[I should make a point of explaining clearly that there are several distinct approaches to CGI coding with Tcl, including:
- ncgi
- cgi.tcl
- JM Ivler's book BOOK CGI Developer's Resource - Web Programming in Tcl and Perl
- http://cui.unige.ch/eao/www/prod/http-query-setup.txt
- "by hand", described in "Writing simple CGI applications using vanilla Tcl" and "Using Tcl to write CGI applications"
- "Wikit under CGI"
- cgilib.tcl from Brent Welch's BOOK Practical Programming in Tcl and Tk, Third edition. ncgi is descended from and largely supersedes cgilib.
- websh can be used in CGI mode for Apache 1.3 and 2.0
- cgi by hand
- Playing CGI
- cgibitch
- FastCGI is also likely to be of interest.
- cgiget
To the extent that CGI is used in the casual sense of "dynamically generated web pages, or forms handling, or Web application", there is also AOLServer, with its built-in TCL interpreter and database hooks, and nstcl, which is a TCL-only extension which has AOLServer's API to http queries and database handling, as well as a templating library.As is Apache Tcl and Rivet.Tclhttpd supports dynamically generated content, and also optionally implements the vanilla CGI API as one of its Tclhttpd Domains.