Updated 2012-08-28 23:55:59 by LkpPo

o July 18, 2006

I'm a tcl/tk newbie. I'm still trying to learn the tcl way of programming which is kind of different to what I'm used to.

I'm now working on a function/procedure that would convert NUMBERS TO WORDS. I'll put the link here as soon as it is done.

[[Wiki formatting rules]]

CAU - Have you seen these : Bag of number/time spellers ?

Arlie - It looks similar to what I'm planning to work on.

o August 16, 2006

Arlie - I tried my hands on Gadgets and found it very interesting but I was not successfull in running the shorter version of Larry Smith.
 proc gadget { unused type methods } {
  set typeproc {
    set typeproc {
      upvar @var self
      @type self $method $args
    upvar $var self
    if { "$method" == "" } {
      return $self
    switch $method {
    regsub @var $typeproc $var typeproc
    proc $var { { method "" } args } $typeproc
  regsub @type $typeproc $type typeproc
  regsub @methods $typeproc $methods typeproc
  proc $type { var method args } $typeproc

Running the test code I got this output:
  gadget type number {
      =     {set self [expr $args]}
      ++    {set self [expr $self+1]}
      round {set self [expr round($self)]}
      sqrt  {expr sqrt($self)}
   gadget type int {
      =  {set self [expr round($args)]}
      ++ {incr self}
   gadget type Array {
      = - += {eval array set self $args }
      -=     {catch {unset self($args)}}
      @      {set self($args)}
      empty  {expr [array size self]==0}
      names  {array names self}
      {}     {array get self}
   gadget type List {
      =      {eval set self $args}
      +=     {lappend self $args}
      @      {lindex $self $args}
      empty  {expr [llength $self]==0}
      sort   {lsort $self}
      length {llength $self}
   gadget type File {
     =     {set self [eval open $args]}
     >>    {upvar $args var; expr [gets $self var]+1}
     <<    {puts $self $args}
     eof   {eof $self}
     open? {expr ![catch {seek $self 0 current}]}
     close {close $self}

  1 % number N = 1.5
  2 % Array A
  wrong # args: should be "Array var method args"
  3 % List L = {foo bar}
  4 % N = [N] * $N
  5 % set A(cat) Katze
  6 % A names
  wrong # args: should be "Array var method args"
  7 % L += grill
  8 % L = [L sort]
  9 % puts "[L] has [L length] elements, second is [L @ 1]"
  {} has  elements, second is
  10 %
  10 %  File F = "c:/gadget.tcl"
  11 % int i = 1
  12 % while {[F >> line]} {
  >     puts [i]:$line
  >     i ++
  >  }
  variable "var" already exists
  13 %  F close
  14 %

Can anyone help me on this?