Richard Suchenwirth 2006-04-05 - If you want to know the difference between two (one-byte)
encodings, the following codelet may help:
proc encodiff {e1 e2} {
set res ""
for {set i 32} {$i<256} {incr i} {
set c [format %c $i]
if {[encoding convertfrom $e1 $c] ne [encoding convertfrom $e2 $c]} {
append res [format %02X $i] \
[encoding convertfrom $e1 $c] | [encoding convertfrom $e2 $c]\n
set res
#-- Testing demo:
% encodiff iso8859-1 cp1252
80 |€
82 |‚
83 |ƒ
84 |„
85 |…
86 |†
87 |‡
88 |ˆ
89 |‰
8A |Š
8B |‹
8C |Œ
8E |Ž
91 |‘
92 |’
93 |“
94 |”
95 |•
96 |–
97 |—
98 |˜
99 |™
9A |š
9B |›
9C |œ
9E |ž
9F |Ÿ
Windows' cp1252 filled most of the "high control" positions with extra characters, but is otherwise identical to iso8859-1.