Updated 2012-01-07 06:54:01 by RLE

This page provides an example of how to find enumerations/constants of Microsoft com objects the registry package for use of the tcom package.

Alexander Schöpe

Find Microsoft Outlook type library:
 package require registry
 package require tcom

 set application Outlook.Application

 if {[catch {registry get HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\$application\\CLSID {}} clsid]} {
   puts stderr "registry: $clsid"
   exit 1
 if {[catch {registry get HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\CLSID\\$clsid\\Typelib {}} typelib]} {
   puts stderr "registry: $typelib"
   exit 1
 if {[catch {registry keys HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\TypeLib\\$typelib} keys]} {
   puts stderr "registry: $keys"
   exit 1
 set version [lindex [lsort -real $keys] end]
 if {[catch {registry get HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\Typelib\\$typelib\\$version\\FLAGS {}} flag]} {
   puts stderr "registry: $flag"
   exit 1
 if {[catch {registry get HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\Typelib\\$typelib\\$version\\$flag\\win32 {}} win32]} {
   puts stderr "registry: $win32"
   exit 1
 if {[catch {::tcom::import $win32} olb]} {
   puts stderr "tcom: $olb"
   exit 1
 unset clsid typelib keys flag win32

Variables of the Type Library:
 foreach name [info vars ::${olb}::*] {
   puts $name

Will output:

Contents of array ::Outlook::OlFormRegistry:
  parray ::Outlook::OlFormRegistry

Will output:
  ::Outlook::OlFormRegistry(olDefaultRegistry)      = 0
  ::Outlook::OlFormRegistry(olFolderRegistry)       = 3
  ::Outlook::OlFormRegistry(olOrganizationRegistry) = 4
  ::Outlook::OlFormRegistry(olPersonalRegistry)     = 2