foo: unrecognized option `--bar' bar: file: No such file or directoryHere is suggested a simple gnuerr command to print error messages, similar to the GNU C Library error function. Of course, it's only useful in applications which aren't interactive (or which support non-interactive mode at least.) That is, in CLI applications.
- Variable
- program-short-name
file tail $::argv0It's put before the error message itself by the following procedures.
- Procedure
- gnuerr ?-exit returnCode? formatString ?arg arg ...?
- parse errorCode (if requested) and print POSIX error message after the message printed;
- something like error_at_line could be useful as well.
### gnuerr.tcl -*- Tcl -*- ## The following code is in public domain. ### Code: namespace eval ::gnuerr { variable program-short-name \ [ expr { [ info exists ::argv0 ] ? [ file tail $::argv0 ] : "" } ] namespace export gnuerr } proc ::gnuerr::prefix-lines { prefix text } { set result "" ## . append result \ $prefix [ string map [ list "\n" "\n${prefix}" ] $text ] } proc ::gnuerr::msg { formatString args } { variable program-short-name set s [ uplevel \#0 [ list ::format $formatString ] $args ] puts stderr [ prefix-lines "${program-short-name}: " $s ] } proc ::gnuerr::gnuerr { args } { if { [ llength $args ] < 1 } { error [ format "wrong # args: should be \"gnuerr %s\"" \ "?-exit returnCode? formatString ?arg arg ...?" ] } elseif { ! [ string equal "-exit" [ lindex $args 0 ] ] } { set exit 0 } elseif { [ llength $args ] < 2 } { error "expected argument after \"-exit\"" } elseif { [ set exit [ lindex $args 1 ] catch { incr exit 0 } ] } { error "expected integer but got \"$exit\"" } else { set args [ lrange $args 2 end ] } eval msg $args ## . if { $exit } { exit $exit } } package provide gnuerr 0.1 ### gnuerr.tcl ends here
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