold

Bullet list:

  • bullet list item #1
  • bullet list item #2

Tagged list:
Tag1 explanation body.
Tag2 explanation body.

Links: to my non-existing home page [1] at http://www.iki.fi/~quosa/

Unformatted text:
 pre-formatted text with a <tag> and funny lines < > &

I really should have used the [Graffiti] page for these tests...