# Simple script to create test images # andy gaskell 11/07/2006 # test_image_creator.tcl #load image package package require Img # user configurable vars set topcolor 127 ;# top value of colors to go up to (max 256) set incrcolor 4 ;# how many color numbers will each band vary from the previous one set spreaddif 18 ;# heigth of the stripes of color set outputfilename "test_image" ;# output file name # util vars set count 0 set spreadcount 1 # GUI setup wm title . "Test Image Creator" wm minsize . 800 600 wm maxsize . 800 600 frame .w canvas .w.image -width 800 -height 600 -background black pack .w.image pack .w .w.image create rect 0 0 800 600 -fill black # loop making the image while { $count < $topcolor } { # setup the x and y vals for the top left and bottom right corners set col1x1 1 set col1x2 266 set col1y1 $spreadcount set col1y2 [ expr $spreadcount + $spreaddif ] set col2x1 267 set col2x2 532 set col2y1 $spreadcount set col2y2 [ expr $spreadcount + $spreaddif ] set col3x1 533 set col3x2 798 set col3y1 $spreadcount set col3y2 [ expr $spreadcount + $spreaddif ] # set the colors set redvar [format "#%.2X%.2X%.2X" $count 0 0] set greenvar [format "#%.2X%.2X%.2X" 0 $count 0] set bluevar [format "#%.2X%.2X%.2X" 0 0 $count] # create the colored boxes .w.image create rect $col1x1 $col1y1 $col1x2 $col1y2 -fill $redvar .w.image create rect $col2x1 $col2y1 $col2x2 $col2y2 -fill $greenvar .w.image create rect $col3x1 $col3y1 $col3x2 $col3y2 -fill $bluevar # add text to the canvas .w.image create text [ expr $col1x1 + 140 ] [ expr $col1y1 + [ expr $spreaddif / 2 ] ] -text "line: [ expr $count / $incrcolor ], colour: $redvar" -justify left -fill white -font -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-10-80-100-100-p-56-iso8859-1 .w.image create text [ expr $col2x1 + 140 ] [ expr $col2y1 + [ expr $spreaddif / 2 ] ] -text "line: [ expr $count / $incrcolor ], colour: $greenvar" -justify left -fill white -font -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-10-80-100-100-p-56-iso8859-1 .w.image create text [ expr $col3x1 + 140 ] [ expr $col3y1 + [ expr $spreaddif / 2 ] ] -text "line: [ expr $count / $incrcolor ], colour: $bluevar" -justify left -fill white -font -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-10-80-100-100-p-56-iso8859-1 # increment the counts set count [ expr $count + $incrcolor ] set spreadcount [ expr $spreadcount + $spreaddif ] } # make sure the GUI updates update # grab the contents of the canvas canvas into photo image testimage. set testimage [ image create photo -format window -data .w.image ] # write the file(s) $testimage write -format bmp $outputfilename.bmp $testimage write -format tiff $outputfilename.tif # pop a box tk_messageBox -message " Done \n $outputfilename created \n " -type ok -title "Done" -icon info
uniquename 2014jan27For those who do not have the facilities or time to implement the code above, here is an image of the 'color swatches' that the code creates --- so you can quickly see whether this is a utility that you want to put in your arsenal of color utilities.