Richard Suchenwirth 2004-10-25 - Convert Canadian postcodes (only the first three characters) to USPS ZIP+4 codes:
proc ca2us {postcode} {
set map {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -
A B C D E F G H I - J K L M N O P Q R - S T U V W X Y Z}
set res 00101-
foreach {a b c} [split [string toup $postcode] ""] break
foreach i {a b c} {
append res [format %02d [lsearch $map [set $i]]]
set res
% ca2us M3H
The first letter maps to province as follows (condensed from [
A NL Newfoundland and Labrador
B NS Nova Scotia
C PE Prince Edward Island
E NB New Brunswick
G,H,J QC Quebec
K,L,M,N,P ON Ontario
R MB Manitoba
S SK Saskatchewan
T AB Alberta
V BC British Columbia
X NU/NT Nunavut (X0A..C)/Northwest Territory (X0E, X0G, X1A)
Y YT Yukon Territory
This specification can be neatly translated into a Tcl function to determine the province from a Canadian postcode:
proc ca'province postcode {
switch -- [string index $postcode 0] {
A {return NL}
B {return NS}
C {return PE}
E {return NB}
G - H - J {return QC}
K - L - M - N - P {return ON}
R {return MB}
S {return SK}
T {return AB}
V {return BC}
X {if [regexp {^X0[ABC]} $postcode] {return NU} else {return NT}}
Y {return YT}
default {error "$postcode cannot be matched to a province"}