Updated 2013-01-29 02:19:00 by RLE

Peter Newman 17 January 2005 ------------------------ Unified Programming Language

To me it seems best if all of UPL's sources, docs and binaries were stored in a centrally defined directory tree structure. Something like (for example):-
 +-- Tcl
     +-- Commands
     |   +-- set
     |   |   +-- Core Version
     |   |   |   +-- Joe Blogg's Core Version Clone #1
     |   |   |   |   +-- doc
     |   |   |   |   +-- bin
     |   |   |   |   +-- src
     |   |   |   +-- Joe Blogg's Core Version Clone #2
     |   |   |   |   +-- doc
     |   |   |   |   +-- bin
     |   |   |   |   +-- src
     |   |   |   +-- Mellissa Pratt's Core Version Clone
     |   |   |   |   +-- doc
     |   |   |   |   +-- bin
     |   |   |   |   +-- src
     |   |   +-- UPL Versions
     |   |       +-- Procedural-Command Oriented
     |   |       |   +-- Mike Willis
     |   |       |   |   +-- doc
     |   |       |   |   +-- bin
     |   |       |   |   +-- src
     |   |       |   +-- David Bowie
     |   |       |   |   +-- doc
     |   |       |   |   +-- bin
     |   |       |   |   +-- src
     |   |       |   +-- Ella Fitzgerald
     |   |       |   |   +-- doc
     |   |       |   |   +-- bin
     |   |       |   |   +-- src
     |   |       +-- Object-Method Oriented
     |   |           +-- Joe Bloggs
     |   |           +-- Osuma vin Leaden
     |   +-- global
     |       +-- etc etc
     +-- Data Types
     |   +-- Scalar Variables
     |   |   +-- Joe Bloggs Traditional Tcl locals And globals
     |   |   +-- Perl Type: My Our and Global
     |   +-- Lists
     |   |   +-- Traditional Tcl Lists
     |   |   |   +-- This implementation...
     |   |   |   +-- That implementation...
     |   |   +-- Scheme Lists
     |   +-- Arrays
     +-- Parsers
         +-- Traditional Core Tcl
         |   +-- Joe Bloggs Version
         +-- Complete UPL Suite
         |   +-- Parser (To Tokenised Form)
         |   +-- Tree Executioner
         |   +-- Byte-Code Compilier (For Machine Independence)
         +-- High Speed Direct Executioner
         +-- Tokenised Form For Translation To C
         +-- etc etc

FTP Site

There would probably be a copy of the directory tree on an FTP site somewhere.

Programmers wanting some module would then have a central repository to download it from.

And programmers wanting to distribute a module would have a central repository to upload it to.

Local Copy

Programmers would also be able to mirror any part or all of or all of the tree to their local hard disk. Obviously, that's not difficult to do. Tcl being a good language to write such programs in.