above page appears to be describing a GUI creator. However, it is in French, and French isn't a language which I read.
Sarnold : This is indeed a GUI creator, as a framework that wraps geometry managers. With cells, it is easy to get good-looking GUI fast and in a few lines. cells is designed to place widgets with pixel-precision.
package require cells
package require xcells
# a little size helper
proc size {x} {
expr 50*$x
cells create . {
# manager v : vertical placing (top to bottom)
cells::config +manager v -width 200 -height 100 +title "Cells testing"
# creates two 'cell' widgets, i.e. two new containers inside the toplevel
cells::create cell ctrl(2)
cells::with ctrl(0) {
cells::config -height 50 -width 200
# creates a simple text label
cells::create label lbl(1) -text "Please confirm or cancel the operation."
cells::with ctrl(1) {
# horizontal placing (left to right)
cells::config +manager h -height 50 -width 200 +pady 2 +padx 10
# creates two xbutton widgets
# xbutton widgets have width and height in pixels
cells::create xbutton btn(2) -width [size 2] -height [size 0.5] \
+padx [size 0.2]
cells::config btn(0) -text Confirm -command {exit} -height [size 0.5] -width 100
cells::config btn(1) -text Cancel -command {exit} -height [size 0.5] -width 100