exec iexplore wsp://wiki.tcl.tk/4 &which starts PIE if it isn't active, with the given URL. However, as PIE is a singleton app, if it is running already, it is just raised and made to render the given URL. My idea was to collect some (up to 30 or so) "Best of" bookmarks, ordered first by categories, and then in any meaningful order that I like, and present them as a 2D grid of buttons.This bookmark collection is in the links list, having alternating name and URL. If the URL is ".", the name is taken to be a category, displayed as a label at the start of a new line. If not, the name is put on a button, fingernail-clicking on which (re)invokes PIE with that URL (with prefixed wsp://). That's all, some 25 lines of code, but it proves already very useful - to select another page, just lower (X) the PIE, as myPIE is lying just below it :-)
proc mypie {} { set links { Tcl . Recent wiki.tcl.tk/4 c.l.t groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.tcl?gvc=2&fwc=2 Chat mini.net/cgi-bin/chat.cgi Logs mini.net/tchat/logs/ News . AlterNet alternet.org/module/feed/mobile/ BBC news.bbc.co.uk/1/low/world/default.stm FAZ www.faz.net/s/Rub/Tpl~Epalmversion~Shomepage.html Heise www.heise.de/pda/newsticker/ LokReport www.lok-report.de/home_rechts.shtml NYT partners.nytimes.com/avantgo/main.html Salzburg www.salzburg.com/sn/pocket/index.html Spiegel www.spiegel.de/dertag/pda/avantgo/0,1958,r20=2@r21=2@r23=2@r10=2@r22=2@r24=2@r19=2@r139=2@r140=2,00.html tagesschau pda.tagesschau.de/ USAToday wap.usatoday.com/ Info . DB wap.bahn.de/bin/mobil/detect.exe/dox Google www.google.de/pda LEO pda.leo.org/ Telefon pda.klicktel.de/ Wapedia pda.de.wapedia.org/ Borowitz borowitzreport.com/ } set w .myPIE if ![winfo exists $w] { toplevel $w grid [label $w.0 -text myPIE] set n 0 set maxcol 5 set row {} foreach {name url} $links { if {$url eq "."} { if {[llength $row]>1} {mypie'row $row} set row [label $w.[incr n] -text $name] continue } set b [button $w.[incr n] -text $name -command "exec iexplore wsp://$url &" -height 2] lappend row $b if {[llength $row]==$maxcol} { mypie'row $row set row x } } if {[llength $row]>1} {mypie'row $row} } wm deiconify $w } proc mypie'row row { eval grid $row -sticky news }
Category Internet | Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming