Updated 2015-04-20 00:48:25 by pooryorick

Current Version: sugar 0.1 (for Tcl/Tk 8.3.4)

sugar is written and maintained under Tcl/Tk 8.4 (and moving up to 8.5).

KMG For legacy customer-support reasons I am constrained to using Tcl/Tk 8.3. I have implemented a back-port of sugar to Tcl/Tk 8.3.4 which runs all of the 8.4-compatible examples shipped with sugar. To use this back-port you will need 8.3-compatible versions of the lset and lindex commands from 8.4. You can get these from lset forward compatibility and lindex forward compatibility and save them to files called lset.tcl and lindex.tcl in the same directory as you save this back-port of sugar.
 # KMG (03 Sep 2005) - back-port of sugar 0.1 to Tcl8.3
 #  1) Changed all ' eq ' to ' == '
 #  2) Changed all ' ne ' to ' != '
 #  3) Source lset.tcl and lindex.tcl to emulate the 8.4 versions of those commands
 # Runs the standard example files shipped with sugar (except dictsugar.tcl which requires 8.5)
 source [file join [file dirname [info script]] lset.tcl]
 source [file join [file dirname [info script]] lindex.tcl]

 # Sugar - a macro system for Tcl
 # Copyright (C) 2004 Salvatore Sanfilippo
 # Under the same license as Tcl version 8.4

 ### Changes
 # 25Mar2004 - Added support for unique identifiers (sugar::uniqueName).
 # 25Mar2004 - Now macros can specify a list of arguments instead of
 #             a unique argument that will receive a list. For old behaviour
 #             just use 'args'.
 # 24Mar2004 - Modified the tailcal_proc transformer to use [foreach] for
 #             multiple assignments instead to create temp vars. Thanks
 #             to Richard Suchenwirth for the suggestion.

 ### TODO
 # - better macro error reporting (line numbers).
 # - call the macro system recursively for variable expansions?
 #   this allows to expand syntax that have to deal with
 #   variables interpolated inside other strings. (probably not).
 # - Write a better macro for [switch] using sugar::scriptToList.
 # - Write a macro that convert a subset of Tcl to critcl.
 # - sugar::interleaveSpace should remove spaces before the first
 #   element of type TOK from the original parsed command.
 #   This is not needed for simple macro expansion because the
 #   sugar::expand function does this automatically, but it's needed
 #   when playing raw with the output of sugar::scriptToList.
 # - Investigate on indentation changes with the tailrec macro
 #   (DONE: Fixed thanks to another related bug found by NEM).
 # - An API to provide unique variable names for macro expansions.

 package provide sugar 0.1

 namespace eval sugar {}
 namespace eval sugar::macro {}
 namespace eval sugar::syntaxmacro {}
 namespace eval sugar::transformermacro {}

 # An incremental id used to create unique identifiers.
 set sugar::unique_id 0

 # This global variable contains the name of the procedure being
 # expanded.
 set sugar::currentprocedure {}

 # Return the fully-qualified name of the current procedure.
 proc sugar::currentProcName {} {
     return $sugar::currentprocedure

 # Return the "tail" of the current procedure name.
 proc sugar::currentProcTail {} {
     namespace tail $sugar::currentprocedure

 # Return the namespace of the current procedure name.
 proc sugar::currentProcNamespace {} {
     namespace qualifiers $sugar::currentprocedure

 # Return an unique identifier that macros can use as variable/proc names.
 proc sugar::uniqueName {} {
     set id [incr sugar::unique_id]
     return __sugarUniqueName__$id

 # Initialize the state of the interpreter.
 # Currently this parser is mostly stateless, it only needs
 # to save the type of the last returned token to know
 # if something starting with '#' is a comment or not.
 proc sugar::parserInitState statevar {
     upvar $statevar state
     set state [list EOL]

 # The parser. It does not discard info about space and comments.
 # The return value is the "type" of the token (EOF EOL SPACE TOKEN).
 # It may be interesting to note that this is half of a simple
 # Tcl interpreter. variable expansions is ignored, while command
 # expansion is performed expanding macros if needed.
 # The fact that it is still so simple, compared to what it can
 # be in Python just to say one (much worst in Perl), it's an advice
 # that to add syntax to Tcl is a bad idea.
 proc sugar::parser {text tokenvar indexvar statevar {dosubst 0}} {
     upvar $tokenvar token $indexvar i $statevar state
     set token {}
     set inside {}
     set dontstop $dosubst
     while 1 {
         # skip spaces
         while {!$dontstop && [string match "\[ \t\]" [string index $text $i]]} {
             append token [string index $text $i]
             incr i
         # skip comments
         if {$state == {EOL} && !$dontstop && [string equal [string index $text $i] #]} {
             while {[string length [string index $text $i]] &&
                   ![string match [string index $text $i] \n]} \
                 append token [string index $text $i]
                 incr i
         # return a SPACE token if needed
         if {[string length $token]} {return [set state SPACE]}
         # check for special conditions
         if {!$dontstop} {
             switch -exact -- [string index $text $i] {
                 {} {return [set state EOF]}
                 {;} -
                 "\n" {
                     append token [string index $text $i]
                     incr i
                     return [set state EOL]
         # main parser loop
         while 1 {
             switch -exact -- [string index $text $i] {
                 {} break
                 { } -
                 "\t" -
                 "\n" -
                 ";" {
                     if {!$dontstop} {
                 \\ {
                     incr i
                     append token \\ [string index $text $i]
                     incr i
                 \" {
                     if {[string equal $inside {}]} {
                         incr dontstop
                         set inside \"
                         append token \"
                         incr i
                     } elseif {[string equal $inside \"]} {
                         incr dontstop -1
                         set inside {}
                         append token \"
                         incr i
                 "\{" {
                     if {[string equal $inside {}]} {
                         incr dontstop
                         set inside "\{"
                         append token "\{"
                         incr i
                     } elseif {[string equal $inside "\{"]} {
                         incr dontstop
                 "\}" {
                     if {[string equal $inside "\{"]} {
                         incr dontstop -1
                         if {$dontstop == 0} {
                             set inside {}
                             append token "\}"
                             incr i
                 \$ {
                     if {![string equal $inside "\{"]} {
                         if {![string equal [string index $text [expr {$i+1}]] $]} {
                             set res [LctSubstVar $text i]
                             append token "$$res"
                 \[ {
                     if {![string equal $inside "\{"]} {
                         set res [LctSubstCmd $text i]
                         append token "\[$res\]"
             append token [string index $text $i]
             incr i
         return [set state TOK]

 # Actually does not really substitute commands, but
 # exapands macros inside.
 proc LctSubstCmd {text indexvar} {
     upvar $indexvar i
     set go 1
     set cmd {}
     incr i
     while {$go} {
         switch -exact -- [string index $text $i] {
             {} break
             \[ {incr go}
             \] {incr go -1}
         append cmd [string index $text $i]
         incr i
     set cmd [string range $cmd 0 end-1]
     return [::sugar::expand $cmd]

 # Get the control when a '$' (not followed by $) is encountered,
 # extract the name of the variable, and return it.
 proc LctSubstVar {text indexvar} {
     upvar $indexvar i
     set dontstop 0
     set varname {}
     incr i
     while {1} {
         switch -exact -- [string index $text $i] {
             \[ -
             \] -
             "\t" -
             "\n" -
             "\"" -
             \; -
             \{ -
             \} -
             \$ -
             ( -
             ) -
             { } -
             "\\" -
             {} {
                 if {!$dontstop} {
             ( {incr dontstop}
             ) {incr dontstop -1}
             default {
                 append varname [string index $text $i]
         incr i
     return $varname

 # Return the number of lines in a string
 proc countlines {string} {
     llength [split $string "\n"]

 # interleave SPACE and EOL tokens in a Tcl list $tokens
 # representing a command. Also every token is
 # converted to the two-elements list representation
 # with type TOK.
 # The $origargv list is the output of the parser
 # for that command, and is used by interleaveSpaces
 # to make the indentation of the expanded macro as
 # similar as possible to what the used typed in the source
 # code.
 proc sugar::interleaveSpaces {tokens origargv} {
     set newargv {}
     for {set j 0} {$j < [llength $tokens]} {incr j} {
         lappend newargv [list TOK [lindex $tokens $j]]
         set idx [::sugar::indexbytype $origargv SPACE $j]
         if {$idx == -1} {
             lappend newargv [list SPACE " "]
         } else {
             # If possible, try to use the same argument
             # separator as the user typed it.
             lappend newargv [lindex $origargv $idx]
     # Use the same EOL string. That's always possible
     if {![llength $newargv]} {
         set newargv [list ";"]
     lset newargv end [lindex $origargv end]
     return $newargv

 # Transform a script to a list of lists, where every list is
 # a command, and every element of the list is an argument,
 # and is itself a two elements of list. The first element
 # is the token type, the second the toke value. The following
 # toke types are defined.
 # SPACE - Spaces, non significative for the execution, just separate arguments.
 # TOK   - Any significative token. The first element of type TOK is
 #         the command name.
 # EOL   - End of line.
 # This function is intended to be used directly or indirectly by macro,
 # that will do the processing, and then call listToScript to convert
 # it back in script.
 # Macros may want to call sugar::tokens for every command to work
 # more comfortably with it, and than reconvert to the
 # original format with sugar::interleaveSpaces.
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 # In theory sugar::expand should be modified to directly use this
 # instead of a local copy of almost the same code. They are actually
 # a bit different because sugar::expand does the processing for every
 # command, not in the entire script at once.
 proc sugar::scriptToList script {
     set i 0
     set result {}
     ::sugar::parserInitState parserState

     set eof 0
     while 1 {
         set command {}
         while 1 {
             set type [::sugar::parser $script token i parserState]
             switch $type {
                 EOF {lappend command [list EOL {}]; set eof 1; break}
                 default {
                     lappend command [list $type $token]
                     if {$type == {EOL}} break
         lappend result $command
         if {$eof} break
     return $result

 # That's really trivial ;)
 # The macro specification should guarantee that the list
 # is transformed into the source code by simple concatenation
 # of all the tokens.
 proc sugar::listToScript list {
     set result {}
     foreach c $list {
         foreach t $c {
             append result [lindex $t 1]
     return $result

 # Return true if the named macro exists, and store in macroName var
 # the fully qualified name of the procedure in charge to do expansion for it.
 proc sugar::lookupMacro {macroname procnameVar} {
     upvar 1 $procnameVar procname
     if {[catch {info args ::sugar::macro::__macroproc__$macroname}]} {
         return 0
     set procname ::sugar::macro::__macroproc__$macroname
     return 1

 # Macro expansion. It trys to take indentation unmodified.
 proc sugar::expand script {
     while 1 {
         set eof 0
         set i 0
         set result {}
         ::sugar::parserInitState parserState
         while {!$eof} {
             set argv {}
             set argc 0
             # Collect a command in $argv. Every token is a two-elements
             # List with the token type and value, as returned by expr.
             # Significative tokens are interleaved with space tokens:
             # syntax  macros will have a way to know how arguments where
             # separated.
             while 1 {
                 set type [::sugar::parser $script token i parserState]
                 if {[string equal $type EOF]} {
                     set eof 1
                 switch $type {
                     EOF {lappend argv [list EOL {}]; break}
                     default {
                         if {$type == {SPACE} && $argc == 0} {
                             append result $token
                         } else {
                             lappend argv [list $type $token]
                             incr argc
                             if {$type == {EOL}} break
             # Call macros for this statement
             if {[lindex $argv 0 0] != {EOL}} {
                 # Check if there is a macro defined with that name
                 set cmdname [lindex $argv 0 1]
                 # Call the macro associated with that command name, if any.
                 if {[sugar::lookupMacro $cmdname expander]} {
                     #puts "executing macro for $cmdname in procedure [::sugar::currentProcName]"
                     if {[catch {set tokens [eval $expander [::sugar::tokens $argv]]} errstr]} {
                         error "Macro '$cmdname' expansion error in procedure '$::sugar::currentprocedure': $errstr" $::errorInfo
                     set argv [::sugar::interleaveSpaces $tokens $argv]
                 # Call all the syntax macros. For now in random order.
                 foreach syntaxmacro [info command ::sugar::syntaxmacro::__macroproc__*] {
                     set argv [::sugar::interleaveSpaces [eval $syntaxmacro [::sugar::tokens $argv]] $argv]
             foreach arg $argv {
                 append result "[lindex $arg 1]"
         # Call all the transformer macros. For now in random order.
         # TODO: consider if it's better to move this as first
         # transformation.
         foreach trmacro [info command ::sugar::transformermacro::__macroproc__*] {
             set list [::sugar::scriptToList $result]
             set list [$trmacro $list]
             set result [::sugar::listToScript $list]
         # Reiterate if needed, otherwise exit.
         if {[string equal $script $result]} break
         #puts "AFTER:  '$script'"
         #puts "BEFORE: '$result'"
         #puts "---"
         set script $result
     return $result

 # Return the index of the $num-Th element of type $type in a list
 # of tokens.
 proc ::sugar::indexbytype {argv type num} {
     set idx 0
     foreach a $argv {
         foreach {t _} $a break
         if {$type == $t} {
             if {!$num} {
                 return $idx
             incr num -1
         incr idx
     return -1

 # Wrapper for [proc] that expands macro in the body
 # TODO: add a switch -nomacro to avoid macro expansion
 # for the given procedure.
 proc sugar::proc {name arglist body} {
     # Get the fully qualified name of the proc
     set ns [uplevel [list namespace current]]
     # If the proc call did not happen at the global context and it did not
     # have an absolute namespace qualifier, we have to prepend the current
     # namespace to the command name
     if { ![string equal $ns "::"] } {
         if { ![string match "::*" $name] } {
             set name "${ns}::${name}"
     if { ![string match "::*" $name] } {
         set name "::$name"

     set oldprocedure $::sugar::currentprocedure
     set ::sugar::currentprocedure $name
     # puts "+ $name"
     set body [::sugar::expand $body]
     # Call the real [proc] command.
     uplevel 1 [list ::proc $name $arglist $body]
     set ::sugar::currentprocedure $oldprocedure

 # Number of tokens of type TOK. Useful for arity checking in macros.
 proc sugar::tokensnum argv {
     set c 0
     foreach a $argv {
         if {[lindex $a 0] == {TOK}} {
             incr c
     return $c

 # Return values of all the tokens of type TOK as a list.
 proc sugar::tokens argv {
     set tokens {}
     foreach a $argv {
         if {[lindex $a 0] == {TOK}} {
             lappend tokens [lindex $a 1]
     return $tokens

 # Define a new macro
 proc sugar::macro {names arglist body} {
     foreach name $names {
         uplevel 1 [list ::proc ::sugar::macro::__macroproc__$name $arglist $body]

 # Define a new syntax macro
 proc sugar::syntaxmacro {name arglist body} {
     uplevel 1 [list ::proc ::sugar::syntaxmacro::__macroproc__$name $arglist $body]

 # Define a new transformer macro
 proc sugar::transformermacro {name arglist body} {
     uplevel 1 [list ::proc ::sugar::transformermacro::__macroproc__$name $arglist $body]

 # That's used to create macros that expands arguments that are
 # scripts. This kind of macros are used for [while], [for], [if],
 # and so on.
 proc sugar::expandScriptToken tok {
     set t [lindex $tok 0]
     set res [::sugar::expand $t]
     if {[string equal $t $res]} {
         return $tok
     } else {
         list $res

 # Macro substitution. Like [subst] but for macros.
 proc sugar::dosubst string {
     sugar::parserInitState state
     set idx 0
     sugar::parser $string result idx state 1
     return $result

 # Expand Expr's expressions. Try to don't mess with quoting.
 proc sugar::expandExprToken tok {
     set quoted 0
     if {[string index $tok 0] == "\{" && [string index $tok end] == "\}"} {
         set quoted 1
         set tok [string range $tok 1 end-1]
     set tok [sugar::dosubst $tok]
     if {$quoted} {
         set tok "{$tok}"
     return $tok

 # Get the N-th element with type $type from the list of tokens.
 proc sugar::gettoken {argv type n} {
     set idx [::sugar::indexbytype $argv $type $n]
     if {$idx == -1} {
         error "bad index for gettoken (wrong number of args for macro?)"
     lindex $argv $idx 1

 # Set the N-th $type element in the list of tokens to the new $value.
 proc sugar::settoken {argvVar type n value} {
     upvar $argvVar argv
     set idx [::sugar::indexbytype $argv $type $n]
     if {$idx == -1} {
         error "bad index for gettoken (wrong number of args for macro?)"
     lset argv $idx 1 $value

 # Macros to allow macros inside conditionals, loops and other Tcl commands
 # that accept scripts or [expr] expressions as arguments.

 sugar::macro while args {
     lset args 1 [sugar::expandExprToken [lindex $args 1]]
     lset args 2 [sugar::expandScriptToken [lindex $args 2]]

 sugar::macro foreach args {
     lset args end [sugar::expandScriptToken [lindex $args end]]

 sugar::macro time args {
     lset args 1 [sugar::expandScriptToken [lindex $args 1]]

 sugar::macro if args {
     lappend newargs [lindex $args 0]
     lappend newargs [sugar::expandExprToken [lindex $args 1]]
     set args [lrange $args 2 end]
     foreach a $args {
         switch -- $a {
             else - elseif {
                 lappend newargs $a
             default {
                 lappend newargs [sugar::expandScriptToken $a]
     return $newargs

 sugar::macro for args {
     lset args 1 [sugar::expandScriptToken [lindex $args 1]]
     lset args 3 [sugar::expandScriptToken [lindex $args 3]]
     lset args 4 [sugar::expandScriptToken [lindex $args 4]]
     return $args

 # That's still not perfect because messes with indentation.
 # Should use new scriptToList API to do it better.
 sugar::macro switch args {
     lappend result [lindex $args 0]
     set idx 0
     set isquoted 0
     while 1 {
         incr idx
         set arg [lindex $args $idx]
         if {$arg == {--}} {
             lappend result $arg
             incr idx
         if {[string index $arg 0] != {-}} break
         lappend result $arg
     lappend result [lindex $args $idx]
     incr idx
     # Handle the two forms in two different ways
     if {[llength $args]-$idx == 1} {
         set l [lindex $args $idx 0]
         set isquoted 1
     } else {
         set l [lrange $args $idx end]
     # Expand scripts inside
     set temp {}
     foreach {pattern body} $l {
         if {$body != {-}} {
             if {$isquoted} {
                 set body [lindex [sugar::expandScriptToken [list $body]] 0]
             } else {
                 set body [sugar::expandScriptToken $body]
         lappend temp $pattern $body
     # Requote it if needed.
     if {$isquoted} {
         return [concat $result [list [list $temp]]]
     } else {
         return [concat $result $temp]

 # Transformers included in sugar

 ################ a macro for tail recursion ##############
 # TODO: give a name to this kind of macros, and maybe provide
 # a function to 'encapsulate' the common part of this
 # kind of macros involving the redefinition of proc.
 proc sugar::tailrecproc {name arglist body} {
     # Convert the script into a Tcl list
     set l [sugar::scriptToList $body]
     # Convert tail calls
     set l [sugar::tailrec_convert_calls $name $arglist $l]
     # Add the final break
     lappend l [list {TOK break} {EOL "\n"}]
     # Convert it back to script
     set body [sugar::listToScript $l]
     # Add the surrounding while 1
     set body "while 1 {$body}"
     # Call [proc]
     uplevel ::proc [list $name $arglist $body]

 # Convert tail calls. Helper for tailrec_proc.
 # Recursively call itself on [if] script arguments.
 proc sugar::tailrec_convert_calls {name arglist code} {
     # Search the last non-null command.
     set lastidx -1
     for {set j 0} {$j < [llength $code]} {incr j} {
         set cmd [lindex $code $j]
         if {[sugar::indexbytype $cmd TOK 0] != -1} {
             set lastidx $j
             set cmdidx [sugar::indexbytype $cmd TOK 0]
     if {$lastidx == -1} {
         return $code
     set cmd [lindex $code $lastidx]
     set cmdname [lindex $cmd $cmdidx 1]
     if {[lindex $cmd 0 0] == {SPACE}} {
         set space [lindex $cmd 0 1]
     } else {
         set space " "
     if {$cmdname == $name} {
         #puts "TAILCALL -> $cmdname"
         set recargs [lrange [sugar::tokens $cmd] 1 end]
         set t [list [list SPACE $space] [list TOK foreach] [list SPACE " "]]
         lappend t [list TOK "\[list "]
         foreach a $arglist {
             lappend t [list TOK $a] [list SPACE " "]
         lappend t [list TOK "\] "]
         lappend t [list TOK "\[list "]
         foreach a $recargs {
             lappend t [list TOK $a] [list SPACE " "]
         lappend t [list TOK "\] "]
         lappend t [list TOK break] [list EOL "\n"]
         set code [linsert $code $lastidx $t]
         incr lastidx
         lset code $lastidx [list [list SPACE $space] [list TOK continue] [list EOL "\n"]]
     } elseif {$cmdname == {if}} {
         #puts "IF CALL"
         for {set j 0} {$j < [llength $cmd]} {incr j} {
             if {[lindex $cmd $j 0] != {TOK}} continue 
             switch -- [lindex $cmd $j 1] {
                 if - elseif {
                     incr j 2
                 else {
                     incr j 1
                 default {
                     set script [lindex $code $lastidx $j 1]
                     #puts "$j -> $script"
                     set scriptcode [sugar::scriptToList [lindex $script 0]]
                     set converted [sugar::tailrec_convert_calls $name $arglist $scriptcode]
                     lset code $lastidx $j 1 [list [sugar::listToScript $converted]]
     return $code

See Also: sugar, Snit under Tcl/Tk 8.3