set d [open head.pyg r] set t [read $d] close $d for {set i 0} {$i<50} {incr i 2} { set f [open rn.pyg w] puts $f $t puts $f "Rotate ( $i, 0,0,1)" puts $f "Rotate ( 0, 0, 0, 1 )" puts $f "Input (\"teapot.pyg\")" puts $f "PopAttributes ()" puts $f "" puts $f "Render (\"camera\")"; puts $f "" close $f catch {exec gelato -iv -o im$i.tiff rn.pyg} puts "finished i=$i"; }That's 25 frames, which can be made into an animation (can be added to the tcl script) by using ffmpeg (I used 'ffmpeg -s 1920x1080 -i imageout%d.jpg -r 25 -s 1920x1080 -b 50000 -f mpeg2video -y ani.mpg', and played it back using (heavy) HW accelerated PureVideo on a 1080 HD compatible screen).head.pyg contains mostly after the 'layered shader' example the graphics scene in gelato-python. the loops calls gelato in a loop from the tcl interpreter, which works ok; the progress bar is visible.The resulting 25 TIFF files (they can be made HDR too, for those who like that) were converted with this tcl script (under cygwin):
for {set i 0} {$i < 50} {incr i 2} { exec tifftopnm T/im$i.tiff 2&>/dev/null | cjpeg -q 95 -outfile imageout[format "%d"; [expr int($i/2)]].jpg }In this case I used a 1920x1080 (HD) resolution, which made this 1 second 'animation' rendered in about 30 secs IIRC. Quite doable. Oh, I added the envmap on the teapot myself; let me see if I will get requests to put all the files together.Perfect TCL use!
TV (May 1 '08) Recently I did a similar 'trick,' but then with the caustic example from the most recent Gelato distribution, where I changed the light direction and rotated the whole scene various directions and then made a short HD movie of the resulting frames, transcoding them over h246 (for motion estimation), one of the scripts I used was:
set d [open gather_h1a.pyg r] set th2a [read $d] close $d set d [open gather_h1b.pyg r] set th2b [read $d] close $d set d [open gather_h2.pyg r] set th2 [read $d] close $d set d [open gather_b.pyg r] set t2 [read $d] close $d set d [open shoot_h.pyg r] set u [read $d] close $d set d [open shoot_b.pyg r] set u2 [read $d] close $d set j 111 set f [open rn2.pyg w] puts $f $u # puts $f "Rotate ( [expr 130+$i], 1, 0, 0 )" puts $f "Rotate ( [expr 170], 1, 0, 0 )" puts $f $u2 close $f if { $j == 0 } { catch "exec gelato rn2.pyg" } puts -nonewline "finished shooting j=$j "; flush stdout for { set i 111 } { $i<200 } { incr i 1 } { set f [open rn.pyg w] puts $f $th2a puts $f "Rotate ( [expr $i/2.0], 0, 0, 1 )" puts $f $th2b puts $f "Output (\"im[ format "%03d" $j].tiff\", \"tiff\", \"rgb\", \"perspShape\" )" incr j puts $f $th2 # puts $f "Rotate ( [expr 130+$i], 1, 0, 0 )" puts $f "Rotate ( [expr 170], 1, 0, 0 )" puts $f $t2 close $f # catch "exec gelato -iv -ivpage 1 rn.pyg" catch "exec gelato rn.pyg" puts "finished i=$i"; flush stdout }The header files contain the relevant parts of the original Gelato graphics file, which of course is a bit clumsy, but it works fine....I didn't make a tcl script to define parameter progressions for the whole animation, which may be a good idea.The result is a 1920x1080 25fps mp4 file, to which I added an audio track with Cinelerra (Open Source Video Edit software), and in fact I could put the rest of the production process in a tcl script with the right ffmpeg calls, but didn't yet. Nicer would be a good Tk UI with parameter settings, and menus and explanations.The above script starts rendering at frame 111 from the 200, so is a partial render. That is because for some reason the computer I used to make all these big frames with (a power soaking 3GHz Pentium D with a bulky NVidia graphics card) had a problem I think with the monitor power off, and in fact I have suspected the combined tcl/gelato memory householding under fedora 8/64, because it had frozen at frame 110, which was probably after about an hour, I don't recall.A frame from a down-converted 720 movie file:The movies resulting from the script: ( 84 MB , 1920x1080 , 25 fps , mpeg4 video/sound ) ( 8.4 MB , 1280x720 , downconverted)If somebody is interested here is a jpg converted original frame from the sequence ( ).TV June 2008 NVidia has in their wisdom decided to make Gelato Pro freely downloadable, which is great to play with like on this page.TV (Dec 1 ' 08) I've done a new animation with a bit different tcl main animation script approach, main and utility scripts and examples frames and short animation movie segments are here [2] . Impression a a resulting frame:TV (Dec 10 '08) I think this approach would also work great for [3].
See also DataViewer (? This a demo of Final Film Frame Rendering, not 3D data viewing)