% source serial.tcl % serial create s % foreach fruit {apples oranges pears banannas} { > puts [format {%03d %s} $s $fruit] >} 001 apples 002 oranges 003 pears 004 banannasAnyway, I'm so impressed by my own cleverness, that I need to post it online immediately. (It needs SubCommands and named arguments to work...
#serial.tcl #Copyright April 13, 2005 - Pierre Coueffin source subcommands.tcl proc serial {command args} { subcommand $command args { create {var {start 1} {step 1}} { incr start [expr -1 * $step] upvar $var v if {[regexp {read {serial trace (-?[0-9]+)}} \ [trace info variable v]]} { error "The variable $var has already been declared serial." } set v $start trace add variable v read [list serial trace $step] } array {var vals {step 1}} { upvar $var v foreach {idx val} $vals { set v($idx) [expr $val - $step] } trace add variable v read [list serial trace $step] } trace {step var idx _op} { upvar $var v if {$idx == {}} { incr v $step } else { incr v($idx) $step } } forget {var} { upvar $var v trace remove variable v read \ [list serial trace [serial stepsize v]] } stepsize {var {newstep {}}} { upvar $var v if {[llength $newstep] > 0} { serial forget v serial create v $v $newstep return $v } else { regexp {read {serial trace (-?[0-9]+)}} \ [trace info variable v] match step return $step } } last {var} { upvar $var v return [incr v [expr -1 * [serial stepsize v]]] } default {} { error "serial: I don't know how to \"$command\"!" } } }
SS With Jim Closures it's as simple as:
proc make-counter {} {lambda {} {{i 0}} {incr i}} set s [make-counter] foreach fruit {apples oranges pears banannas} { puts [format {%s %s} [$s] $fruit] }output:
1 apples 2 oranges 3 pears 4 banannas
[Pierre Coueffin]:Wow, you're fast! I had a few other samples to post, but you managed to slip the edit in while I was checking that the last one worked... I'll just tuck them away here:
% puts $s 5 % puts $s 6 % serial last s 7 % serial last s 7 % serial stepsize s 1 % serial stepsize s 10 7 % puts $s 17 % set s 5 5 % puts $s 15 % puts $s 25 % puts $s 35Or how about an array of them?
% serial array sa {0 0 1 5 bob 3} 2 % puts $sa(0) 0 % puts $sa(0) 2 % puts $sa(0) 4 % % puts $sa(bob) 3 % puts $sa(bob) 5 % puts $sa(bob) 7
escargo 2005-04-13: This very much like Icon generators, which produce a new value when they are invoked. (Icon generators cannot have their current value and step size increased like these can.)
RS has this variation:
set s 0 trace var s r {incr s ;#} foreach fruit {apples oranges pears bananas} { puts [format {%s %s} $s $fruit] }which shows
1 apples 2 oranges 3 pears 4 banannas
rdt Wow, leave it to RS to come up with a simple, easy to use solution. Thanks.