source tcltest.tcl ;# we use a modified tcltest set keywords {} foreach {kw field descr default clearaftertest} { Name: name "Name for this test" test-1.1 1 Author: author "Author of this test" {} 0 Ask: ask "Ask a question of a human to check output" {} 1 Project: project "Project for these tests" {} 0 Remarks: remarks "Remarks about this test" {} 1 Description: description "Brief description of the test" {} 1 Only: -constraints "Only run this test if ..." {} 1 Setup: -setup "Run this before the test" {} 1 AlwaysSetup: always_setup "Run this before the test" {} 0 Output: -output "Expect this output" {} 1 Result: -result "Expect this result" {} 1 Cleanup: -cleanup "Code to cleanup afterwards" {} 1 AlwaysCleanup: always_cleanup "Code to cleanup afterwards" {} 0 Match: -match "Matching method exact|glob|regexp|ask" exact 0 } { lappend keywords $kw lappend keywords $field set descriptions($kw) $descr set defaults($kw) $default set clearaftertests($kw) $clearaftertest } foreach {c k} $keywords { set ::_($k) $defaults($c) proc $c {args} "set ::_($k) \$args" } proc AskProc {expected actual} { # puts "AskProc '$expected' '$actual'" if {$expected == {} && $actual == {}} { return 1 } elseif {$expected == $actual} { return 1 } else { # have to ask the operator ask $expected $actual } } tcltest::customMatch ask AskProc proc Test: {cmd} { set ::_(-body) $cmd puts "" puts "* $::_(name) - $::_(description)" foreach {v k} $::keywords { if {$k != "name" && $k != "description"} { if {$::_($k) != $::defaults($v)} { puts "** $v $::_($k)" } } } puts "** Test: [list $::_(-body)]" if {$::_(ask) != {}} { set ::_(-match) ask } if {[catch $::options(always_setup) err]} { puts "AlwaySetup: $::options(always_setup) failed with $err" } uplevel \#0 { tcltest::test $::_(name) \ $::_(description) \ [array get ::_ -*] } if {[catch $::options(always_cleanup) err]} { puts "AlwaySetup: $::options(always_cleanup) failed with $err" } foreach {v k} $::keywords { if {$::clearaftertests($v)} { set ::_($k) {} } } }
Category Testing