ffmpeg -i song.ogg song.mp3But the file names are much longer so I prefer this quick'n'dirty script ogg2mp3:
#! /usr/bin/tclsh proc ogg2mp3 {} { foreach fileName [lsort [glob -nocomplain *.ogg]] { set rootName [file rootname $fileName] set rootName1 [string map [list " " _ / -] $rootName] if {![file exists $rootName.mp3]} then { set err "" puts "converting $rootName ..." catch {exec ffmpeg -i $rootName.ogg $rootName1.mp3} err puts $err } } } ogg2mp3AMG: In most shells you can also type:
ffmpeg -i song.{ogg,mp3}This avoids the need to type the song name twice.
AMG: I found another "ogg2mp3" Tcl script: http://silmor.de/6/image/ogg2mp3