wakeonlan.tcl 00:40:63:D5:2A:B9and you will note that the computer will power on. You'll need to obtain the tcludp extension as well. I packaged a udp.kit for Linux/Windows/OSX here [1]. Download udp.kit somewhere in your path. On Linux and OSX, chmod +x udp.kit to make it executable. On Windows, just copy it to c:\windows .
Tested on Linux, Windows and OSX
# wakeonlan.tcl - Steve Redler IV # # Create and send the magic packet needed to wake a halted # computer over the internet via broadcast UDP socket. # source [auto_execok udp.kit] package require udp 1.0.8 # Select the ipaddress and the port number. set ipaddress [lindex $argv 0] set port 32767 # Create a broadcast sending udp socket. set s [udp_open $port] fconfigure $s -buffering none -blocking 0 -translation binary fconfigure $s -broadcast 1 -remote [list $ipaddress $port] # Generate and send the magic packet set hw_addr [binary format H* [string map {: ""} [lindex $argv 1]]] set msg "\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff[string repeat $hw_addr 16]" # Lets send it 4 times to be safe for {set a 0} {$a < 4} {incr a} { puts -nonewline $s $msg after 100 } exit
2006-02-08 You'd better send this to the subnet broadcast IP address - JR SRIV Indeed, if you are sending the packet to a machine on your local lan segment, you should send it to the broadcast address. When you are sending it over the internet, then you will send the packet to the remote router/firewall, which needs to forward the packet to the broadcast address on the private network side. I've read that this is tricky when using a iptables based firewall/router. On my Belkin router at home, I was able to forward incoming port 32767 to on the private net side, and all worked well.
2006-02-09 SRIV Searching the net, I found the solution to forwarding the incoming packet to the internal broadcast address using iptables:
EXT_IF=eth0 the internet INT_IF=eth1 the private network iptables -A FORWARD -i $EXT_IF -p udp --dport 32767 -j ACCEPT iptables -A PREROUTING -t nat -i ! $INT_IF -p udp --dport 32767 -j DNAT --to ip neigh change lladdr ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff nud permanent dev $INT_IFBasically you forward to an unused private address, in this example, then the ip neigh command assigns the broadcast mac a permanent arp table entry.
AMG: Instead of port forwarding, you could run a server that listens for instructions on an Internet-facing TCP (or UDP) port and (perhaps among other things, use your imagination) will, on command, send the WOL packet to your local LAN.